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Jokes (HA HA HA HA HA ... ha)


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My girlfriend just randomly started screaming at me for no reason.


I said "Well that would make you 4th best, you thick cunt."




FIFA blames Panorama for 2018 World Cup bid failure.


FIFA says: "England crossed the line."


Ohhh, you fucking noticed that one this time did you?




The wife just gave me a massive bollocking for throwing a snowball at our son.


To top it off, I've been banned from the maternity ward.




Well, that's my Christmas ruined.

I've just seen on Wikileaks what my parents have got me.




I lost my wife in a car crash yesterday.


It's her own fault for not wearing a seat belt in a convertible, fuck knows where she went.

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Whats hairy on the outside, wet on the inside, starts with a C, ends in T and has the letters U and N in the middle?


A coconut.




I was chatting to some bird outside the pub last night.

She dropped a coin on the floor and bent over to pick it up.

I said, "While you're down there".

She unzipped my trousers and started sucking my cock, I couldn't believe it.

I only wanted her to tie up my shoe lace.

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My girlfriend broke up with me yesterday because of my obsession.


She said, "I'm sick of it. You actually believe that you're a Transformer. It's stupid. I've had enough and I'm leaving you."


I said, "But, Baby, I can change."


She said, "There you go again!"

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Came home the other day to find my girlfriend sat on the doorstep with her bags packed.


She said "I'm leaving you because I heard you were a pedophile"


I said "That's a bit word for a six year old"





A man and a child are walking through the forest late at night.


The boy says "I'm scared"


The man says "Just think about how I feel, I have to walk back alone"

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What do you do if your girlfriend starts smoking?


Slow down and use some lubricant.




What's the difference between pink and purple?


The grip.




What did the cannibal do after he dumped his girlfriend?


Wiped his ass.

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So, I got "Inception" on DVD for Christmas. Had to open 4 DVD cases to get to the disk though.


I asked Santa for something to wear and something to play with.I got a pair of trousers with holes in the pockets.

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A family are driving behind a garbage truck when a dildo flies out and thumps against the windscreen.


Embarrassed, and to spare her young son's innocence, the mother turns around and says, "Don't worry; that was an insect."


To which, her son replies, "I'm surprised it could get off the ground with a cock like that."




No YouPorn I do not want to play poker, I'm at work.

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Venison's dear, isn't it?


Stationery store moves!



Both stolen from a Jimmy Carr standup I saw recently where he was attempted the world's shortest jokes, 4 word and 3 word. He may even have had a 2 word one, I can't remember it now tho.

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Venison's dear, isn't it?


Stationery store moves!



Both stolen from a Jimmy Carr standup I saw recently where he was attempted the world's shortest jokes, 4 word and 3 word. He may even have had a 2 word one, I can't remember it now tho.

I believe it was Dwarf Shortage.


Do I agree that education is getting too expensive?To a degree, yes.

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My mate told me this joke and I thought it was a little funny...although it could potentially offend one person here, haha.


Boyfriend and girlfriend come home from a date.

Girlfriend tells her mom she's going up to her room with her boyfriend.

Mom seems a bit hesitant at first but let's them

Both go upstairs and after five minutes, mom hears girl scream "BABY! BABY! BABY! OH!"

Mom runs upstairs and bursts into the girl's room.

"Oh my God, GET OUT, MOM! I'M HAVING SEX!" she screams.

"Oh thank fuck for that!" the mom says. "I thought you were listening to Justin Bieber!"


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