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Fuck YES. Today, I got to wear a cape.


Basically, we have a house system in school where everybody (teachers, cleaners, pupils, bus drivers, everyone) belongs to one of three houses. I'm in Linford (blue) and one of my good friends is in Dockens (yellow). Today was "House Colour's Day", so you have to wear something featuring the colour of your house.


I had decided a few months back that I wanted a cape. Just because. I'm the junior school leader of my house, so you have to put in a bit of an extra effort.



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I really liked the look of this suit online, but in person it made me look like a TV show presenter :( disappointing




Also didn't help that they didn't have my size.


The tailoring of the suit is good, but the colour isn't that great. I hate dat feel where you are certain that some clothes will be the greatest of all time, yet they turn out to be disappointments.


Finding a good suit is hard.

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That suit is dope. I was looking at getting one that was a bit darker than that, but had a sort of gloss to the material. Then I realised I can't pull off anything that isn't black.


It was like that one Matthew McConaughey was wearing on the Graham Norton show a few weeks back. Not that I watch the Graham Norton show.

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I actually don't watch Graham Norton so I have no idea. Next had one that was a bit darker which I think would work better, but Topman fits me better. Although annoyingly they only had one super skinny suit. Flagship store my eye!

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It was my first time in years going to a normal shop (I think I was in New Look) that isn't George at Asda because...THE STUFF ACTUALLY FITS ME IN THERE! (although I didn't buy anything because...well...none of it was really my style and half of the stuff I've seen in there was either a bit too expensive at the moment or just was not my style. Cool suits though!). However, I did buy this fucking amazing watch where you touch it and it displays the time for like 5 seconds and then vanishes. Looks so cool.




Kicking myself because I saw it for half the price online but hey, it was a good day and I really needed a watch so...yeah!

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You have great teeth. Am jealous.


I have to admit that I'm VERY fortunate to have such good teeth, because I've only been to visit the dentist twice in my whole life (and one of those occasions was 2 years back to get some fillings).


Because you spend all of your money on Breaking Bad shirts?


Touche ;) Although the t-shirt was actually a gift, but I always end up spending money elsewhere and never where I actually need to spend it, so the point is pretty accurate actually!

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