Mr_Odwin Posted August 20, 2013 Posted August 20, 2013 bob said: What the hell is going on in here? I leave for one day.... No nudes, but here is a picture of me presenting my crotch whilst sat on something. Bonus point to anyone who can tell me what! That thing in Hyde Park, London. (I was there a few weeks ago and saw it.)
Aneres11 Posted August 20, 2013 Posted August 20, 2013 drahkon said: These are for @Aneres11 :p Sorry, didn't put a lot of effort into tucking the shirt in perfectly Reveal hidden contents I need a belt Loving it drahkon. Shirt looks great. Suggestion: Invest in some tan / brown (preferably tan) boots either desert boots or a good pair of brogues. Even brogue boots are a great option. They would look great with that outfit and really tie it all together. Your footwear in the pic is fine, but the bottom half is more casual than the top because of it, and being such a dapper chap taking the smartness up a notch would really work for you. Alternatively, that exact outfit with a plain grey / white tee rather than the shirt and keeping the current casual footwear on would be a really good laid back / casual look! But with the shirt I deffo say smarter footwear! : peace: One more thing - if you do invest in a belt, remember to never EVER wear black shoes and a brown belt and vice versa. Always match them. Not to the point where they are exact, just don't do black and brown. It causes for a frown. Innit.
bob Posted August 20, 2013 Posted August 20, 2013 Mr_Odwin said: That thing in Hyde Park, London. (I was there a few weeks ago and saw it.) Correct! You get one point. Current scores are: Mr_Odwin - 1 bobpoint Everyone else - 0 bobpoints
Magnus Posted August 20, 2013 Posted August 20, 2013 Aw, man. I was going to say that it was a thing.
drahkon Posted August 20, 2013 Posted August 20, 2013 Aneres11 said: Alternatively, that exact outfit with a plain grey / white tee rather than the shirt and keeping the current casual footwear on would be a really good laid back / casual look! But with the shirt I deffo say smarter footwear! : peace: Thanks for the advice. Will invest in some brown boots probably in one or two months. I ordered a couple of stuff now and I need to watch the moneys :p Coincidentally I ordered these two days ago: I know, they are casual but at least I have some brown shoes now to combine with other outfits. Quote One more thing - if you do invest in a belt, remember to never EVER wear black shoes and a brown belt and vice versa. Always match them. Not to the point where they are exact, just don't do black and brown. Will keep that in mind. Have bought two belts (black and brown ) some time ago. Should arrive this week. We need a separate thread for this! :p
Aneres11 Posted August 20, 2013 Posted August 20, 2013 drahkon said: We need a separate thread for this! :p We had one. I created a fashion thread but it kinda got messy. People who weren't into fashion saying stuff like there was no way you could be individual if you bought stuff from Topman. It was quite funny actually. But definitely check fashionbeans out! Or other fashion places - it's probably easier to get feedback there anyway as everyone is there for the same reason!
Dannyboy-the-Dane Posted August 20, 2013 Posted August 20, 2013 A couple of weeks ago I was at Ribe VikingeCenter, a living recreation of a viking village back in my home town, and I got to try out some viking gear. I made a ridiculous face, and of course my best friend snapped a photo on his cell.
EEVILMURRAY Posted August 21, 2013 Posted August 21, 2013 bob said: Bonus point to anyone who can tell me what! To expand on Odwin's post - the World's most retarded greenhouse climbing frame hybrid. More points please.
bob Posted August 21, 2013 Posted August 21, 2013 Well Odwin could have helped you, so i'm not sure about the points allocation. You are right though.
nightwolf Posted August 21, 2013 Posted August 21, 2013 Pancake said: Eagle on mah headz! Eagle don't give a fuuuuck.
Rummy Posted August 21, 2013 Posted August 21, 2013 Pancake said: Eagle on mah headz! What is even going on here.
Pancake Posted August 21, 2013 Posted August 21, 2013 Yeah that eagle was chill as FUCK! It was on holiday and some dude randomly came up to us on the street with an eagle and asked if we wanted to play with it! And we were like... !!
drahkon Posted August 21, 2013 Posted August 21, 2013 Pancake said: It was on holiday and some dude randomly came up to us on the street with an eagle and asked if we wanted to play with it! Will do that, too! "Hey there, would you like to play with my eagle?" "Sure, but...where's the eagle?"
nightwolf Posted August 21, 2013 Posted August 21, 2013 drahkon said: Will do that, too! "Hey there, would you like to play with my eagle?" "Sure, but...where's the eagle?"
Fierce_LiNk Posted August 21, 2013 Posted August 21, 2013 Weight loss is going well. I'm hovering around the 70/71kg mark. Couldn't decide which photo I preferred more, so added both. I also got a hair cut last week and think I prefer having it shorter. Might keep it this way for a while now. Also also, I forgot I had this t-shirt and was delighted to see it fitting nicely. It used to be a bit tight before hand around the stomach, but it's great atm. Will also need to get a new phone as the camera on this one is baaaad.
Mr_Odwin Posted August 21, 2013 Posted August 21, 2013 Need nekkid shots please, so that we can do some hard admiring. (You may cover your junk.)
Ashley Posted August 21, 2013 Posted August 21, 2013 Mr_Odwin said: Need nekkid shots please, so that we can do some hard admiring. (You may cover your junk.) Is that an open request or just for Flink?
bob Posted August 21, 2013 Posted August 21, 2013 I think it's fairly obvious right hand up is the better picture. My right, not yours, clearly.
Mr_Odwin Posted August 21, 2013 Posted August 21, 2013 Ashley said: Is that an open request or just for Flink? EVERYONE NAKED. WITH EAGLE ON HEAD IF POSS.
Ashley Posted August 21, 2013 Posted August 21, 2013 Actually there is a photo of Dan Dare in a bath somewhere on here (in one of the BISH threads). Maybe that will keep you going for now.
Fierce_LiNk Posted August 22, 2013 Posted August 22, 2013 Mr_Odwin said: Need nekkid shots please, so that we can do some hard admiring. (You may cover your junk.) I'm not comfortable enough to do that. Yeeeeet. Next summer, if I can get to my target weight/bodyfat percentage and look good, maybe then.
drahkon Posted August 22, 2013 Posted August 22, 2013 Fierce_LiNk said: target weight/bodyfat percentage and look good, maybe then. Noted. Question, how does the black watch go with the blue/white/red strap? Not entirely sure if it's working. If it isn't, no big deal, I'll wear the strap watchless Reveal hidden contents Love these bracelets. But my arm is a bit too thin
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