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Just now, Gadwin said:

After 6 months of driving lessons I passed my driving test this morning.

Passed on my second attempt. :D

@Gadwin that's excellent news! Congratulations! :D

I'm very happy for you my friend, I know how long you've been talking about wanting to pass and that you've put a lot of time and money into learning so I'm glad its paid off. :smile:

Let me know if you've ever planning a road trip down to Cornwall. ;)

In all seriousnes though, I hope that this will enable you to get a new job somewhere slightly further afield doing something that you really enjoy. :peace:

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been a chaotic few months, mostly due to work, but I finally left my job on the 6th. And due to annual leave (both taken to cover up until Christmas and not taken and being paid for) and some weird regulation meaning I'm getting redundancy pay I'm being paid for the whole of December and will get a bit in January. 

Decided to slack in work and go travelling. Not organised anything yet but think I'll do some European bits I've been meaning to do then it's on to the Americas, Canada, Australia, Japan, New Zealand and other places I've not figured out yet. 

Going to use it to visit friends dotted around and also some time to figure out what I want to do next (and where I want to live as the UK is not the one right now). Little bit scared of living more care free (used to routines) but it'll be good for me. 

Even just the last few weeks, which have been spent clearing my flat and getting rid of things, have been such a relief. My diet is better. I'm exercising more. Sleeping better. I just feel more relaxed. It's amazing what giving up work will do for you!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Working on a web app for the trip which is basically a semi-automated travel diary. My mother said "make sure you WhatsApp me each day so I know you're okay" so I've taken it a step further.

Basically created something so that I can 'check in' which gets the current location and time (and temperature because why not) and I can add a photo and description. Visitors to the site will then be able to see the most recent one (as well as details about what the current time and temperature is in the location) and then also see a history of all locations (start and end dates) and from there drill down to each of the entries.

Got most of that functionality now done and then after that I want to be able to basically do the same for plans (flights, hotels, excursions etc) which again visitors will be able to see. Looking to hook up the flight stuff to a flight tracking API as well so it shows the current flight status.

Spent the evening updating the check in process. It was looking very ugly but was a low priority as it was only for me, but tarted it up and it's looking quite nice now!

Figured this would be a good learning experience and it is :) Plus at the end of this I'll have lots of data to do something with. Unsure what at the moment but I'm sure I'll find a use.

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Got a free car today. Well, almost free. My dad bought a new car, so he's said I can have his old one, providing I buy him a McDonald's at some point.

It's nothing too glamorous, but it'll do as a workhorse and keep the miles off my Civic and Scirocco.


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As every year after the Christmas and New Year's holidays I need to lose some weight :D 

This time I'm trying to add a 24 hour- fast every week to my intermittent fasting that I've been doing for years now. It's not as bad as I expected. Last time I ate was yesterday at 3pm so only 3 more hours "to go".

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As documented in the purchases thread, I bought some Saturn games from @S.C.G. They arrived today, which is good news in itself, but alongside a little freebie*, there was this note, which also had a rather impressive drawing of the Saturn logo on the back:


It's the little things that make the difference, so I just wanted to highlight what a splendid chap Sam is. 

*a 1.72 scale Porsche, which matches the Golf and Beetle I already have. I don't think I've ever posted them here, so it's a hell of a good guess.

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Thanks for the kind words @Goafer :)

I'm glad to hear that you liked the extra item, I had a feeling that it might be something you'd appreciate and I'm relieved to know that everything including the games got there safely. :D

I like to include a note with anything I sell on the forum or privately as I think it makes a difference and once again, thank you for supporting N-Europe over the years. :peace:

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After almost 5 years with a maximum of 2mbps download speed (and about 600kbps upload :|) and that was on the rare occasions I had internet access at all,I now have usable internet (download speeds about 30 times faster than I am now used to now, and the ping is about a tenth of what I used to have).

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  • 1 month later...

So I've had a couple of good things happen. I've gone to a new gym and it's so awesome. Everybody's very friendly and helpful, the equipment is awesome and the classes are brilliant. Funnily enough, it's the cheapest I've ever paid for a gym and yet it literally has everything and more. I also managed to do a 10K run on Saturday as well and next month, I have a Swimathon to complete. I have to do 152 lengths in a 33m pool to reach 5K. It's a killer. I've got 3 hours to complete it and I can manage 55 lengths in an hour, which is not too far from a target but it's proper difficult. It's a challenge but I'm up for it.

Also, I've nearly completed my Level 2 Gym Instructor course as well. Hopefully in a month or two, depending on the timing of my jobs and what have you, you'll be talking to a qualified gym instructor! Woo!

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I have to do 152 lengths in a 33m pool to reach 5K. It's a killer. I've got 3 hours to complete it and I can manage 55 lengths in an hour, which is not too far from a target

I've got good news for you, your maths isn't quite as good as your swimming but that's actually within target :p

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I have to do 152 lengths in a 33m pool to reach 5K. It's a killer. I've got 3 hours to complete it and I can manage 55 lengths in an hour, which is not too far from a target
I've got good news for you, your maths isn't quite as good as your swimming but that's actually within target [emoji14]
Its pretty hard to do that pace for three hours though.

Doing anything for three hours sounds like to much hard work tbh.
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  • 1 month later...

Happy birthday to @ScottishGamecubeInIreland

Not only is this good stuff because someone, probably in Ireland, is having a birthday, but it’s also good stuff because it’s my new favourite forum name. 

18 posts, we hardly knew ye. 

Edit: Birthday shout out also to @Small Ambulance

The profile picture caps it off. I would like to know both of these people. Was choosing a good forum name really that difficult in the mid-late 2000s? 

Edited by Nicktendo
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  • 4 weeks later...

As much as this lockdown has really annoyed me and even, at one stage, really brought me down to one of the worst I've ever felt in my life, there has been some positives. I've almost completed my Level 3 Personal Training course, which was unlocked due to me near enough completing my Level 2 Gym Instructing course. I've only got four or five more assignments/studies left. 

It's also been good for my train of thought. If you remember, I was feeling rather stressed because of people and their behaviours. I've had 'friends' suddenly stop talking to me for whatever reason, I've had people acting weird...it played a lot on my mental health. Ever since this lockdown has happened, I've become closer to a couple of people I never thought of before and although this may change when everything goes back to normal, I'm enjoying the conversations we are having now. Another weird thing was that I randomly bumped into someone in the shops a few weeks back who I stopped talking to for a few years because we were constantly arguing. I forgot why- until now. Me and a group of us were talking on WhatsApp and we haven't spoke in a while but the constant jokes were about me and rarely about anyone else. It was just stuff about wondering when I was going to stop denying who I am and come out and similar shit even though they know I'm straight. I used to get it a lot in school and pretty much throughout my life because "my voice isn't how a man's voice should be", "no straight man would like ---", "you must be gay, you haven't had a girlfriend in so many years" or "no man is friendly, are you sure you're straight?" and it honestly just hit home. I thought they had grown up...but they haven't. Not really. And I have. I'm obviously older but I'm mature too and I would rather hang out with people who I can have a proper conversation with and have a laugh with rather than tear someone down.

I know I've posted that in the Good Stuff Thread but I have done because before, it would've upset me and I'd have put up with it and I would have just kept feeling worthless. Now, I respect myself more to just forget about them. I'm my own person and if they don't like it...well, they can fuck off, basically. I'm moving on to bigger and better things and I can't be doing with anyone dragging me down from that. In the end, I just said it was nice talking but I don't really do group chats because I have enough of them and logged out and I have never felt better.

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16 hours ago, Animal said:

. Another weird thing was that I randomly bumped into someone

It's people like you not practising social distancing which is only going to make things worse. TWO METRES BOY.


Sorry to hear about your "friends" though, bollocks to 'em.

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