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Every time you mention scirocco I just get Sussudio stuck in my head.


Back home for the weekend and went to a restaurant last night. In these parts I'm used to having the option of a vegetarian lasagne, maybe a curry or maybe a bean burger but the place we went to had a few options but the host said they were out of the vegetarian fish (halloumi) and chips to which I said something like "shame, was going to go for that". Few minutes later he popped back saying they'd sent someone out to get halloumi.


Clearly my looks were *100 emoji* yesterday.

Edited by Ashley
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So two things:


1. It seems I'm well again! It took a few days (count about 5) before I started to feel like my normal self and a few worried calls to the doctors/nurse, but I'm now on the mend and trying to be a bit more active about my diet. (aka wheat/lactose/no alcohol etc)


2. My partner got approved for moving in! Next step references, but otherwise me and him will be living together October 26th...eeeep!

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Went to my first meeting Friday in a small group for people with issues writing their master's thesis and other big papers, and it was really good! The other attendees were friendly, the psychologist seemed very competent, and I'm already trying out a work plan to slowly ease me into a rhythm without triggering my anxiety too much.

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Switched banks last week, the final message came through saying my money has been transferred this morning.


Basically, HSBC (the bank i was with before) kept locking out my online account. This was after using the codes they provided to get it going, and having to wait an hour (most of the time, 30 minutes) on hold on the phone to get through to someone. Could never get through, so complained about it. They said "sorry" and gave me £30 to go towards the calls i've needed to make. So, decided to switch my account over to TSB. They did all the work, direct debits set-up (and one or two came out before my money was transferred, but they've refunded the overdraft charge).

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The current account switching service is fantastic. So glad they brought it in as the majority of people never switch accounts as they think it's too much work.


Indeed, it was all done within a week. Can't fault it.


Couldn't imagine doing it myself, probably would have forgotten a direct debit or two.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Surprisingly productive day after yesterday's shenanigans - got at least one job interview lined up, got my bike fixed, got a refund for my mostly unused season ticket. Think I'll skip karate class tonight though, need a little mental-health related TLC.

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Went to the Zelda: Symphany of the Goddesses last night





We both absolutely loved it. There was a good mixture of music from different games, and I was really glad that Dragon Roost Island got its own part. It all sounded incredible.


I'd definitely do something similar again.


Also, we picked the cheapest seats available...they were actually in really good spots. I think I'd actually prefer where we sat over the more expensive seats.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Do you know which show? I'll definitely tune in.


The only thing I remember hearing was that it'll most likely be broadcast on the 10th of December, but it might be Hokkaido TV only. I'll let you know when I get more details as I had no idea who any of these guys were but I imagine they're quite famous given how the girl I was eating with's jaw dropped wide open when they came in.

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Discovered a lemon meringue pie for less than a pound on reduction at Sainsburys just as one of the best pieces of Splatoon music came on shuffle.


That'll do, Wednesday. That'll do.




Shadow of the Colossus - Gatekeeper of the Castle Ruins followed.


Wednesday, you spoil me.

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