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The image being above the text of that tweet kills the joke a bit, and Lad Bible are basically pinching a joke I saw a couple of days prior. Since it rhymes with "review" you can do it with pretty much any video with the right number of syllables. Still, win for Rez there, hope it got him some more traffic :)

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Isn't it though.


Not a colossal uptick, but it's cool to be getting comments and stuff. Weirdly/coincidentally, its a few days after the most views in one day we've ever had (and it's not like it's steadily increasing, it's very up and down, but yeah).


But as I say, very cool, and the little bit of extra attention is cool. The first peak is it on Lad Bible Twitter, and the second peak is it on Lad Bible Instagram, the day after.


Shame there was no credit and channel name wasn't in it.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally platinumed Just Cause 3, The game giltched and didn't give me something when it was supposed to so I had to do everything again. It didn't help that I was already 98% done when it happened.


So I had to go through the entire game again, but now it's done ...yeay?

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This time next week, I'll be starting the first day of what could be a new life in Japan.


I've been pretty inactive this year as it's been a pretty hectic year. Certain things ramped up at work and the supervisor role kept me incredibly busy, split up with my partner after a pretty rocky period (amazing how a long distance relationship can cause so much damn stress) and I vowed that the money I had saved up to get out of my £2000 overdraft and to go visit her in the states will instead go to expediting my overall goal of returning to Japan.


A couple of years back, my application for the JET program was declined and I had always kept my eye out for jobs that would sponsor your visa application but many of them required candidates to be present in the country with a visa that had permission to work, which makes entry quite difficult. So I spent the majority of this year being quite frugal with my money until I had met all the criteria to apply for a working holiday visa which would not only get me into the country for a year long period. I had other options such as going for certain English conversation schools but you're stuck any where they need you, you get little say as to preferences as to where to stay.


In July I was successful in my application for the visa which made me considerably busier as I had so much stuff to sort out and making sure I saw the most of people I might not see for a people. I'm hoping I can get into one of these jobs that will sponsor your change in visa status to a working visa, so I can stay out for as long as I'm employed. It's a huge gamble but it's time to start banking on my degree with proof of my language skills.


Last time I knew the score, I get 12 months and have to be back to finish my university course so it was pure excitement to go out there and have a fucking blast. This time, it's a little different, the anxiety is understandably there but I'm also a little sad that all the little things I had here that got me through the hard times, the rough work weeks, isn't going to be so readily available any more. A really big example of this is for the last year and a half, every Friday I've had the pleasure of hanging out with the lovely @Guy and Vera, anything that was offered to me on a Friday I would decline as I love hanging out with them and they've always been so welcoming. Funny how we've been good friends online for the best part of a decade and despite our proximity, never thought to simply hang out before that point aha.


It's been a crazy rocky year and I'm about to enter what could be the most uncertain period of my life. Looking forward to my holiday period in Tokyo for the first week, and then onwards to Sapporo, the city which stole my heart from the moment I arrived for my foreign exchange.

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Really glad you're able to give it another go over there. Hope it all works out for you but you seem to have proven you'll work hard towards it anyway so I'm sure you'll land on your feet!


Enjoy the last week in the UK too!

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@Debug Mode You'll have a great time, and don't worry too much about where the year takes you, it will be a great adventure whatever happens. A year is a long time and more than enough to get yourself a job that will transfer the visa to a permanent one for you.


I did the same thing as you almost two years ago, so if you have any questions feel free to give me a shout anytime. I'm sure you have lots planned while you're in Tokyo, but if you fancy dinner/drinks after work one night I'd be more than happy to take you out.

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@Debug Mode when I was in a particularly rough patch a year or so back, one thing that got me through it was N-E clanmates on Destiny on PS4. That'll work wherever you are in the world (well, internet/electricity/timezone dependent!) so if you find yourself needing safe harbor grab a PS4 and join us on whatever loot-fest we're stuck into at the time :D Or Monster Hunter with the Wii U/3DS crowd if that's more your bag!


Pleasure to meet you earlier this month at the N-E meet, best of luck on the other side of the world :)

Edited by Shorty
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@Debug Mode You'll have a great time' date=' and don't worry too much about where the year takes you, it will be a great adventure whatever happens. A year is a long time and more than enough to get yourself a job that will transfer the visa to a permanent one for you.


I did the same thing as you almost two years ago, so if you have any questions feel free to give me a shout anytime. I'm sure you have lots planned while you're in Tokyo, but if you fancy dinner/drinks after work one night I'd be more than happy to take you out.[/quote']


Thanks for the words of encouragement, completely forgot there was another user settled in Japan!


I'll keep an eye out for any openings in my schedule and let you know asap, would be great to meet you! If you ever find yourself heading to Hokkaido, give me a shout, I might have an apartment and everything settled.


@Debug Mode when I was in a particularly rough patch a year or so back, one thing that got me through it was N-E clanmates on Destiny on PS4. That'll work wherever you are in the world (well, internet/electricity/timezone dependent!) so if you find yourself needing safe harbor grab a PS4 and join us on whatever loot-fest we're stuck into at the time :D Or Monster Hunter with the Wii U/3DS crowd if that's more your bag!


Pleasure to meet you earlier this month at the N-E meet, best of luck on the other side of the world :)


I am thinking about being a little cheeky and buying a PS4 when I arrive for Persona 5, I'll have to consider Destiny as well as it sounds like a heap of fun.


It was great meeting you too man!

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So I don't need another catheter huzzah!


The nurse removed the catheter this morning and told me I needed to urinate more than I was drinking and I had to measure both.


After many trials (and now I have to buy a new measure jug yay..) I passed 1100ml of urine when I'd drunk about 800-900ml. Which means that my body is now passing urine as it should. Although at this point in time I'm passing little and often, but it seems to be slowing down. Huzzah!


So glad to be rid of it, I have an emergency number in case anything happens over the weekend, but for now I can walk/sit and be free!

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Glad things are getting better for you @nightwolf!


I remember how horrid it was being stuck to an iv for 24 hours, let alone having shit like that up your dodah! >_<


Indeed, 2.5 weeks with that damn thing.


I definitely feel better today, I'm still not 100% but I've been keeping an eye on my stomach/bloating (that was the most obvious sign last time) and I seem to be ok right now. Obviously time will tell with this right now, but thank goodness something worked.

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A friend is having a baby and is clearing out a load of excess stuff to make room in the nursery. As a result, I just scored some totally sweet, gratis loot:




Best thing is, it's a Model 1, which means I now have a Model 1 and a Model 2:



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Had an awesome day out at Santa Pod Raceway for VW Action. Driving in, I could make out a few people saying "Scirocco" in an approving tone of voice. Even at VW shows, it seems they're pretty rare. Not particularly expensive or desirable, but rare enough to get positive feedback.


As soon as I got onto the show and shine section, another Scirocco pulled up next to me, so ended up chatting with him for a bit as we both got our cars ready to be judged. Also bumped into another member of the owner's club later in the day. It's great seeing old friends from various different places.


My old car was there, still looking pretty awesome:





There was one downside to the day. The show and shine was supposed to be for cars that are used as daily transport/regularly, with proper show cars being shown tomorrow. Any cars that look more like show cars than daily rides get ignored for the judging. Trophies go out to the 20 best cars (10 for aircooled cars, 10 for watercooled). This was one of the watercooled winners:




If that's in daily use, I'd be very surprised. Granted, the suspension was air ride, so could be raised to drive normally, but it's blatantly a show car, rather than someone's daily transport.


I wasn't expecting to win anything myself either way, but it would be nice if the Everyday Concours was actually judged on whether the cars were actually everyday cars. Some of the others were blatantly show cars, but the Harlekin Polo was the one that stood out the most.


Anyway, still a good day. Some photos (rest are in the Photography Thread as usual):







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