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Welcome, Dyson.

You last visited: 11-06-2014 at 03:22 AM


Dude you just want an excuse to slap down your gigantic smash wang. I'm fucking awful at it. We gotta do SF3 as well. I've got two arcade sticks and a thesaurus full of abuse.


Hopefully @Dyson can make it too.


Shit.. I think I might have missed this. Rematch? :heh:

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Second exam of this semester today. Should be well prepared : peace:


After that: Off to one of my best mates. Two ours of FIFA + alcohol. Then off to a lady, some more drinking with her, another girl (the possible love interest of my mate) and another couple.

And then it's time for a 90s party in a club :laughing:




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Feeling alright today, was very worried earlier. I was trying to submit a request for my final legal secretary certificate thing assignment. But couldn't find the course on the website on my account, it was saying that I hadn't enrolled on the course etc. I had a horrible feeling that the course time had ended and I'd wasted £500 on nothing. I actually felt physically sick. I did consider emailing them about me not being able to see the details but I decided to play ignorant and wing it and submit it.


Coming home from work I find an email confirming the assignment. Big fucking relief.



And taken from the Majora's Mask thread:


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Come on now Bard, that seems like exactly the kind of Valentines Day message you'd love.


Yeah, I like how it's signed "Sad Cunt" as if he's giving me the benefit of his own wisdom from a lifetime spent as a sad cunt.


This is the post that led them to you.


I reckon it was one of those PR representatives that you mentioned. Bastards!


As an insult I give it a 2/10. Sad cunt wont be earning his bonus this year.

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I did something and was worried it was going to be taken the wrong way. Luckily, it turned out fine.


I've mentioned the girl I asked out a month ago a few times. Well, we've become pretty good friends since then and she's been great with helping me through my depression. I decided to get her a gift to say thanks. The gift being a necklace as I know she likes them - and not expensive ones, but more ones that represent things she likes. There's a book series I know she loves, and I got her one that represents something in that.


Anyway, it arrived from America much quicker than I expected, so I put it in the post straight away. Then I realised something: it was going to arrive today. So I was sending a necklace to a girl (who knows I'm interested in her) on valentine's day.


Thankfully, she realised that it was a gift from a friend (and not anything romantic) and liked it.

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Had a week off following my birthday and it's been goooooood. I slept, I went places, I saw people, I ate and drank a lot.


Also got back into cycling a little bit (following my physio telling me to ease myself back in) and back into Unity3D. Followed some tutorials, watched many videos etc but today I've noodled around with a Batman sprite sheet and got him strutting (he's all about the shoulder swag), jumping, double jumping, crouching, punching, roundhouse kicking and getting 'hit' (although there's no enemy yet, he just walks into something and falls over, much like me). Feels good man.

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Everybody look at my sexy Disney collection! I now only have 3 more of the classics to get until I have every single Disney Classic available to buy in the UK on blu-ray! I just need Robin Hood, Brother Bear and Lilo and Stitch (which I could have bought today but one of the staff in CEX couldn't find the disc! Gutted!) and they're all in the old spine edition as well so I don't really need the slips! But to be honest, they look nice anyway so they're staying! Just chuffed how I have 3 more left! Apparently, it's not easy to find The Wild or Chicken Little numbered either so I feel a bit royal right now! lol.


Also, I went for a job interview for Tesco yesterday and it was a group interview. They asked us questions like "Tell me a time where you had to change your behaviour for a certain situation" (told them about the time I stopped five chavs from nicking a basketful of Lynx a few weeks back) and "Tell me a time when you went out of your way for somebody" (told them about a disabled woman who comes in regularly who I help). They made us build a tower out of paper and also decorate a flag. Oh and the tower needed to be 6ft and stand for a minute and the flag needed to be three different colours. I asked who was good at art and the girl said she had an art degree so I asked if she wanted to do the flag. The old man next to me used to make cars in Land Rover until he retired early so we were discussing how to build it. We started but we didn't get to finish the tower because we ran out of time and half of it fell, haha. We did a little work experience on the shop floor and then they called me up for a one-on-one interview. Told them a little about myself and stuff and they said they'd let me know next week if I got the job.


Tonight, I received a call and it was them. I picked up and the manager congratulated me and told me I got the job! It's 10 more hours than I'm on now, more pay than I'm on now and a lot less hassle and responsibility and apparently, there's not an awful lot to do compared to the job I'm in now. Win-win.


Oh and I found out that my friend from the shoe place applied there and she got a position there too! So chuffed! It's like a huge weight off my shoulders.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This thread is a bit buried.


I've had a weekend away from myself. Did an improv class yesterday that was enjoyable and a good way to randomly mingle with people I'll probably never see again. Then went to Corby last night and just got back. Spent the day lounging around, trying to visit a castle (closed) and pub hopping until we found one with food.


Been good to break out of my patterns and relax.

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Carrying on from the purchases thread.


We've been viewing houses for a while now and we found one we liked. We were prepared to make an offer, but we noticed that the mortgage promise we were given last year had expired. So we made the offer anyway (punk rock motherfuckers) and let the estate agent know that we had been promised a mortgage to cover our offer, but it had expired and needed renewing. They didn't seem bothered, but it's always worried us since we essentially had no guarantee that we'd be able to actually get a mortgage.


The owner accepted the offer, so we really needed the mortgage to go through. Our situation hadn't changed since the original promise, so it would be very unlikely that they'd refuse us a mortgage, but it still wasn't a 100% certainty.


Well, we had an appointment with the bank today and the amount that they'd lend us has actually increased. I don't think I've ever been so relieved in all my life. Now we just have to do all the paperwork/legal stuff, hope that the bank agrees that the house is worth what we plan to pay and then we'll end up with a lovely 3 bedroom house in the glorious countryside.

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