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good stuff thread.


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It's making my brain hurt from looking at it.


Why does it go up in 0.3 and 0.4 increments?


Why does it start at 1 and end at 4? Is that supposed to be like a 1st down to a pass (4th)?


Argh! I'm going to go and look at a nice standard scoring system out of 100 to calm myself down.

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Continued with the exercise! I'm still on a minimum of 30 push ups and 30 sit ups when I wake up and before I go to bed but I managed 100 push ups and 110 sit ups today (as a total over the course of the day, mind :P).


I'm gonna keep pushing until I look like Donkey Kong.

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So this starts as negative but I swear it's good.


My new boss started a couple of days ago and she's been pretty cold-ish with me. Like, I don't know how she is. One minute, she's all good and the next, she's a bit of a cow. Today, for instance, she was asking if I knew how to organise a department that wasn't my department. I told her that I didn't and she more or less jumped down my throat. "YOU'VE BEEN HERE FOR OVER A YEAR AND A HALF AND YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO IT?!" and I was like "No, I'm not in charge of this department, I'm in charge of a different department. Besides, I've not seen the new guidelines yet because nobody has shown me...how can I know?" and she's all "...hmph, I'll let you off"...


Anyway, ages later, I was basically doing my job like tidying around, serving customers, cleaning stuff and all that retail bollocks when my assistant manager came to me and asked me to go out to the stock room. I did and he was like "The new manager's thoroughly impressed with you. She said you were fantastic. What did you do?" and I just said "My job. I didn't do anything different..." and he was like "Huh?" and I said "I did say quite a few weeks back that I do way more than you think I do. I guess the new manager just spotted it".


Since then, he's given me tasks to do and he's watched me do them as well as other stuff. He's actually noticed I do more than anyone thinks. To be fair, I'm sure everyone at my work thinks that the staff room and the stock room have tiny, magical elves that clean everything when they go home. :wink:

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I've made some nice progress on my new photography website. I wanted the images to be the main focus, with as little distraction as possible.


Preview Version


It's still a work in progress and only the Weddings and Motorsports sections actually have content.


Things still to do:

Moar content

Sort out cropping of images

Sort out quality of some images

Contact page

Maybe a text box for image description


After much fannying around with transferring my domain over to GoDaddy, my new site is now live. It's still unfinished, but both the site and the relevant emails are working now. I got a free domain with the hosting, so I now have the .co.uk and .com versions of my address. Bonus. Not sure if I'll renew the .com one after the free year though.

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Really like the website dude - fantastic. Claire says can you do albums (stupid question, I apologise about her).


Started off a shitty week, ugh, just bleh. But it's gotten better.


Had a phenomenal compliment at work yesterday, potentially the best I've ever had (which is quite funny as I slated the guy who gave it - he just seemed like he was doing us a favour on the phone, but we were bending over backwards for him), anyway he sent an e-mail saying, great sense of humour, exemplary customer service and huge amounts of patience made the experience fantastic and that he wanted to make my manager aware. So the head of department sent a reply saying what a huge asset to the team I was which was really nice.


Also did my second webinar today. Quite stressful because I had to re-shuffle and then re-word at the last minute (with 45 minutes to do so in) and that but it went well.



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Really like the website dude - fantastic. Claire says can you do albums (stupid question, I apologise about her).


I haven't done them previously (people have always sourced their own), but I see no reason why I couldn't sort one out for you.


You'll need to let me know what style you'd like.

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I wasn't told what to do today. It was a very weird experience. Usually, I get given tasks and such but I got asked what I needed to do. I was like "Well, I have to re-organise my department because it's been messed up, I need to fill up the stock, put the delivery away in the stock room, take any duplicates from my department, make sure the pricey shoes are security tagged and customer service...". They were like "Okay, cool".


I stood there like :confused:. I put this in the good thread because I don't like being told what to do when I need to do shit, haha.




I bumped into one of my old school-friends today. I said "Hello" and she was like "Oh my God, I hate you!"

I was like "What have I done? :(" and she was like "How the fuck have you lost that much weight? I saw you six months ago!"





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Had an awesome weekend.


Firstly, got together with some friends and played Cards Against Humanity, which i've been wanting to play for ages. It was absolutely hilarious. Best answer of the night: "After the earthquake, Sean Penn brought Sean Penn to the people of Haiti."


Then on Saturday went to London to see the Book of Mormon, which was also brilliant.


Then spent the nice sunny day today in the park and eating a pub lunch. Most pleasant.

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I played this card game with a friend today called Vanguard, which is sort of like Yu-Gi-Oh but SOOO much better and easier too. I'm not usually into these card games or anything but I did actually enjoy this one. So anyway, my friend was teaching me how to play it today and he taught me more or less the basics and what I needed to know. We played for real and basically, out of six damage cards, I managed to damage him five, almost beating him. However, he just got me with a trigger card, which meant I had to lay out three damage cards from my deck. Bloody bastard! :p


Still, proud of myself for almost beating him. He even said that I did very well considering it was my second ever game. Next week, I'm teaching him Top Trumps and Poker...which is my world...MWAHAHAHA!

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It sounds more like this should be in the bad stuff, but bare with me folks.


So you probably all remember how I quit my gaming job and yada yada I'd been upset about the treatment of one of my colleagues towards me for over a year.


Well apparently even after many comments and many emails about his behaviour from me and fellow staff to upper management, he got promoted.


That is a bad thing, obviously, because he frankly does not deserve it.


The good news out of this is that it cements my reason for leaving, it means that I definitely did the right thing to leave a company that prioritises promotions like that over the health and safety of their staff. Good riddance. its a nice feeling as I've had my doubts recently.

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Today I went to this thing called Hint Hunt right next to Euston station in London... it was brilliant!


Basically teams of 5 go into a room and are locked in. You have to solve the murder of someone while figuring out puzzles and revealing secrets by investigating various 'ordinary' looking objects through the room. You only have 1 hour to get out or you fail.


It's basically a bit like the Crystal Maze but more elaborate and with far more puzzles crammed into the room. Can't recommend it enough, in the end we got out with 6 seconds to spare (more than half of the people apparently fail).

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Today I went to this thing called Hint Hunt right next to Euston station in London... it was brilliant!


Basically teams of 5 go into a room and are locked in. You have to solve the murder of someone while figuring out puzzles and revealing secrets by investigating various 'ordinary' looking objects through the room. You only have 1 hour to get out or you fail.


It's basically a bit like the Crystal Maze but more elaborate and with far more puzzles crammed into the room. Can't recommend it enough, in the end we got out with 6 seconds to spare (more than half of the people apparently fail).


I did the same sort of thing with my house-mates. Although we had to find the details of the next assassination.

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Today I went to this thing called Hint Hunt right next to Euston station in London... it was brilliant!


Basically teams of 5 go into a room and are locked in. You have to solve the murder of someone while figuring out puzzles and revealing secrets by investigating various 'ordinary' looking objects through the room. You only have 1 hour to get out or you fail.


It's basically a bit like the Crystal Maze but more elaborate and with far more puzzles crammed into the room. Can't recommend it enough, in the end we got out with 6 seconds to spare (more than half of the people apparently fail).


That sounds like the best thing evvvaaaar. Fuck, why isn't there something like that here?

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Could be a pre/post meet activity?



Plus, got two weeks booked off work starting Friday. First holiday since October (which was technically work as I was reporting on GameCity) and it's going to be fucking sexy. What makes it sweeter is that the second week is the "Modern Stock Take" at work, which basically means EVERYTHING is being counted accurately in the entire store, which is no doubt going to lead to a massive loss but will increase availability.

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Today I went to this thing called Hint Hunt right next to Euston station in London... it was brilliant!


Basically teams of 5 go into a room and are locked in. You have to solve the murder of someone while figuring out puzzles and revealing secrets by investigating various 'ordinary' looking objects through the room. You only have 1 hour to get out or you fail.


It's basically a bit like the Crystal Maze but more elaborate and with far more puzzles crammed into the room. Can't recommend it enough, in the end we got out with 6 seconds to spare (more than half of the people apparently fail).


Where is this exactly? Is it something set up by UCL?

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