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Finished making a basic tip calculating app (following a tutorial). It's a little thing, but it's a success!




At least I've accomplished something this weekend. I can now go and watch TV without feeling guilty :p

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Sorted out my portfolio yesterday. It's still a bit of a mess but whatever it'll do, I sent it off to a potential new job. Also, found out the senior guy they brought in here to help with my onslaught of work had his contract cut short which is promising for me since work has slowed and this town ain't big enough for the both of us. Then again, they might get rid of me too so I shall assume nothing.


New flat, portfolio sorted - apart from the swells of anxiety and nibbling depression - I'm on fire.

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I have a job!


Been offered to start employment at British Airways on the 16th of September. It'll be a 6 week full time 9-5 training course, followed by a week or so off and then I'll start the job proper, as a Nightshift 'contact agent' working 40 hours a week at silly times like 10pm-6am. Basically my job will just consist of customer service things like changing bookings. The basic pay will be something like £15k plus bonus for working nights, and I'll get benefits like cheaper flights and hotels! So excited to finally have some of my own money and a proper job :) In the meantime I've pretty much got a free summer with virtually no money but lots of time to enjoy the lovely weather. This means I'll be able to make definitive plans to move out in a year or so from now, as well as being able to afford a Playstation 4 FOR SURE when it comes out.


So in the space of a month I've been informed that I managed to get a 2:1 in my degree and found a job. IT'S ALL GOING SO WELL GUYZ.


Pride is a strange and novel emotion for me.


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Left the house at 11:00am to do the weekly shopping. Finished my shopping an hour later. Put all the goods in the boot and found out that the car wouldn't start. Flat battery, temperature clocking at 37 degrees C, contacted RAC and was told that someone would be with me within 1hr 15 mins.


2hrs later I get a call saying that they have no available units to dispatch the guy also said they haven't forgotten me and that they will keep me up to date on any new information and that they will send out a unit ASAP.


An hour later I see an RAC van drive in to help someone else (who was there before me) at the other end of the car park. I decided to at least try and see if he could help me out even though he was sent out for someone else. Before I spoke to him I quickly called RAC back just to make sure if they were able to send out a unit and they replied by saying that nobody was still available.


As soon as he was done with his current job, I spoke with the mechanic and told him about my problem, he agreed to help me out, no time wasting, no questioning he just did it with a smile. 10 minutes later I was on my way home. Wasn't bothered about my shopping or waiting in the heat for 3 hours. That kind gesture more than made my day.

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You should be! If it can get you a discount? I think Green Flag does something like that "If we bullshit you around, free monies for you"


I'd be asking the same. I mean, what would have happened if you were unable to get that guy to help?


Christ, I don't go through RAC and I don't think I want to after that. My insurance uses all the locals on wherever I tend to be and have always been pretty great.


My day has been pretty good, I found out my friend/colleague is pregnant and she's been trying for a month or so now. I was working on tablet today so it went uber quickly.


One more day and its the weekend - ahhh :)

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I am back with more boring work-related stuff!


Current job is going swell. To the extent where I catch myself wondering if accepting the new role is the right idea -- then I realise I'll be on 4k more a year straight away, with another 6k of comission, 3k of which is guaranteed, plus bonuses.. no brainer.


Went to a leaving do for a guy in another department and now I'm actually finding it hard to work without needing to stop and chat to someone all the time. If I wanted to waste my day then this would be excellent but I have a bunch of work that needs doing by a certain time, I just end up feeling bad about being abrupt with people at work... but I guess they 'get' that, or they will eventually.


Since I started working 9-5 I've actually been really socially busy - but I've really noticed myself missing these forums and wishing I had more time to come back here properly. Going form Oz to homeless to 50+ hour weeks I've not really been able to commit to these boards properly for over 18 months now :(


Lastly... I think it's good news but many will think it's not; been talking to/seeing my ex (ex) gf and kinda rekindling that stuff.

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