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I'm still coming to terms with this fatal attraction I have.


Leave the family until later.





*notes down as a possible song lyric for what could be a semi-successful ballad, even if it is mauled by the critics*


*saves it for Chair's first album instead*

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Well it was that I'd got a 67 in my student leadership session (I hate group work. Mine weren't too bad but I was the one who put the stuff together. They did do the work I asked them though to be fair).


But now I've just found out that they're making a Dirk Gently TV series and he's going to be played by Stephen Mangan. FUCKING AWESOME!!!

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I just conversed with Kristina from Abney Park about the order that never arrived. It turns out they had had issues with shipping, but now things should be in order again, so they're sending me the signed CD I ordered, and they're even throwing in another CD for free to make up for the trouble! Not only are they a great band, they're also really awesome people! :D

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Best thing?


Getting a 67 on a law essay. My best result so far considering I put in the least time. Sadly, it doesn't count as it is non-assessed! Bah humbug.


I also had a Spanish exam and pretty sure I did well in that, and was told I got a First in my exam last week! So yeah best thing was going into uni today!


I also caught up with a good friend for a drink, maybe that was even better. Not sure, so far I've had a good day and everything been pretty good!

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I realised I've lost a good amount of weight (especially around my middle). I'm so pleased. Without going to the gym too. Obviously I would have lost more If I had, but I have so few precious pennies these days. And whenever I grab my wrist, it feels smaller, as though it were someone elses.


Student living ftw.

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I had an "interview". I kept it on the DL because I didn't want to jynx it/reveal potential failure, but yeah. Last week some chick rang me as she saw my C.V. online (she was from an agency) so I took a bus (o____0) (as it was the day after my car died) and went there had a small interview with them and a Word/Excel test, then had the interview for the actual company today.


Went well. I have a "induction/working interview" next Wednesday and then if that goes well I start on 4th January.


Fingers crossed. Customer service for ;




I love that the dress code is a colour scheme. Black, white or grey/mixtured/win.

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My best mate came to my workplace for a placement today. He does a three week placement in April 2011 so it was a taster.


Was a cool day as we had our usual bud-banter and he sat in on sone of my guidance interviews and UCAS sessions.

Quality day and a chance to show my skills off.


Working with friends you have 'outside of work' isn't something I'd usually condone but it went well and will benefit his Uni course. (And my feel good factor.)

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Todayyyy I went to a lecture by Belgian illustrator Kitty Crowther. She won the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award this year. Her work is amazing.




I had planned to go with my cousin, but she cancelled on me due to lack of sleep. And my friend didn't feel like coming either. Normally I wouldn't have gone then, but I said "Ine, you'll go! And you'll go and enjoy it alone!".


So I did. And I did enjoy it. Despite sitting all alone on the very first row, right in front of Kitty Crowther. Actually that may have made it even more awesome.

She normally speaks French, but since we all suck at that she spoke in English, but with the typical French accent. Loved it. And of course I loved her illustrations. Mmmmm.



Andddddd I got my book signed! She drew a picture in it! Made me so happy! =D



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I also had a Spanish exam and pretty sure I did well in that, and was told I got a First in my exam last week! So yeah best thing was going into uni today!




I met Razz/Leo the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle for a hot beverage earlier which is always a pleasure. And he helped me lug my shit-ton of stuff around Euston station.


And I was wearing a Mickey Mouse hoody and carrying a Superman bag. Being growed up is awesome.

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I just totally schooled some 'awesome' chess player. I recently learned a move that bobby fischer liked, to do with his kingside pawn, and I decided to try it with my queenside pawn... My opponent didn't think I'd exchange even material. I traded bishops then looked at his previous games while I waited. In the 4 that I looked at he played the same line in varying order and not once had he faced a move like mine. He considered it a noob move... and, seriously, since move 3 I've just been PWNING! Like, he should've resigned 10 moves ago and we're only on move 20. I pinned his king and queen on move 9. I know it's not much but it's always something when you get that one-uppance on someone. My current grade is 1380, his is 1480. He's currently doing well against 1700 dudes and.. and I'm beating him! HAH!


... Yeah it's not been an especially interesting day. Really getting into chess atm.

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That's awesome Fish, good luck!


Yesterday I went to movie night over at a friend from work's, some delicious pasta followed by marzipan stuffed apples for desert, amazing food times.


Today I had a late lie in accompanied by flatmate for a while and now I'm working from home waiting for my TV to come. Definite good times.

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