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Last day at work for a week yesterday (Easter) and the head of department came down in the morning and said "leave when you want". I was ready to leave then! Everyone else had work to do though so hung around. About 2pm opened the wine and then when we finally left went to the pub.


Was nice to socialise with work people outside of work/the work bar. Someone was on my back about vegetarianism (I don't take him seriously so it was all cool) and seems to be going down this whole Californian-Zen Buddhism notion at the moment and was talking about how I've been a veggie since I was a child (13) and I should re-evaluate my beliefs by eating meat for a month. A fair point but not one I'm going to subscribe to. He kept going on so I said "okay so do you revaluate your beliefs every year?" to which he said yes then a colleague read my mind and said "so when was the last time you slept with a man?" Not that it really stopped him but it was amusing.


And I kept hitting his slide-up phone down because I'm a child and this isn't the 90's anymore, people shouldn't have slide-up phones.

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Very large, yes.

Wassa the plan? I know you've got 4 Captain America bikes, what needs that many Caps?


Also thinking of getting a laptop with some of my birthday monies, having a look at the Tesco ones since I can try for the staff discount, thought these two looked alright:





As a good thread goes, are those any good?

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Wassa the plan? I know you've got 4 Captain America bikes, what needs that many Caps?


Also thinking of getting a laptop with some of my birthday monies, having a look at the Tesco ones since I can try for the staff discount, thought these two looked alright:





As a good thread goes, are those any good?


The Packard Bell one seems to be a poorly constructed spec :heh:


The bolded part with the name says it has 6GB ram, yet the mini-spec bit under it says its ram is 4GB


Then in the full "Product Specs" bit it says the RAM capacity (not sure if this means what's installed or the max it is capable of) is 6GB again. Thought this was a miss print first but then a bit further down it says "Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit"


So there's either a miss print somewhere or who ever put that spec together had no idea what they were doing. If it does indeed have 6GB with Windows 7 32 bit then there's gonna be 2GB worth of ram not being accessed (if the OS can even recognise the ram) as a 32 bit system can only access at most 4GB of ram. You need a 64bit OS to access more than 4GB


So if you were thinking of getting this one, I'd double check if any of that is miss printed, if it does indeed have 6GB of RAM make sure the OS is a 64bit version and not 32bit.


Though that said it's only running on an Intel Celeron CPU which is very bog standard these days.


The HP however is running on an Intel i3 which would be the minimum I would go for in a CPU on a laptop (well actually me personally if buying a new laptop the min would be an i5 but I'd say you'd be fine with an i3), though it only says it has 3GB of RAM... again the product specs says "capacity 3GB" not sure if that means max that is possible to install or what is just currently installed.


Its Windows 7 is a 64bit version so if it is possible to upgrade the RAM (ie: if by "capacity" it just means what is installed and not the max the motherboard will take... which if it is the max is pretty piss poor if it can run a 64bit OS... i would have thought the lowest "max" RAM any new mobo would be capped at these days would be 4GB) then you could go for this one then upgrade the RAM to 6GB at a later stage (depending on the price you can find it at I guess)


Only possible drawback I see with the HP (other than the low RAM) is the wireless spec says it is using 802.11b which seems a bit odd as the standard these days would be g or n (n being the newest)... draw back with b is it's max throughput is only 11mb/s where g is 54mb/p and n can go up to 600mb/s go check to see if maybe that "b" is a misprint and maybe should be "g"

Edited by Mokong
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Submitted an application for a company I really want to work for. Weirdest application I've ever submitted (as anyone who has looked in this/the user image gallery thread can tell) but it's been fun.


Why I submitted it on the first day of a four day weekend I don't know (well, it's because I'm heading home tomorrow). Only going to result in fretting about it forever now :heh: Hopefully they'll appreciate my video and give me a call quickly!


Plus I was thinking I'd be happy to take a minor pay cut for it but they had an "expected salary" drop down menu option and the smallest was £2k more than I'm currently on. Score.

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I got this as a present from work:






I've been wondering what I want to eat now and you've just hit the nail on the head... Munchies!


To the shop!





My good stuff:


The girl from a few nights ago came round last night for dinner and a movie. Had a great time. We finally got to sleep around 4am and then pretty much stayed in bed all day today until around 3:30pm.


Went to get my suit fixed again (with the girl) and the manager said if the problem happens again they'll exchange it for a brand new suit. Score!


Just back from a couple hours tennis where we managed to play outside in the sun which is awesome. Not going out tonight because I'm picking up my bro form the airport in an hour but not bothered at all 'cos I'm shattered. Headed to the tennis tomorrow afternoon at Braehead and then onwards to my Gran's for a couple days and a mega piss up avec mes cousins demain soir.

Edited by Charlie
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Work was busy, shortstaffed and generally shite, but I coped well, guess that makes it a good thing.


My eyes have an awful tendancy to go bloodshot to fuck when I've had a really bad day (yesterday) but it seems to clear up pretty quickly... weird. I think I need to donate myself to medical science cause I'm sure as fuck confused.. every day I seem to get a new symptom lol


I had dinner out at a chinese for my sisters mates birthday and it was lovely.... was having some banter with a pilot... ha ha one can but dream :p

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I picked up my cat (River) this morning. She seemed to settle in instantly. She explored the flat a bit and kept running back to me for a stroke. I did have to push the fridge back as she managed to get behind it and got covered in dust. She's extremely fast, too - especially at running up stairs. She's also a very cuddly cat - she was lying on me the whole time I was watching The Lion King. She's been purring most of the day.


I expected it to take at least a few days to settle in - but she already seems very comfortable with the place.

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I had dinner out at a chinese.. and it was lovely..


I knew it would be :heh: I still haven't eaten.. better go make something now!


I may as well post something good while I'm in here.. I'm really enjoying my gaming at the minute and things have been pretty great in recent weeks :bouncy:

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I knew it would be :heh: I still haven't eaten.. better go make something now!


I may as well post something good while I'm in here.. I'm really enjoying my gaming at the minute and things have been pretty great in recent weeks :bouncy:


haha it was but the service in that place has gone a bit downhill lately!


not forgetting seeing /nando/ just before going into said chinese came as part of my "good" day =P

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