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I'm getting behind on my studying, and while it really bothered and stressed me that I couldn't seem to pull myself together (I have procrastinated a lot and have just found it very hard to get my arse in gear), I've realised after some pondering that, while of course it's not a good thing in its own right, the fact that I'm getting behind/can't pull myself together is very likely the result of the stress from all the recent changes in my life finally catching up to me and demanding I slow down. And that realisation has made me take it all more easy and is opening my normally far too worried mind up to the idea that it's all gonna work out fine in the end. It'll be all right.


Yeah, very much a stream of thought that I attempted to put on paper. Well, screen. Hopefully this is the beginning of a personal development for me.

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I sat in with a meeting yesterday with people from a large corporation about a campaign we're going to do for them. I asked some pertinent questions and raised some issues. Today I was the only one who got a 'lead' for them, and I was asked to sit in with a couple of managers and the MD on a meeting tomorrow for a new campaign. Basically making a name for myself! Feels good to be good.

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The MD at work found out I'm going to Oz... instead of being all "lol ur fired" he said that he has a friend with a company (telemarketing...) in sydney that he can get me a job at. While I don't want a full-on 35-hour a week job while I'm there (considering I'll have duties to fulfil as au pair) it's great to know that there's an opportunity there if the need arises. May be able to investigate to see if I can do a couple of a days a week or something, as some campaigns only need 7 or 14 hours a week called on.

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It's anti-bullying week at the moment and every teacher in my school had to write their own song or rap for their class to perform at this afternoon's assembly.


I was on a course yesterday and left it to my cover teacher to go over the rap I'd written with the children. I came in this morning to find that they didn't know a single word and we only had this morning to practise.


I was worrying over lunch as all the other teachers told me their kids knew their songs off by heart whereas mine were still struggling with the rhythm.


As we walked into assembly my kids were very aware of them being the only children holding paper with lyrics on. Anyway, my class performed some sort of miracle and it came out really well. They kept the rhythm, remembered their lines and sang loudly and with confidence. I was incredibly proud and shocked, they were too. Anyway, we came 2nd out of 12 classes. We were pipped to the post due to the winning class wearing silly hats and sunglasses.


They won a wii afternoon, we got a second place '15 minutes extra break' prize.

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It's anti-bullying week at the moment and every teacher in my school had to write their own song or rap for their class to perform at this afternoon's assembly.



I see, divert the bullies attention to the teacher by doing something so crushingly embarrassing that the bully can't help but bully the teacher. Classic mafia tactic.

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Couple of successful hours in the city library, managed to get most of the books I needed, hour at the gym, fifteen minute eating a bag of chocolate doughnuts immediately after, got half-way toward internet banking and a couple of hours on Skyward Sword. All in all an uncommonly positive day.

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Finished the Skyward Sword review. Now if I could just finish this week that'd be nice.


Amusingly I took the day off work (we'll call it a personal day) but told my landlady I was ill because I figured that would be easier. She brought it, even saying I looked "peaky". Nice to fake it.

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Was planning on having chicken and mushroom in mushroom sauce for tea last night...but I had forgotten the mushroom sauce. So I attempted to make my own sauce. I think I used Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, chilli power, various spices, salt and pepper.


And it was glorious. Unfortunately, it wasn't quite thick enough (the meal was cooked in it so still had flavour) so I ended up drinking it. If I'd had chopped tomatoes, it would have been perfect.

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What the actual fuck, spent the last 8 hours watching it and now it's 2.07am and I'm pissed off that it's finished. I'm hearing they're trying to do a movie or TV mini-series, i'm hoping to fuck it happens. It would make me a very happy bunny.



Absolutely epic TV, not one wasted episode. THAT IS HOW YOU TELL A STORY.

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I was just blown away by it. I watched the first 6 episodes when they first aired late last year but missed an episode and never caught up. Bought the Blu Ray last week, stuck it on due to boredom and got hooked. It's gotten me back into Tv, having stopped watching any shows at all. Sean Walker is also my new hero.



Had a look at The Cape on iTunes, but i've heard some bad things about it, is it worth a watch? I like the idea of Pan AM too but I'm guessing by the looks of it it's just a soap set in an airport.

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I fiiiiiiiinally have my shop online! =D


It was such a pain to set up and make it look a bit like my site and all that, but it's finally online, yay! Now just to fill it up with stuff and get people to look at it. =P


*glad this is finally done, phew*

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I fiiiiiiiinally have my shop online! =D


It was such a pain to set up and make it look a bit like my site and all that, but it's finally online, yay! Now just to fill it up with stuff and get people to look at it. =P


*glad this is finally done, phew*

Could you send me a PM or something letting me know how you did that? I'm looking to do something similar myself.

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I was just blown away by it. I watched the first 6 episodes when they first aired late last year but missed an episode and never caught up. Bought the Blu Ray last week, stuck it on due to boredom and got hooked. It's gotten me back into Tv, having stopped watching any shows at all. Sean Walker is also my new hero.



Had a look at The Cape on iTunes, but i've heard some bad things about it, is it worth a watch? I like the idea of Pan AM too but I'm guessing by the looks of it it's just a soap set in an airport.


I'm not exaggerating when I say that the pilot to The Cape is the worst episode of anything I've ever seen. It is a joke. Even competent actors leave the ability to act. Massive massive massive failure.


Watch Breaking Bad.


And if you don't watch Castle then season 1 is out this month over here.

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It was such a pain to set up and make it look a bit like my site and all that, but it's finally online, yay! Now just to fill it up with stuff and get people to look at it. =P


I bought something for my girlfriend :) Need a lot of stuff for the Advent Calender I'm making for her and your shop has given me one present.




They are very nice. I might also buy some greeting cards next week.


Edit: I just realised that I bought the earrings from your etsy store and that you have more on your homepage. :)

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I fiiiiiiiinally have my shop online! =D


It was such a pain to set up and make it look a bit like my site and all that, but it's finally online, yay! Now just to fill it up with stuff and get people to look at it. =P


*glad this is finally done, phew*


How does it work with shipping to the UK then?


Am I best buying a card directly from you or from Etsy?

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