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Had a few days away at a friend's home in Bologna (he now lives here but went back for his birthday). All of the food and wine! Although in a way it was the most mentally taxing holiday as I spent a lot of time listening intensely to conversations to see if I could pick up anything!


Could get used to the Italian lifestyle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Carrying on the "stealing shit from work to make awesome stuff for my games room" theme:




It's made from 3mm thick dibond (brushed aluminium with a plastic core to make it lighter), with red and black vinyl applied to it. Took about 20 minutes to cut at work and about an hour or two at home to apply it. Super happy with the result though.

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Can I firstly just say...@Goafer, that's AWESOME!




Oh, and I think I've just rediscovered my long lost confidence (intellectually and morally, perhaps in other senses too) and have reignited my passion to commitment for everything and anything.


Almost 9 months after joining college, failing a bunch of tests and mocks.

1 month from the start of my AS exams.


My fire is lit. 24 hours of past papers a week being my fuel, and my cooling down period being revision upon revision upon revision. Damn, I can do this! i think?


I've had a terrible past 12 months, perhaps even 18. Actually, now I think about it, perhaps much longer. But that's something for the bad stuff thread, which I'll write up after I've done the bulk of my exams.


Oh it's so good to be back in this mindset, where I'm full of glee and energy just because:) my mind is happy, my body is happy, I'M SO READY



Edited by Julius Caesar
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Seen the pics you've posted a few times but only just realised you can (I think) see the sea. Nice. How did you end up out there again? I'm going to visit North Wales in the summer, maybe I could pop in for a cuppa? :D


Yes, you can see the sea. You can just about make out the wind turbines.


I decided to move back to Wales because I was depressed in Manchester. I ended up in this house because it was one of the few places that I could afford to rent, which is why the great view was such a surprise. I chose the area because of family and with the intention of getting in touch with old friends.


Depending on time and what I'm doing, you're definitely welcome.

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My friend started a new job today (and it's a pretty cool one but not sure if I can say) and I know he's been hoping for a new one for a while so I'm happy for him. Another is on holiday with his boyfriend and they've both been stressed recently for various reasons and it's nice to see them relaxing (via Facebook). It's nice seeing friends happy, particularly if its following a period of unhappiness.


And yeah this makes me sound like I'm drunk but I swear I'm not!


Plus I came up with some character ideas last night (and like 1:30am of course) and looking forward to sketching them out tomorrow as I've been out of the house most of the day.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Scirocco passed its MOT with only 3 advisories: both front tyre treads are low and one of the bonnet catches (of 3) wasn't working.


The bonnet catch does work, there's just a knack to it, so 2 tyres aren't bad. I've got a new set of wheels to put on it, so those tyres were destined to be taken off the car anyway.

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Got my F011 Accounting exam, and blimey is revision going well!


We have 30 to 35 minutes to do Q1, which is 35 to 45 marks.

My attempt this morning got me a solid B, with 33/45 in 35 minutes.

My attempt this afternoon? An A! 35/43!


Now just need to nail the rest of the paper and every other subject :/ but happy Monday guys:)

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I've handed in my exam paper for my Advanced Software Engineering course and can thus go to the exam in three weeks. Furthermore I've been preparing myself for another exam in Algorithms on May 30th - that's going OK but I could get more answers correctly, I guess.


And then I'm getting married on Saturday. I'm currently in the midst of writing my speech for my wife-to-be!


We are doing something awesome during the wedding dinner. Just before each course is served (there are four courses during the evening), we will switch tables so we get to sit with our friends as well. But at each seat we are going to, we've put in cover names. The first table has "Lorenzo von Matterhorn" and "The Slutty Pumpkin" as cover names so when "I would walk 500 miles" starts playing, we shall go there. Next is "Link, the Hero of Time" and "Princess Zelda", Zelda theme obviously, and next again is "Man of Steel" and "The Amazon Queen" with the old Superman-theme playing. Last, but most awesomely, we have "The King in the North" and "The Mother of Dragons", Game of Thrones-theme playing. Then during the dessert we've ensured that the DJ will be playing "Reins of Castamere" at some point. I'm really looking forward to seeing some of the guests' faces at that point! :D

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I've handed in my exam paper for my Advanced Software Engineering course and can thus go to the exam in three weeks. Furthermore I've been preparing myself for another exam in Algorithms on May 30th - that's going OK but I could get more answers correctly, I guess.


And then I'm getting married on Saturday. I'm currently in the midst of writing my speech for my wife-to-be!


We are doing something awesome during the wedding dinner. Just before each course is served (there are four courses during the evening), we will switch tables so we get to sit with our friends as well. But at each seat we are going to, we've put in cover names. The first table has "Lorenzo von Matterhorn" and "The Slutty Pumpkin" as cover names so when "I would walk 500 miles" starts playing, we shall go there. Next is "Link, the Hero of Time" and "Princess Zelda", Zelda theme obviously, and next again is "Man of Steel" and "The Amazon Queen" with the old Superman-theme playing. Last, but most awesomely, we have "The King in the North" and "The Mother of Dragons", Game of Thrones-theme playing. Then during the dessert we've ensured that the DJ will be playing "Reins of Castamere" at some point. I'm really looking forward to seeing some of the guests' faces at that point! :D


Wow, a busy few weeks! Congratulations!


And a HIMYM reference! Woo!

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Just because I need to express this somewhere: I've been in what feels like fairly serious emotional pain over the past few days BUT this is a good thing. I've been in therapy for a few months now trying to unlock myself and I believe this is progress. I've been effectively dead inside FOR YEARS, so although this hurts it feels like something PRODUCTIVE for once.



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I just want to share a picture of my wedding cake from Saturday. My now wife had got the lady making the cake to.do this topping instead of some purple flowers that we had agreed upon earlier.

Needless to say, I was not quite devastated by this.




It was really good, too.

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This is all building up, so please understand. PLEASE UNDERSTAND.


I felt like shit on Wednesday when leaving school. Massive headache, lost appetite, bad chest, bad cough, bad evrythng. I woke up at daft times on Thursday morning (2am, 3am, 4am, blaaah) before waking up for work. I had breakfast and proceeded to then throw the whole lot up whilst I was in the shower. I felt rough as fuck. I went into work anyway, which is a very naughty thing to do. But, I felt like I had to, as I was one or two members of staff doing a camp-out with about 25 children on Friday evening, I had an assembly to prepare for on Friday and there's already been a lot of sickness and cover work needed. My boss basically told me off and thanked me at the same time for coming in. Somehow, I survived Thursday and went into work on Friday feeling better.


I managed a total of about 4 hours sleep when camping. It was exhausting. We had a house viewing to do as soon as I got back. So, we did that. I ate crumpets and cakes as I was starving, which basically meant that I wasn't hungry when going out for food later on, so I messed up there. I was tired, still pretty sick and just wanted to go back to bed. However, we had tickets to see Hans Zimmer, one of my idols and somebody whose music I had been following for years and years...I couldn't not go. To do that would be unthinkable. So, we went along to it and I was hoped that I would feel fine during and by the end of it.


Considering all of that, the previous days building up to that moment, it was one of the very best concerts I've ever been to and one of the highlights of my life. Utterly unbelievable. No words that I can say could possibly do this justice. He is one hell of a musician who can seemingly play everything. His ensemble knocked it out of the park every single time and seemed to somehow take everything to the next level. Even some of the pieces that I didn't know (Crimson Tide, Angels and Demons, Amazing Spider-man 2/Electro's tune) were phenomenal. The second half of the show with The Dark Knight's medley, the Interstellar pieces and finishing off with The Dream is Collapsing/Mobasa and Time from Inception were breathtaking. I am so utterly jealous of his group for being able to work with such a genius, but I'm also jealous of him as he has a team there who are more like a family, but also seem to be made up of the very best musicians in the world.


Or hhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggggg *heart explodes* for short.

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