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Proved a point at work.


Work has made me in charge of monitoring the team and their sales and stuff. Anyway, the assistant manager was telling me the stuff to tell them, which consisted of telling them the truth (which was that we had hit target). I said to not do that because they're young and not exactly as sales-driven, they'll just relax and not sell anything. She was saying I can't lie to them but I was like "I'll exceed target. I guarantee it". She thinks they'd do more if I told them the truth.


Anyway, I spoke to the team and they had no confidence in selling. I just told them to either pretend you're having a conversation with a friend and you're trying to convince them to do whatever you wanted to do or convince them of your point of view OR pretend you're having a debate with someone who keeps on objecting you. Worked like a charm. One of them wasn't the best seller in the world and now she's obliterated the team along with someone else (but he's always top 5 anyway). Nobody's beaten me...yet...but I'm hoping they do.


I told the team that we were halfway to beating target and that we'd be able to beat the target by the weekend. However, what they didn't know was that they already beat the target on Thursday. So whatever we had on Friday, the weekend, today and tomorrow, we've got as a bonus and they've been trying harder. All this time, I've been saying that we're not far off and that we're close to beating target.


Our target was a grand. I got them doing £4500 and we've still got tomorrow left. :D

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Naturally as a thanks for "all your hard work", but oh-so conveniently placed on payday and the following weekend. Get yo' asses to people you know at Tesco.



Will probably get myself a PS4 (choosing over the Xbox One), which comes in a bundle with Minecraft, which I've never played, and FIFA 15, which I never intend to play so will probably sell it. Daddy has offered to chip in some monies for Christmas so will get it even cheapers!

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A year and a half ago I quit my job and 6 months later I started my studies at university.


What can I say...it has been the very first major decision in my life that I made for me and it proves to be the best thing I have ever done. : peace:


Haven't been really happy since my father died, but right now I can say: I am happy.


I've met so many great people and a lot of them have become good friends.

I've met a beautiful woman two weeks ago and we have a date next week.

I'm enjoying my lectures and courses (most of them :p).


Life is good. :)

Edited by drahkon
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Naturally as a thanks for "all your hard work", but oh-so conveniently placed on payday and the following weekend. Get yo' asses to people you know at Tesco.




My friend bought me a copy of NBA2k15 for PS4 with his discount. £35.20 for it, Bar-fucking-gain.

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Few things have cropped up lately!


1. The trouble I've been having with getting to work, do you remember? Whelp work found out (even though I'd told them, but fine.) through a friend who has just left that I was getting fed up of paying over the odds to get to work and struggling. So now I have parking! (I fear they might be worried about me quitting, it was getting that bad..)


2. Every so often (at least once a month at the moment) I do night shift (about 4 hours or so) followed by a few hours in the office in the same day. Whelp this isn't quite legal, so now I can not only work from home that day, but get paid a flat out fee of £100 every time I do it. Lovely.


Thanks boss.

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The past couple of weeks I've had some health concerns, rather worrying symptoms and concerns. After another check up today It appears I'm all okay so that is a massive massive relief and gives me peace of mind now.


Huzzah to good health!

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Back from Distant Worlds. It was pretty God damned radical. The highlight was probably Nobou Uematsu (composer) and Arnie Roth (conductor) playing keyboard and violin respectively alongside the orchestra.


Before it filled up (couldn't take photos once the concert had started):




Then walked past this on the way back and almost jizzed everywhere:




We avoided the restaurant because it sounded terrifying:



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