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My new job is just awesome...at the moment anyway. Everything is pretty much easy. I've had to do a lot of things and I'm surprised to say that I remember how to do most of them and I can do them on my own. I cocked up on one thing at the moment and that was me being a bit slow on scanning this list where they scan it to see if there's any more in stock. I got confused because I thought it was scanning to order stock so I was being a lot more careful and trying not to scan things we don't need, lmao. Once I was told, I just scanned anything and everything in sight, haha. I also did awesome on the tills as well. Woo!


Hopefully it'll stay like this for a very long time!

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@ReZourceman: That drawing is awesome but seriously, if it wasn't for you colouring it in, it could have been mistaken for Rolf Harris, haha. #RolfHarrisHatesOreos




I have quite a bit of news:


New Job

Okay so my job officially ROCKS! Seriously, this supervising shit is pretty easy so far. I'm only struggling a little on a couple of things but they've all said that I've caught on very fast and I can now do refunds, exchanges, till checks, pick-ups, change replenishment and task delegating by myself. I've had to tell people what jobs to do and they've done it with no hassle so I'm happy they've done that and I'm happy they've not taken the piss with testing me out because I'm new. The team is awesome so far, hopefully it'll stay this way. They said that I've caught on so well that I'm going to be running the store next week so...erm...yeah, SHITTING myself, haha.


Honestly, my staff are just nice so far. They're all hard-working but they're also a laugh. I've not met one person who I don't like. Everyone's been understanding and so helpful and I love the fact that they even help me in bits I struggle at. Like I didn't know where any of the stuff in make-up went and one of the girls offered to just take over the department for me and tidy it.

"Okay but I'll do it with you because I need to learn this" and she was like "Okay, that's cool" and we just tidied the department whilst listening to some awesome tunes on the radio. It was quite cool.


Old Job: Final Farewell

This one isn't exactly good stuff...well, it is but...well, just read it and judge it for yourself.

So on my lunch-break yesterday, I went over to the shoe shop because I wanted to warn my mate, who is a supervisor (and it's his first time running the shop on the day), about some thieves that came into the shopping centre and they were on about the gang being near the shop. I got there and told him and we spoke for a few minutes. He told me that the problem supervisor and the manager were getting on his back and I sympathised and told him to just ignore them and just do what he's doing because he's doing well.

Then the new assistant manager of the shoe shop came along. I know him from another store but he's taken over this one now. We both said hello, had a chat (we both get along but I know not to trust him). After that, I remembered that I left some stuff in the staff room. This next bit is IMPORTANT. This is what I said, word-for-word:

"Ah shit, I've left some stuff upstairs. I've left a couple of mugs, a couple of sports bottles, my book and some food. Can you go upstairs and grab them for me?" I said to him.

"Okay" he said at first. After that, he turned to me and said "You know what? You can go up and grab them. It's your things and you know exactly what you left."

"Are you sure? I can write them all down. I know exactly where they are as well. I don't want to get you in trouble..."

"Nah" he says. "Just go up, it's cool. If anyone says anything, just tell them I said it was okay"

I just accepted it and walked to the back and went upstairs. Before entering the staff room, the supervisor who was on and off with me said "Hey Darren, you okay? You know you aren't supposed to be here, mate?"

I said "I know, I know. The new assistant manager said I can go up and get my stuff"

Now my old supervisor didn't have a problem and said okay. I grabbed my things, it took about a minute if that. I went out of the staff room, said bye to the supervisor but before I actually left, my old manager came storming out of the office to where I was.

"What do you think you're doing here?" she said to me. She then turns to the problem supervisor and said "HE'S not supposed to be in the staff room OR in the store" and then looks back at me, giving me dodgies.

"The new assistant manager told me I was allowed to get my stuff. I asked him if HE could grab my things but he insisted I did it. Ask him if you don't believe me..."

"Oh believe me, I will" she says. "And just for the future, do NOT come up here again!" she said aggressively.

I just thought, at this stage, 'fuck this, I took too much shit from this bitch...' and I tore it up.

"Excuse me? I don't work for you no more. You might speak to the people working here like crap but never speak to me like that again!"

She looked taken back and I looked at my problem supervisor, who was completely shocked. Said bye to him again and walked off like a motherfucking boss. She shouted to get my things checked and I just said "Screw off!".

Went downstairs and went to the assistant manager and put my stuff on the counter and told him to check my things. The new supervisor (my mate) came down to talk to me.

"Listen, mate. Take no shit from her! That was my mistake! Learn from it! She's a bitch with no people skills and guess what? She's a manager, which means that if she can be a manager with rude behaviour, bad attitude and no people skills, you should be great if you wanted to progress in life! You keep doing what you're doing and if they get to you, tell them to piss off and do one!"

He cheered up then and I walked off. Like a boss...or like a supervisor...rather...:p


I had never felt so empowered in all my life, haha. I'm in such a great mood! I just pray that it stays this way forever...or for a great while, at least! :D


My mate told me later on that the new assistant manager got a bit of a bollocking for that.


After my shift ended, I was in the pound shop and I saw the manager of the shoe shop there. She looked at me and smiled. I just looked at her like "Dafuq are you on, love?" and walked off.

Edited by Animal
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Never have I been this jealous of something before! :bowdown:


They're basically just giant marbles, so they're a reasonable price on Amazon (she got them from my wish list). They're a bit lighter than a similar sized marble would be (they're plastic, not glass), but they still look pretty awesome.

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This is my birthday present from my girlfriend. She is awesome:







Love the customer review:


"101 of 101 people found the following review helpful

Didn't work

By Krillin on 2 July 2013

So i bought these last week and i have to say they look incredible. However, when i gathered them together on the floor and called for the eternal dragon, i was met with disappointment.


You see, im sick of everybody having to revive me after i die. I know this isn't a common problem for most, but trust me, it is for me. I was hoping to ask Shenron to grant my wish of invincibility. I don't understand why they didn't work, however im just going to keep them around. Just in case.


On the plus side i didn't have to search an entire planet to find all 7. So thanks amazon for doing all the hard work."

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I opened up the store by myself and ran shit with the other supervisor. It was awesome. The staff I'll be in charge of seem nice and pleasant. My supervisor says they need to be pushed every now and again but they work well together, which is good for me. However, they have admitted that out of the team, they are the most likely to have a bit of a natter and stuff so I have to watch out for it but it was awesome altogether. I had to do all the managerial shit like safe-checking and tills and whatnot as well as ordering and tidying and delegating jobs and the other supervisor who was with me today said that I'll do well if I do what I did today so that's awesome to hear. I did cock up a couple of times but yeah...it's cool...:)

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I opened up the store by myself and ran shit with the other supervisor. It was awesome. The staff I'll be in charge of seem nice and pleasant. My supervisor says they need to be pushed every now and again but they work well together, which is good for me. However, they have admitted that out of the team, they are the most likely to have a bit of a natter and stuff so I have to watch out for it but it was awesome altogether. I had to do all the managerial shit like safe-checking and tills and whatnot as well as ordering and tidying and delegating jobs and the other supervisor who was with me today said that I'll do well if I do what I did today so that's awesome to hear. I did cock up a couple of times but yeah...it's cool...:)


*sniffle* our little animal...all grown up... *sniffle* BOOHOOHOHOOOO!

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All right, just grabbed a nice cheap room. The room is small but with a large closet & shelves, the house is well kept with a nice sitting room area & washer-dryer and the lady who runs it seems very nice. No letting's agents to deal with either.

Edited by gaggle64
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Man, I fucking LOVE twitter.


So me and Retro have started a twitter account for Formula E (an electric version of Formula 1) and after contacting some of the teams, they've agreed to let us interview them tomorrow at the test.


Literally ecstatic. I've dreamt of getting into F1 as a journalist and this is a perfect stepping stone to that :D

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