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Whether you like his music or not, Springsteen is an absolutele icon. Man just never wants to come off the stage, he's just an endless array of energy.


Definitely the best best gig i've ever seen, whether was phenomenal, which is rare occurrence for Hampden. Set list was pretty decent, few tracks i'd like to have heard but you're never going to please everyone with the back catalogue he has.


Got a little bit of Born to Run record below, not very good quality but whatevs.



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Yeah I can understand that. For me there's only a couple of artists I'd stand that long for and one of them is definitely The Boss.


I can confirm that arriving at the stadium for 5:30 and then waiting for him to come on at 7:30 was well worth it for the 3 1/2 hour concert. It was incredible. The man has incredible energy.


The fact he takes requests from the crowd and the band is able to play them all no matter how obscure is insane.

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I can confirm that arriving at the stadium for 5:30 and then waiting for him to come on at 7:30 was well worth it for the 3 1/2 hour concert. It was incredible. The man has incredible energy.


The fact he takes requests from the crowd and the band is able to play them all no matter how obscure is insane.



The time seemed to go by so quickly, he genuinely didn't want to leave the stage. Top notch.

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I know :p I thought she was talking about last Wednesday in her first post.


I actually meant it in the future tense not the past tense. Apologies, so yes it is my birthday today :).


That being said, this is why I'm in this thread. I had to work, but my mum got my gifts delivered here (my parents live 150 or so miles away).


It was the razer keyboard I've been after and tickets to see lee evans, so of course I'm thrilled. Went for food at wagamamas just now, so I'm full.



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Things at work are going well. It's basically all I do now.


Essentially I'm being fought over by two departments. One is on the phones, the other is office admin stuff. They've both been impressed with me, and I've had it said that I may be offered a permanent full-time job on the admin side. If so, I'll try to negotiate a £15k salary... may be pushing it but currently I'm earning like £375 a week, plus commission with phones and admin stuff combined. I'd accept £14k really, but I think I can wrangle £14.5k... anyway I shouldn't really be thinking about this that much just yet as it's all pipeline stuff.


I was also told that I may see a cut of the admin-side commission. They have a monthly target of £200k and they broke that halfway through week 2 of this month. I don't expect it to be too much coming down to me but it's really nice that they are talking about giving me a cut. Shows they appreciate my efforts. I do the longest shifts out of anyone in the four companies that work in the building and it's really motivating to have my commitment recognised. If I can get a full-time job on the admin side I'll be able to keep my soul, plus I'll be able to properly build a 'career' with future prospects - something phone work rarely offers.


While I could've been on this path 5 years ago if I hadn't gone to Uni, the jobs I've had along the way have altered my perception of work life. I would also say that it is SOOO vital to ask for benefits/pay rises. If I had just kept quiet when i started with 3 hours a day I'd probably be unemployed right now. Instead I was badgering, laying hints, asking about job vacancies. I got heads of three departments talking to me for chats and I let them all know I want more. And I've been getting it.


Just generally pleased with myself for now! We'll see if a month passes and I'm still doing 50+ hour weeks... these rumours are good motivators for keeping at it, at least. If that door closes then I'll have to move on, but.. yeah ramble ramble.

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The time seemed to go by so quickly, he genuinely didn't want to leave the stage. Top notch.


Yeah the man is a legend. 3 encores.



Not my video but quite a good one of Dancing in the Dark. So jealous of the girl who got to dance on stage and then play the guitar and pose for photos with The Boss.

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My Netflix categories right now sum me up pretty well:


- Critically-acclaimed Cerebral Documentaries

- Dark Independent Ensemble Dramas

- Dark Dysfunctional-Family Movies

- Political Historical Documentaries

- Witty Social & Cultural Documentaries

- Emotional WWII Documentaries


In other news, just four more working days until I go part-time. HUZZAH!

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Spent nearly 12 hours preparing the gallery and putting up work for my uni end of year show which starts tomorrow night. Whilst the 12 hour stint wasn't great I got to hit things hard with a hammer, all the while pretending it was the ex's face I was hitting :heh:


It was very therapeutic and enjoyable!


Plus the opening/private viewing should be good fun tomorrow night, lots of friends, family and alcohol.

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Today I got my degree results.


After coming this close to failing first year and nearly dropping out, I managed to graduate with a 2:1 in Politics from the University Of Southampton.


I am fucking buzzing. :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy:

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It was only a year ago that I was getting my degree but feels like it was more longer ago :( Congrats, though, to everyone getting their degrees :D


Anyway, despite a rather awful sleep and having to put up with perhaps the most arrogant person I've ever met, today has been so good. My friend and I bailed on finishing up uni work because of said arrogant person making working in our MSc common room insufferable and headed to the pub for a couple of bottles of wines and a good ol' chat.


Absolutely love heading out for a drink with said friend. We've become really close over the last year and its just great to have someone at uni that I can not only relate to but talk to whenever things are on a bit of a downer. So rare for me to find someone like her as I have trouble trusting people for various reasons but she's just so great to be around.


So yay for being able to spend time with a close friend! It may seem like a small thing to most but means a lot to me :D

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Aww jealous - I will happily admit that although she's a tool outside of her performances, I would quite like to see her on tour.


I went out with the folks today, managed to grab a few nice things from town and a military jacket I've had my eye on from h&m. Then got a free McDonalds nom!

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