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No work, no driving and no plans for tomorrow! It's going to be a true lazy day, the first one in ages. I can't wait, I've barely even started Runner 2, Luigi's Mansion 2 or Lego City! But all of them seem awesome for the few hours I've played them.


I hope its sunny so I can take Banjo out somewhere!

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I ordered a new car at the start of February and got a call today to say it's ready to be picked up next week!


Feels like forever ago I ordered it!


And to add to the goodness, the tax and insurance on my current car is due at the end of the month, so this has come at just the right time. : peace:


Literally half price insurance, free to tax for first year then only £20 a year from then on, and a new hi techy engine that means it's more fuel efficient equals more monies for Aneres11 :D

And a shiny new car!


Now just to sell my current car... :hmm:

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Went to see fun. last night with @Hamishmash. It was good fun (HAR!) and the support act (Miniature Tigers) was...different.


Felt kind of odd though. There was always something so 'tribal' (in the folkloristic sense) about going to a fun. gig; I came to know several of the people (some of whom I now class as friends), the band would hang out afterwards etc and now there's a lot of people there, mostly teenage girls. I'm happy for them, but it's been weird seeing them go from a place that can't have been any bigger than 3m x 45m to this:




Oh well, I enjoyed myself! Hamish's dancing was particularly spectacular.

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Work's been going well. Yesterday I completed a model in Excel that contained 150 worksheets I ended up staying in the office until half 7 to complete it, which would normally suck, but I was motivated to get it done and now I feel a great sense of achievement.

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Just been at work to tell them that I'd like to quit. Everybody there accepted that, wished me the best of luck and my coaches who worked with me for the past couple of months have the deepest respect for me and my decision.


I also got offered to continue working there (of course in a different department) until I go to university. That would mean I'll definitely have a job until October. : peace:



What amazes me the most, though, is that my colleagues - who I've known for only 5 months - are more understanding than people who I'd call 'friends' and who I've known for many years.



Well, life goes on. I finally made the decision and went through with it. For the first time in my life I've done something for me, only for me.

It feels good, liberating.

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My 4 year anniversary with my lady was TWO DAYS AGO!






Argument closed before someone can beat that. :blank:


Congrats though :grin:


Will be 8 years in November for me.....



Awaits some old fogey to beat me....

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