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Just back from seeing my old school's performance of 'Hairspray' as my wee sister was in it.


For those of you don't know, Hairspray is a musical set in Baltimore in the 1960s about segregation.


None of you will know that my school is perhaps the whitest, middle class school in Scotland. Therefore, all the 'black' people had to wear afro wigs. :P


It was actually fantastic, it worked so well. There was a HUGE cast, great sets. You could tell how much work that they put into it. Really, really good.


And the leading ladies were hot.

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We had our inspection at our school. They came and saw two of my lessons, but only the last 10 or so minutes of them, which is really annoying. They did that to all of the teachers, so either their time-keeping was shocking, or it was some sort of tactic. Who knows.


The first was a Spanish lesson with my class. I got a huge compliment on my planning and spent about 10 or 15 minutes talking with the inspector at the end of the lesson about the planning that I had done/showing her and explaining how it works. So, I think that went really well.


The second lesson was a history lesson about Sir Frances Drake, but she came in right after we had read a text about him, so were right in the middle of the change-over between that and answering a set of questions into our books. I gave her the lesson plan, told her what she had missed and just carried on with it like a normal lesson. She spent the majority of her time looking at the lesson plan and filling her own forms in. Don't think she even interacted with any of the kids, so I take it that she just filled in her own paperwork and all was fine. She left a few minutes later and that was it.


We get our feedback in 5 weeks time. Hopefully it all went fine, the headmaster hasn't mentioned anything to us (and he would have done if something had gone wrong) so...hurrah for it being over.

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Went down to Wales for my Sister's 21st yesterday. It was strange seeing both my Mum's and Dad's side of the family (it was the first time all my brothers and sisters were in the same place), but it was good fun and it was nice seeing everyone.


Also, my Mum, Step Dad and their two kids recently got back form Florida. They got me this:




(I'm sure @Ashley would like that).

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Life is pretty good sometimes.


Currently I'm staying up so that I can proof-read my cousin's big assignment thing. I've finished one game so I went to check on him;


"How's it going?"


"Oh, yeah, just got this and this to do. Hour - max."


"Ok cool... so you know you said that two hours ago too, yeah?"


"Yeah but this time I'm totally doing the work, and not facedditng at all!"


"Ok! Well I'm going to go play your brand new copy of Halo 4, ok?"


"Waiit whaa!"


"Yeah, that's right. Halo 4 for me. I 'have' to stay up pastmidnightffs so I'm-a-gonna-suffer this awesome new game, k?"




.. yeah that doesn't sound especially awesome, but it's great for me. Basically told I need to stay up to make sure my cousin finishes his coursework, which means i get to play games! The halo 4 waiting screen sounds like TNG!

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I just received a final copy of my CV I got done by Resume to Interviews. It's so much better then anything I could have come up. The CV I made for my placement year was shocking, but this, this is job worthy. (I'm actually excited to be looking for jobs now).


I think my favourite part of the whole process was just how thorough the guy was. It's taken over a week and every morning I had a new draft sitting in my inbox with new questions about me and my experience. Dude didn't miss a thing :D

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I did pretty much nothing at work all day (other than email this picture to an ex-colleague with a suggestive comment - thanks Hamish!) as there was nothing to do. Come home and I've:


- Done some video editing work

- Done some paper craft

- Drew a picture of WHAM! (for reasons)

- Hoovered the flat

- Figured out (through testing) the render settings for the videos for the iBook I'm working on

- Created some Excel macros and finished up a document I'm working on


And I'm still full of energy. What the hell!?


Going to read (my new book which can be summed up with "quit your job, go freelance and your life will be better") in bed and hopefully CTFO.

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Congrats Mokong!


Got a free voucher today for afternoon tea for 2 at a local stately home/hall/hotel/spa thing. I went expecting it to be a bit awkward and full of old people, but it turned out to be really good. Unlimited tea, scones, sandwiches, strawberries and cakes is never a bad thing, especially for free and waited upon. The staff were good to talk to as well. Good stuff in all.

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Had my CompTIA Network+ Exam today....obviously as I posting in this thread means I PASSED :D


838 points out of 900...bout 93%


me = WOOT


Now that I am certified to work on IT networks... any jobs going :heh:




......K :(


Nice work dude! My suggestion whilst you're hunting for jobs is to get your teeth around a brand of router and get to know it. Try and live and breathe their forums and stuff. Once you get to know one brand you're 3/4 of the way to knowing the others ;-)


I know a fair amount about the Mikrotik routers so if you wanna give me a shout about it anytime go for it.


Should be hosting a training course for them in January actually :bouncy:


And Ashley, my honour only lets my insult you once per jealousy issue so I shall leave it as this.



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So yesterday early morning, someone on another LEGO forum I'm on discovered a bunch of new LEGO parts in a database. I (and others) (but I did about 11, of the 16) put together the parts and images, and now the news has spread across the net as its Series 10 of the collectible minifigures, and a bunch of places have been linking to my flickr....



....including the top LEGO news site, showing my picture and linking to flickr on the front page! (shame I wasn't name checked on that one, but I'll take it)




I am like....super stoked.

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Last Thursday I went to a speech contest reluctantly to support a friend as she competed. She came second place which surprised me, but it turns out she's a bit of a miserable sod and was in a mood for the rest of the night which ended up with me chilling out by myself, but the free food and beer at the after party kept me company until people started coming over to talk to me. Ended up with the phone numbers of the girl who won the beauty competition at my placement University and her friend


..shame it's only because I'm English and she wants to practise her language skills more. But still, new friends are a good'un in my good book!

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Maybe she knows your English is terrible, and she's only after your cock!


Give me the source material and I'm fine, honestly D:


I'm not very good in the way of writing for both Japanese and English, I'll blame early 2000's internet before the grammar nazi movement and the education system for focussing too much on story writing and plot elements.


But to be fair, I would not argue with your suggestion! Oh I'm such a terribly privileged Caucasian cisgendered scum.

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Spent the day with a friend I've not seen for a while (or not seen as often as I'd like, I suppose I should say). We've often discussed doing work together (he is a director) and we chatted about some ideas we had and made some progress. Plus it was nice to hang out with someone all day. He cooked me lunch too, nice to have some pasta cooked by an Italian :heh:


Hopefully this is more like what my life is going to be when I go freelance (i.e. unemployed). I've had enough of boring jobs which don't mentally stimulate me at all.

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