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Went aaaaaaaaaalllllllll the way to Wales on Thursday (after driving an hour to Weymouth to get a crappy 10 minute interview to apply for a National Insurance number, booh). The drive to Newport was long, but I finally got to meet some of Jim's friends! They were starting to think I wasn't real, so it was good to prove them wrong. =P


Many ciders and cupcakes were had at an engagement party of two lesbians (who ended up so drunk I don't think they remember much of the night). One of them said I'm lovely... but she also threatened she would kill me if I ever hurt Jim. Oh dear. =P

But yay, meeting people! And they liked me! =D


Alsoooooooooo got to see Jim's family for the first time. After three and a half years they have finally met me. It was a bit awkward I guess, but his mum seems to like me (probably because I like cats). She even said we could stay over for the night, I guess so she could have Jim around a bit longer, aww.


We went to Cardiff on Friday where we just looked around and did some shopping. I went there looking for a dress but we went away with games, CDs and DVDs. =P



Cardiff castle which we didn't go into as it cost money, boooh.



Cool building (library), which had yummy restaurants like Gourmet Burger Kitchen, where we devoured a delicious burger, mmm.

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Back home for the holiday and went to visit a friend who lives nearby. Not long after leaving her house a car pulls up and I slide down my headphones assuming they were asking for directions and one of the exchange goes something like this:


"We're police mate"

"Yeah right" (even the charming sarcastic SOB)

"I can prove it, let me show you my badge" *does so* "So what were you doing coming out of that road, it's an industrial area"

"Oh right. My friend lives in the block of flats just there"

"Okay. Night!"


It was so weird. Like...what did they think I was doing? Stealing copper pipes and hiding it down my trousers? I was just casually strolling along with nothing but my music on me. It amused me though.


Even after they showed me their badge I wanted to say "pretty good fake you got there". I just assumed they were having a laugh.

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That's the NHL regular season has now finished and now the race starts for the trophy widely recognised as the hardest to win in all of sport. 2 months long of action and no shaving. It's the Stanley Cup Playoffs.

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Went to my brother's yesterday and looked after my niece whilst they sorted out the garden/house for the estate agent. Was good as I don't get to see her when I'm in Wales. Stopped the night and today went to look round some houses that they've been viewing in Monk Fryston and Church Fenton. Jesus Christ you don't get much for £300-400k in North Yorkshire. Where I'm from you can buy a bloody mansion with that kind of money.

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I went to the Gadget Show live event with my dad today.


Well the Gadget Show malarky was ok, it very much felt like a big electronics supermarket for people with loads of money which I dont have. Got to play some games, impressions at the bottom. The actual GS stuff was fun but seeing that Jason prat in a mankini is not something I ever want to see again.


They had a madcatz booth and the chap on the mike looked exactly like that Big Baryy from Games World. *checks google* Yup its him. Christ he needs to hit the treadmill.




Got to play the new Dirt: Showdown at the Gadget Show thing and that erm bloody whats it called...erm Spec Ops: The Line.


Didnt get to play a proper race for Dirt but did try a Destruction Derby type mode and a stunt type track but I had no fucking idea what to do. Spec Ops was fairly average really everything from the visuals to how the guns feel. I like the whole Dubai covered in sand but the visuals are so lackluster its hard to be impressed.


Played a couple of games of the new Soul Calibur against my dad, beat him three times, good stuff. The game felt good, the characters had a nice weight to them.


Oh my fucking god they had a small retro section with Goldeneye, could the young uns hold an N64 controller properly? No they fucking couldnt, they were holding the left and right handles so they had to stretch their thumbs to reach the analogue. I havent lost my touch with GE, destroyed a good 8 people before I left to get a cuppa.

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Think we found a third for our flat! Had a few people look around and we've chosen one person we like. Text him offering and he did reply but he's doing weird shifts this week (16:00-24:00) so I said he's welcome to ring me after/tomorrow afternoon to talk stuff. Won't say it's final until something is signed/money is handed over but it's a relief. He seems cool so it should be good :) There was also a couple and we decided they're really awesome but we don't really want four people in a tiny flat so think we may text explaining but then seeing if they want to go for drinks, they were that fun.


Plus I got a decent look at my new bedroom (didn't really see much of it before) and there's actually a fair bit of space.


And amusingly (to me) on the tube back myself and my housemate sat in opposite seats (as they were the only ones available) and sat reading for a while not communicating until a seat next to me became available. She moved over and this conversation (to people who had got on since we had) must have seemed weird:


Her: Hey

Me: Hey

Her: You alright?

Me: Yeah you?

Her: Yeah.

Me: Want to come home with me tonight?

Her: Sure why not?

Me: Cool. Cool cool cool.


I've also been watching a lot of Community. My speech patterns are growing Abedian.

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Two awesome things at work today.


First of all. As I may have briefly mentioned previously, we are doing an investment competition at work. Teams of 3 or 4, each three weeks or so we invest in new areas of the stock market, and types of investments. In my team we have four people, and I am basically the leader, having come up with an investment strategy, and the investments we've invested in so far. The prize is an iPad2 for each person in the winning team. 29 teams, and we started off at 8 I think, then 9, then 6, then 5, and this week...we are number 2.


In the top ten (couldn't be bothered to work out further, but possibly overall too) we had the lowest overall fall this week (0.6% down....everyone plummeted as stock market got raped this week.) So yeah. Good news. Fingers crossed. Still a few more rounds though and a long way off! Closes 30th June. Still, number 2 at this stage is at least something to be proud of. :D




And...LOL. Hilarious customer I had at work today. Complete and utter bell-spastic-end. He rang up and said "What does the -£17.50 on my account summary mean?" and I was like "That is the charge on your account. You opened it in 2010, and havn't paid any fees on it since it was opened" etc etc, explaining this.


HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. I just looked him up on Facebook. Looks like such a gimpy twat.


(BTW he is about 20 or so, to set the scene)


Anyway, he went mental said stuff like "What the fucking mary Joseph Jesus is that for then?!" and I explained. He shouldn't have been dealing anyway with such a small amount invested. Anyway, I explained and was like "It covers all running on your account, statements etc" and he was like "I have never received a statement" and so I was like "Okay, I can check when they were sent...." and he was like "I want you to check the exact date they were sent" so I was like "Okay, can I put you on hold for a few seconds to get that information" he said "No." so I said "Okay" and decided to take three times longer than I needed to (of course) and finally confirmed when they were sent. He said he didn't receive them, I said "Do you have your e-mails back that far to check?" he said no. Basically he was a complete twat, really abrupt and rude.


The thing is....we are literally amazing. We are the best stock broker. We are the best value, we have the best customer service and our information is SIMPLE, clear and easy to understand. We aren't one of these companies with hidden charges. From our home page, you are ONE CLICK away from a list of the FULL charges on our standard account. I'll put the link to us on my profile page, click on me and take a look and you'll see for yourself.


We don't hide details in the small print etc. Anyway, I said to him all this on the phone, and did have to say "You ticked the terms of business stating you understood and agreed to the tariff etc", but he was a dick.


Anyway. So he rang back 1 minute later, got me again, and wanted to withdraw everything. He was just as pissy and I was just as pleasant. "Is that it then?" "If you mean, has the withdrawal been processed, then yes." was the shortest I got with him, after he called me unhelpful etc.


Anyway, after the call....I didn't have to do anything, but I'm awesome and nice, so I sent him an e-mail. I re-explained in better words everything we discussed, confirmed the dates AND times of everything we have ever sent him, attached copies of everything we sent, provided links to the charges, and confirming how massively they are advertised on the front (because are charges are GOOD), apologised to him for not giving the service he expected of us, along with some tips for him to be aware of and pitfalls to watch out for if he decides to deal in shares with another company and finally stating that I understood he was upset, but hoped that the e-mail has been at least some degree of help.


So I get a reply, he starts off "No, you're email hasnt made me feel better at all" (A, didn't say I hope it would make him feel better....B, don't be a cunt) etc, and just re-stating everything he said on the phone, finally saying that if we didn't refund the money he would close his account.


So I just replied, my least friendly (but still pleasant, just no longer "playing ball" with him) that he shouldn't have agreed to having read and understood the terms of business of if hadn't done so, and that if he does choose to deal in shares with other companies, that my points in the previous e-mail were useful.


I believe my e-mails will be good development evidence, and the day was quite quiet/boring and so it was nice to get my teeth into something, and also hilarious that the guy was complaining about something that other people cannot believe we are so cheap on/receive awards about it.





Oh yeah. And now I'm on a four day weekend, Manchester United, Casino, Chinese Food, Alton Towers, Thorpe Park.

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Happy Anniversary.


Claire and I viewed three flats today.


The first one was really nice, quite new, good appliances, good location, the second bedroom (my room) was a bit small, but a nice square shape and adjacent (via a hallway) to the lounge.


The second was okay. People were in it, so we were like "oh hiya...." etc. Smelled a tiny bit (family eww), was....just okay. TBH.


The last one was the most expensive. It is brand new, not actually quite finished yet, but it was amazing. The lounge was gargantuan...my room is just....insanely large. Almost too big. Plenty of room for all comics, all LEGO, not only LEGO display but also LEGO..like.,...train line, so I can have a cool Stark Industries train going through everything. Bitchin' kitchen, all SMEG appliances.


As far as I gather, I think we are the only people to have seen it. Certainly she isn't showing anyone else today. So I rang up and said we wanted dat shit.


Now just the partial worrying, until she gets back to me.


Edit; Oh. She just called back. Yeah we've basically got it lol. Win.






Edited by ReZourceman
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