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Yay! Moving in my new house next week with like mah best friend.


Never lived in my own house before. Only halls. :D


Oh and my Blackberry is fixed, Sim Card BORKED. So that's good.


The best thing about my day is when people reblog the gifs I make on Tumblr. I put effort into making my gifs and I'm glad to see they pay off. :grin:

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Christ has it been a crazy couple of days!


I went down to Cambridge on Wednesday morning, to go to my friends, to stay the night, so I had two days to hunt for somewhere to live for next week. I got there at 11, sat down for an hour - found out she was going to be on ITV - this morning on thursday morning, crazy business.


Anyway, went to see 5 places, I didn't really like any of them and came back to mimi's in a blind panic wondering what to do, some were a bit too small, others a bit grotty, some way over priced.


So at 11pm at night I searched pretty much everywhere online and came up with 12 mobile numbers, called them all at 8am the following morning and only 4 people could show me places.


I was shown around some more that day, booking into a hotel for £50 because I had to stay over again.


My last room was the one I ended up picking, I'm still pretty shocked, king size en-suite, 20 minutes from work on a good day, own en-suite sharing in a masssooohive house with two business men for 440pcm everything included, even my own telly and sky box.



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Just found out the partner from one of my cousins is expecting her third child. A girl. Whooooo!

Didn't think they'd be having another one as their youngest is 6 or something, but it's still good news hehe.


Seems everyone is getting pregnant though, two people in my family and then one of my old friends. Now every time someone says "I've got some good news" I'm gonna expect to hear someone is pregnant again haha.

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You mean Eminem? Just watched a video of fight music and purple pills, it looks so cool! I want to be at that concert :(


lead singer of d12 :p big fat black man, he's awesome...


*one of the band members* mannn why you got your top off on stage






And eminem flashed his chest too, there's lyrics in Stan "I even got a tattoo of your name across the chest" and he flashed his chest, cue screams from all women and even a few men cheered :p


but yeah d12 are class man, im not even into rap but they were just wicked at revving up the crowd!

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My parents have put a reserve on a doggy..


So I didn't want my parents to get a new dog, but we went to this amazing building that dogs trust had just built and there were two little doggies, both very, very sweet, quite taken with one of them, so we're after it.


I was unsure, but maxi (my other dog.) is quite lonely..so we'll see, but it's quite nice to see my parents so excited.

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Eenuh, Jim's got some good news.


I've got bad news...





The last few days have been so Mr. Mime. In other words, laaaame. I've had a lot of planning to do for school, but I've written the whole lot now. After barely moving from the same spot for days. So glad it's done.


Now...I'mma celebrate. I'm going to go play Super Metroid!

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It's amazing hearing how many people are genuinely worried about Hurricane Irene hitting New York. I mean, not to say people don't care about other hurricanes that hit other parts of the world but there's just some special about that city that infects anyone who has ever been lucky enough to visit it.

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My advances were rejected by this girl on the dancefloor last night which is completely fair enough. Anyway, I decided to reject her back after that by holding my hand up so I couldn't see her, turning my back etc. She loved this. Ended up getting with her haha. Boom.



Was out for a 21st, great night. Started off with a BBQ at his house then a taxi into town for a few bevs and then hit the club. Feeling rather fresh now too!

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Both bluey and I were feeling pretty uninspired today but we went out for a great walk to investigate the new bit of Banbury that we've moved into. Got totally lost but had a great time and came across some fantastic bits of town.


We actually got so lost that we found sign pointing to Banbury :shakehead


On top of this, I've got back on the 3d art bandwagon and am finding my feet again with the tools like a shakey legged newborn foal. Not bad for running it through VM Ware!

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Both bluey and I were feeling pretty uninspired today but we went out for a great walk to investigate the new bit of Banbury that we've moved into. Got totally lost but had a great time and came across some fantastic bits of town.


We actually got so lost that we found sign pointing to Banbury :shakehead


On top of this, I've got back on the 3d art bandwagon and am finding my feet again with the tools like a shakey legged newborn foal. Not bad for running it through VM Ware!


Banbury? As in Oxfordshire Banbury?

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How come? Like...you coming down for studying or?


I feel sad for you.


Ayup, heading down to do a masters and hopefully stick somewhere. There's only so much rain and old people any one man can take. But there are some things I shall miss, obviously.

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martinist come down and join us.


Where abouts will you be stationed Gaggle?


I'll be entrenching myself in Portsmouth, where I shall be studying and working in the Co-op next the student union, so that's all gravy. Martinist I know will still visit but he's sticking where he is, so I've still got my melancholy.


Where are you billeted Rez?

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