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Had a phone interview earlier today for a crummy call centre job. Woes are me. Easy money fo'shiz.


While I was at uni, specifically the last few years, I really felt like I'd done the wrong course completely. Some of my very good friends that I made through juggling were training to be mental health nurses and they repeatedly said I'd be good at it (due to philosophy/psychotherapy type chats), so today I looked at the course they did and sent an email to the uni. So yeah... first steps taken towards perhaps maybe going back to uni to do a 2-year diploma that will pretty much guarentee me a decent-paid job. It's one of those insane life-changing/breaking decisions that I've, really, not made yet... but yeah. Fact is my life is completely aimless right now and it's the root of all that is wrong with me.

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jay - I once heard this quote: "not having a goal is a dangerous thing in life". I think even short-term goals lend so much more meaning and purpose to everyday life. Two years will fly by! If you think the course/resulting job is right for you, do iiiitttt! :) Also good luck re:call centre job!




Didn't have to work, played piano aaaaaall day (psssst over here), prompting my mum to ask "how can you sit there and play for hours like that?".

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Had a phone interview earlier today for a crummy call centre job. Woes are me. Easy money fo'shiz.


While I was at uni, specifically the last few years, I really felt like I'd done the wrong course completely. Some of my very good friends that I made through juggling were training to be mental health nurses and they repeatedly said I'd be good at it (due to philosophy/psychotherapy type chats), so today I looked at the course they did and sent an email to the uni. So yeah... first steps taken towards perhaps maybe going back to uni to do a 2-year diploma that will pretty much guarentee me a decent-paid job. It's one of those insane life-changing/breaking decisions that I've, really, not made yet... but yeah. Fact is my life is completely aimless right now and it's the root of all that is wrong with me.


That sounds really exciting! I hope it's the right thing for you. :)


jay - I once heard this quote: "not having a goal is a dangerous thing in life". I think even short-term goals lend so much more meaning and purpose to everyday life. Two years will fly by! If you think the course/resulting job is right for you, do iiiitttt! :) Also good luck re:call centre job!


Yup, not having some sort of goal in your life, something to strive towards - however small - can really make everything seem pointless.

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I feel in touch with nature. So much. Cycled for ages in my lonesome today. All my friends were busy. Usually I love to cycle with 1, 2, maybe 3 others.


Alone time. Just what I need -- bleurgh. Still enjoyable.



I sat on a road for 20+ minutes and wrote a poem. Not a soul passed by. As I returned the phone to its warm pocket a car passed by. Like a higher-force was protecting me. Making sure no-one distracted me while I composed my poem. Not the first time.


Guardian Angels are watching. Leaves are so green.

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I'm on my way to London to go play some unreleased Nintendo games for work. Woe is me.. :D


Don't forget to play Xenoblade Chronicles...





... or else... :blank:











... you'll have not played it, which would be a pity, no? :(

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Don't forget to play Xenoblade Chronicles...





... or else... :blank:











... you'll have not played it, which would be a pity, no? :(


This was pretty much the only game I didn't play. And Days of Ruin I think it was? I saw it there but it was quite busy with only 1 demo stand so I played a Japanese demo of Kirby's Mass Attack which was opposite it and proceeded to get my mind blown :D


I've got a writeup of the 3DS stuff in the 3DS thread here and will write about Zelda and Kirby and the other bits and bobs elsewhere later on.


Basically, it was a GLORIOUS day.

















And THE BEST game booth of the event (seriously I was blown away by how good it was):




You know you're at a Nintendo event when the first thing you see upon entering the demo room is a dim white room with mood highlights everywhere :heh:



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Dyson how long were you at the thing for? My housemate went last night (and I went day before) so you may have been in the same place at the same time.


Yesterday was fuuun. Graduation. Was good seeing most people again. Unlike our undergraduate graduation whereby we had some honorary graduate speaking for at least 30 minutes about pots (he made them) this time we had interesting people! And they had jokes! And also one of them was this:




I saw him come into the building and though "that looks like -- it can't be" but it turns out it was. Nice to have a bit of Pulp in the middle of graduation.


Anyway afterwards did the photo stuff, went for a meal with my family and drifted along southbank with them for a while. Then they went home and I met some classmates at a pub. Then we went to our usual Vietnamese for karaoke then to another pub. Good day :D

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How? I use Illustrator. That's how I made my Tron Legacy Daft Punk.


It's probably a really stupid/long way of doing it, but I have a 16x16 grid of rulers saved as a template. I then use the shape tool to place squares where I want the pixels. Because the rulers are there, squares just lock to those. I do all of one colour at a time (eg all the black pixels) so that I can fill them when I'm done. Because all this is a shape and not a selection, I can apply a stroke (border) round them to separate out the pixels.


This is the grid:




And this is a quick end result:




The pixels have a black border round them, even if the background colour changes. Alternatively, I could have set the stroke/border to "eraser" and have the pixel gaps match the background for shirts or whatever. I can adjust the width and color of the border if need be, but I wouldn't want to change from black or see through.

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