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The problem with my migraines is that they aren't really "real" migraines per se, but more headaches with pains very similar to that of migraines. I like to call them placebo migraines since they're controlled completely by my thoughts. If I'm worried I'm going to get one, it will come, and it only disappears once I forget about it.

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The problem with my migraines is that they aren't really "real" migraines per se, but more headaches with pains very similar to that of migraines. I like to call them placebo migraines since they're controlled completely by my thoughts. If I'm worried I'm going to get one, it will come, and it only disappears once I forget about it.


ahh, sounds a bit... strange? Have you tried taking migraine pills for it? You might be able to get them over the counter (not sure how your drug laws work) or else go to your doc.


Hard to forget about something like that when it feels like its splitting your brain in two :p

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ahh, sounds a bit... strange? Have you tried taking migraine pills for it? You might be able to get them over the counter (not sure how your drug laws work) or else go to your doc.


Hard to forget about something like that when it feels like its splitting your brain in two :p


Yeah, it's really a horrible thing. :heh: I've had it for years, but it mostly comes in periods. My doctor likened it to migraine due to the nature of the pain, but we've theorised it may be a psychosomatic reaction to my autism. I doubt that any form of painkiller would have much effect - unless I can genuinely convince myself it will have an effect, because then it will. For a time I actually found a type of painkiller that worked, but that stopped working once I realised it only worked because I believed it did. :p

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Ok Danny, sounds like you're a perfect candidate for some alternative medicine. There's like ten thousand different placebos you can try, should last you a lifetime!


But they won't work if I know they're placebos! :p


You should try acupuncture, its really relaxing :)


I dunno about needles. :heh: Plus I'm a bit sceptical of acupuncture; to what degree has it been medically proven?

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Just booked a restaurant for after my Graduation on Wednesday. Went onto the website to find out the phone number and was greeted with this splash page.




Do you think anyone, ever, has clicked on the 'flash' option?

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Just booked a restaurant for after my Graduation on Wednesday. Went onto the website to find out the phone number and was greeted with this splash page.




Do you think anyone, ever, has clicked on the 'flash' option?


Almost certainly.


It's also the top option.

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Yesterday was a great night. Today is our last day of school, and we're not actually teaching as it's prize-giving day. So, the headmaster makes speeches, we clap, etc. So, yesterday a few of us decided that we would sneak back into the school at night time and take some drinks with us.


So, when all the boarding kids had fallen asleep, we snuck back into the school and had drinks with the boarding staff. There were about 14 of us altogether and we had a great laugh. The housemaster is a brilllllliant bloke and is such a personality. He makes everyone laugh without fail. :D


At 2 o'clock, me and two of the other males teachers decided that we'd go to sleep in the common room. The other two slept on the bigger sofas yet I had the tiny one. :( So, the housemother gave me a mattress, aahah. When I went to brush my teeth, I had come back into the room and notice that the guys had hidden my mattress. :heh: So when one of them went off to the loo a bit later on, I snuck onto the sofa and stole it for a while, before showing mercy.


Greeeeat night. We were up at 6, the three of us, hungover, eating cereal in the school kitchen before putting on Ice Age in one of the classrooms before the kids arrived.


To top it off, my class only had to stay for 10 mins for the ceremony, whilst others had to stay for about an hour and a half/two hours. Fucking WIN.

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It's interesting that it's IBS, a syndrome that stress has a large impact on.


The mere fact that the doctor is giving them a placebo and not real medication would probably calm them down anyway, "Oh, it's not that bad because I have fake drugs."


I'd like to see it tried on other things.

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Best day of work today, even though i was 45 minutes late due to the trains. Probably took around 15 calls, which shows how quiet today was. Had around 10 minutes between each call, and only 1/4 of the staff that the centre has.

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