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How do you know :o


I'm also planning on getting a job to keep me pre-occupied! I also just remembered, think I'm having surgery on my leg which may keep me out for a while :(


Two things


1. Pre-occupied? Your not a kid of 12 :) I'm going to Italy, Spain and 2 camping trips, and I still think I'll be booooored.


2. Leg wassup?

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Surely you saying you'll be bored was exactly what I was saying? I need a job to stop me from being bored!


2. Ventricle veins in ma leg or something? Usually found in old people! Doing it now before I start job/ PPP insurance runs out (not covered by NHS).

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Surely you saying you'll be bored was exactly what I was saying? I need a job to stop me from being bored!


2. Ventricle veins in ma leg or something? Usually found in old people! Doing it now before I start job/ PPP insurance runs out (not covered by NHS).


Yes but I'm doing things actively to make myself not bored, should point out my girlfriends working full time at the job because she's bored...


I'm stuck at home revising

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Stirling - A city, because it won a competition. A total nothing place.


St Asaph (North Wales) refers to itself as a city all the time. It used to be a city (as it has a cathedral) ages and ages ago and it keeps trying (and failing) to get official status.

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Graduate programs starting in October, you sure? :p


He was one of 3 people to start in March this year. He actually got offered to start in October instead as there were so few of them but he decided to go for March as he had nothing else to do.

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Stickers arrived!




From left to right:

Cube's design

Smiley face from Tesco

Shure, donated by my friend Eoin

L.A. Noire, also donated by my friend Eoin. The sticker came from PAX

Eenuh's Design (hard to see, it's near the N of Noire)

"Ejector Seat" and "Fire", donated by my friend Richard

Charles and Wonder Body Repair Shop. My design

Rez's design (I R Artichoke)

Superman logo (behind the petrol gauge)

Kitty Lea. My own design

Retro Rockers. Random RedBubbler

Drunks Don't Get Tattooed at this Studio. Random RedBubbler

Ghost Busters. Tesco

Rolling Stones. Tesco

Pinup "Tech Support". Random RedBubbler

Rockstar. Donated by my friend Eoin. From PAX

VW Logo. Random RedBubbler

"I'm at your shows, dirtying up the place" My own design

Santa Pod Helmet. From Santa Pod

Dinki-Di. Random RedBubbler. A logo from Mad Max. Seemed fitting!

Ace. Random RedBubbler

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So.. since ive been jobless about a month... I got a phonecall from my friend the other day who manages a shoe concession within Dorothy Perkins. Shes offered me a job... 8 hours a week (not much like) but its enough to keep me afloat till Uni starts up again in january!


EXCITED :D no interview no nothing. i just got offered the job!


Be careful. What seems a freely job always comes with a price.

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TFB responded to my email. Going to try and swing by the tattoo studio today to sort out the dets and put a deposit down. I'm only constantly going on about it because I'm incredibly middle-class and this excites me to no end.

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Just had a phone call from a friend, seems a mutual acquaintance fucked them over, same as they did me 6 months ago, but nobody would believe me about it at the time. It's nice to be vindicated, even nicer to say I told you so.


As much as I'd usually agree..


But surely it's not really cool given your poor friend is now upset over the same crap you got?


Today it's good, I'm nearly moved out my old flat and I practically to have somewhere to live..for some reason people have decided to be nice and I've had a wave of emails and texts from people wondering if I need somewhere still.


Hopefully the one on Sunday is nice so I don't have to worry about anywhere else, but I'm still to receive pictures from three other landlords/roommates, so we shall see.

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After a shit day yesterday (we had a crit and my work got annihilated for doing what they told me to do at the last one so I'm past doing what they want and just making what I want) I'm glad to have a nice day. First day off in weeks, and probably my last one until June 25th. Nice to unwind.

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I found that with my final year project, everyone got so riled at each other and tutors who kept saying stupid things and in the end we all did as we wanted - as per the brief and we all did remarkably awesome things. Ignore them chicken!


I moved out of my old flat today, no more sheffield, hopefully ever. :D

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So I've finally finished uni! Was a hungover wreck yesterday but actually managed to be productive at work! Went for a drink with a friend afterwards who's been offered the same job as I have and we've pretty much agreed that we're going to take it (working in different venues) and leave our current position.

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Nah shes just desperate and she knows i need a job and im reliable etc. Means she doesnt have to advertise and interview n stuff :P

That's what I mean. She may turn round one day and say "I DIDN'T INTERVIEW YOU, YOU OWE ME, GIMME STUFF!"


Hopefully not though.

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