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I know, I was joking. The fact is the pubic hair is still nowhere to be found.

Not me. I'm not that ripped, I'm afraid. I'd kill to have a body like that. :heh:
They look fantastic :hehe: I may need to go hunting later so that I can grab a piece of that action!

Seems they're Tesco exclusive. They're brilliant though...not only are they chocolate chip with those varieties, they have a milk chocolate base similar to a digestive


They are win

N-Europe finally working again for me. *fingers crossed it keeps working*




Yes I know I lead a sad life.


I rejoiced too early. It again gave me a 404 error earlier. It better keep working now. >.>;

Costume Quest AND Super Meat Boy are released today.

Best damn two things to happen today.


Well I'm half happy cos of costume quest but gonna have to wait for wiiware or pc release of meat boy


Posted from my BlackBerry using BerryBlab

Well I'm half happy cos of costume quest but gonna have to wait for wiiware or pc release of meat boy


Posted from my BlackBerry using BerryBlab


So I guess it gets released on everything except PSN?

Thats a bit strange...

Going to see Scott Pilgrim tonight with my best friend, who is just as much a gamer and just as hyped as I am.




You won't regret it!

Such an amazing film, I loved it. All the video game, or just mostly Zelda references are just brilliant :)

It had me laughing throughout. The constant fighting got a little dul by the end but otherwise, quality film.

Tell me what you thought of it when you see it :)


Got to laze around in bed all day. It was AWESOME.


Best thing that happened to my yesterday was someone surprised me with something amazing. Making of Empire Strikes Back, a book I have been looking forward to forever. Could not believe it. I hadn't even realised it was out until we saw it.


That person = LEGEN... wait for it.


.......... dary!


The best thing to happen to me today was that after hours of struggling to come up with something coherent, even though I knew the subject matter, I finally managed to complete my essay diagnosing the psychological issues of the main character from Nikolai Gogol's Diary of a Madman.


May not seem like much to others but its a huge relief to manage to kick that one into touch as it was doing my nut in. Perhaps shouldn't have left it until 2 days before the deadline :laughing:. Whether the essay is good or not I don't know (first time doing diagnoses/differential diagnoses and we weren't shown how to go about it) but I've covered all the points relevant and given a solid answer I feel.


My group's abortion of a 1st project wasn't completely ripped apart by the tutors. Wouldn't really matter, I ripped it apart myself once it had been shown to everyone on my course, but it was just so embarrassing. I want my name to never be associated with it.


This may be the thing Ashley didn't want in the thread. Faux-positives.

My group's abortion of a 1st project wasn't completely ripped apart by the tutors. Wouldn't really matter, I ripped it apart myself once it had been shown to everyone on my course, but it was just so embarrassing. I want my name to never be associated with it.


This may be the thing Ashley didn't want in the thread. Faux-positives.


If you want - go make a worst thing to happen today thread, only positives here!


Saw my baby niece for the first time! Neice? Niece? asasadssdag?


She's a fairly calm little 'un. I gave her her FIRST teddy bear (a giant piglet) and gave her mum the Times newspaper from her birthday, coincidentially with the first non-cryptic times crossword I've ever managed to completely DO.


Also started on Neil Stephenson's Cryptonomicon, an absolutely fantastic book. I may go make a thread.


Not as awesome, but I met Bill Tarney, aka Jack Duckworth from Coronation Street.


EDIT: I was on the wrong page, referring to what I thought was the latest turn of events with Dannyboy meeting JK Rowling. :heh:

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