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The Dark Knight Rises (Spoilers inside, enter at own risk)


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You are completely and utterly deluded.


Marvel Defence Force detected.



Film was dayumn good, I've watched it twice now. There's a couple of hiccups admittedly, what with having the smartest guy of the fucking century emerge out of no where and some editing hiccups, but people completely overlook the brilliance and relevance of it.


If Heath hadn't tragically died and the Occupy movement didn't exist, god knows what movie we would have got but I still think they did an amazing job with it. The only big complaint I have is:


What a fucking cheap way to kill Bane.


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Bane, I loved. Apart from his whole blowing-everyone-to-hell thing, I was sympathetic to his cause. Actually felt Batman came out as a bit of a fascist.

I loved Bane's voice but didn't like the fact that he was portrayed as little more than a terrorist with a vision of fucking up a city. Knowing the origins of a Venom addicted villian he was simply turned into a "normally" strong crime boss and the reason he wore a mask was to cover a boo-boo.


One thing which let this film down was that they tried to have too much happening over a long space of time and tried to cram it into the last half of the film. A couple of months passed by in minutes and Bruce's healing speed rivalled that of Wolverine.

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Finally saw it after 2 weeks in the countryside of the Turkey/Syria border*.





I really enjoyed it, it was great.


I need to see it again as I was very tired (on Turkey time, 2 hours ahead), but still loved it.


It was a bit messy at points, as it had so much to cram in, and it did feel a bit odd how there were SO many new players and lots of time given to non-costumed characters - BUT in the end it worked.


And even though I am a Batman demon with knowledge to the ends of the earth RE: his entire history and rouge's gallery I still physically gasped when the 'real villain' was revealed. I think I was just really tired/delirious :p. Cause obviously I knew it was a possibility since that casting decision.


I really liked Bane/his voice.


My favourite thing was the reveal of the child's true story. Come on androgyny. I like reveals where you actually already saw the truth (we saw the child escape already) but didn't realise (it wasn't Bane).


Hey Talia. I love. I kinda wanted her classic comic hair, but it's fine. I liked that this film was the resolution of Ra's plan (in a way). I kinda hate BLOWING UP THE CITYYYYY but it's fine.


Loved how Scarecrow is in all 3 films. Shame Joker isn't here - he shouldn't ever have been a main part, but they could easily have used him in a similar way to Scarecrow - I felt he'd have things to talk about with Bane. But over it.


Batman kinda annoyed me, since I hate giving up/I don't know. I'm unsure about an 8-year gap. Feels too long, I can't deal.


But I did actually love it.


OH SELENA KYLE. OBVIOUSLY Michelle Pfieffefefer's Catwoman is a Queen of Life never-be-topped, but this is a much more comic-accurate interpretation and I like Anne at the best of times, so very happy with her. She didn't need to be in the film at all really, perhaps it would have let the film be more streamlined, but really she fitted in very well.


Ra's Al Ghul/ Scarecrow/ The Joker/ Two-Face/ Bane/ Talia


Yes. Yeeeees. The League of Unsavoury.


I liked the end.


AND I agree with Hamish re: how this film makes you feel as opposed to Avengers.


Avengers left with much more of an "!!!" excitement immediately after, but TDK trilogy will always be seen as more 'films' in their own right that transcend the 'superhero' genre. Avengers I thought was excellent considering the patchiness of the films preceeding it, and it was better than I expected, I loved it - but The Dark Knight films always have much more of a feeling of uncertainty in it's plotting. That' just...like a filmic fact. They are much more uncompromising than the Avengers films. Ok, so Batman isn't dead, the goodies won, the baddies didn't. But...actually look at that! Batman is dead, Bruce isn't (that happend in an interesting way), the characters all have different motivations blah blah can't be bothered writing anymore but yeah. I loved both films, but TDK does have a quality that makes it very different to Avengers.





*a few hundred miles from it

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I felt The Avengers was a great super hero film, but it was so standard it was borderline forgettable; if you'd had a different set of characters who were completely generic, it wouldn't have been a great film; if TDKR had a different set of characters it still would have been compelling.


With TDKR, me and my friends still quote it at each other - because it was a great film, without the need for a 'super hero' qualifier. All I remember of The Avengers is Hulk punching Thor - like I said, that's not to say I didn't enjoy it immensely.


I loved Bane's voice but didn't like the fact that he was portrayed as little more than a terrorist with a vision of fucking up a city. Knowing the origins of a Venom addicted villian he was simply turned into a "normally" strong crime boss and the reason he wore a mask was to cover a boo-boo.


I thought the twist at the end put him in a completely new light.


I've always felt the Venom thing was a bit lame so I didn't mind this (and from what I understand, in the comics, Bane doesn't actually use Venom any more...or maybe he does, I've not seen him in DCNu). I thought they should have pointed out how insanely intelligent Bane is meant to be - like he can speak a crap load of languages because he was taught by the convicts (which made me love his accent because it felt like it was an international accent).

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I did like how in principle the 'get rid of his venom and he's done' was still present in this version of Bane (his mask), but not really explained. How was it keeping him alive/strong? It felt like we didn't need to know. But I liked how it was the same principle as his venom supply (it being his achilles heel).

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Taken from the Wiki, Bane's mask explained:

Bane was attacked and severely beaten by the other inmates. The penitentiary's resident doctor attempted to heal his injuries, but despite his efforts Bane ended up in a state of constant, excruciating pain. The mask, crafted following Bane's release, provides him with a constant stream of anesthetic gas to numb the pain and allow him to function.


Fucking stupid.

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I just have this feeling that people can forgive films like the Avengers so much, yet the slightest flaws or niggles or plot holes with this and people get so angry and bitter.


(and I don't see them as plot holes, they'd be holes if we knew everything, but a lot is left for us to make up for ourselves... there are very legitimate ways to explain these holes)


EDIT: I thought he had the mask to prevent himself from getting hurt, like he could get punched endlessly and not feel it. Like the World is Not Enough baddie.

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I just have this feeling that people can forgive films like the Avengers so much, yet the slightest flaws or niggles or plot holes with this and people get so angry and bitter.


And isn't that very telling...


Expectations of types of films etc.

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Taken from the Wiki, Bane's mask explained:

Bane was attacked and severely beaten by the other inmates. The penitentiary's resident doctor attempted to heal his injuries, but despite his efforts Bane ended up in a state of constant, excruciating pain. The mask, crafted following Bane's release, provides him with a constant stream of anesthetic gas to numb the pain and allow him to function.


Fucking stupid.


I thought it was quite clever. Throughout the film, the rumour about it is that it's required for him to live - something Batman thinks is true. Due to his "no kill" thing, Batman doesn't try to disable the mask as he thinks it would kill him.


He learns in the camp about how it's an antithetic and removing it wouldn't kill him, so in the later fight he directly attacks the mask.

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EDIT: I thought he had the mask to prevent himself from getting hurt, like he could get punched endlessly and not feel it. Like the World is Not Enough baddie.


Well essentially it's a painkiller, so yeah, it would stop him getting hurt as well as feeling his original injuries.


I thought of TWINE as well, same sort of thing.

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Well i don't think there's any anaesthetic that can numb your whole body to pain while still leaving your mind clear and your body up and about (as far as i know). So it probably has to be taken with a pinch of salt.


It's easier to believe the anaesthetic thing than the alien lifeform being inhaled, i think.

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Marvel Defence Force detected.


What? C'maaaaaaan. MARVEL can suck my cock at this precise moment in time. I've literally never disliked them more in my life, so this comment is some what ironic.


To clarify, I really liked TDKR, thought it was great, but people being blown by it, saying Hardy's performance was as good as Heath, and saying its the best of the trilogy is simply deluded.

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What? C'maaaaaaan. MARVEL can suck my cock at this precise moment in time. I've literally never disliked them more in my life, so this comment is some what ironic.


To clarify, I really liked TDKR, thought it was great, but people being blown by it, saying Hardy's performance was as good as Heath, and saying its the best of the trilogy is simply deluded.


Haha you know I was just fucking with you man =P


Personally, I think Hardy's performance was just as good as Heath's, you've just got to remember that both characters are pretty much opposite.


Best of the trilogy? I agree with you here, it's no Dark Knight, the flaws of DKR held it back.

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and saying its the best of the trilogy is simply deluded.


Come on now man enough of that bullshit. The great thing about being an individual is that you can form your own opinion. You dont like the film as much as you liked TDK then fair enough but dont piss on other peoples opinions and call them deluded just because you dont agree.

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I saw this the other night in UltraAVX which is apparently some kind of new spankled IMAX. Was a very pleasurable experience. Anyway on to the movie, for me I was did not leave as amazed and buzzing as I did from Batman Begins and The Dark Knight.




For me Bane's voice hinged on the ridiculous for large parts of the movie. The fact that people in the cinema were laughing when he spoke didn't help. I think it was a great performance from Tom Hardy in how unexpected it was but not in terms of how great it was. Disappointing to see how swiftly he was dispatched in the end. Also it was disappointing how Bane and Batman's encounters were little more than fist flights. When you compare the encounters with the Joker as a whole and how the set pieces played out around these two characters they were much better.


Also what do people make of such points of view;




I mean either way Batman is gone and a legend in the process and that's the message that was trying to be displayed to my mind. I do hope we see some sort of spin off be it Robin/Nightwing or even the use of this character in the rebooted Batman we will see in a few years.

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I had a thought regarding some plot points and something people may have missed



The office sequence where Bruce meets Fox

  • Fox shows Bruce the special projects collection including at least 2 the Bats
    (as one is still there at the end to be checked) but there could have been multiple in various stages of operational capabilities
    it comes in black


The stock exchange sequence


  • bane etc flee on bikes
  • Batman shows up and pursues them
  • Cops only chase batman and bane etc escapes
  • batman flies off in The BAT
  • skips to catwoman stealing and then attacking Dagget
  • She is surrounded and batman helps her and they escape in The Bat
  • He drops her off on the roof of a skyscraper
  • he returns to the batcave and parks on the raising platform
  • he argues with Alfred over the transmitter and not helping the police
    .... I'll leave it here


Later during the siege after The pit

  • Bruce later returns to the besieged Gotham and meets Fox and asks to be got back in the game
  • they go to the container - auxillary batcave seen in the dark knight
  • he asks for something to jam the bomb and they discuss the emp unit from The BAT
  • He jokes do you remember where you parked
  • it skips to the roof top from earlier and The Bat is under a camo tarpaulin


So earlier the Bat was left in the bat cave, then later it was as if it was left on the roof where he dropped off Cat? which was near her apartment.


you could argue that he used it to meet Cat later and go into the subway? but we don't know this for certain and it was certainly unlikely that this section of the subway was anywhere near the roof top where he previously dropped off Cat.


Now you could say it was coincidence and that Nolan just reused a section of the city, but Nolan puts huge amount of thought into everything and only intentionally does things so......what if it was in both places? what if people have missed that he had access to TWO the bats?


Batman could have had a second Bat purely as a back up (or that was in a less ready state but airworthy) that he either stored at an alternate location, or had left on a rooftop.


Now what if when he took off in The bat with the reactor core, he set the auto pilot and switched between the two to make his stealthy escape and further his faking of his death.

A convenient point to switch, when every one was distracted would be when the building blew up and he exited the city over the river, what if on a lower building was the second bat and he jumped out, caused the explosion and therefore distraction so he could escape, everyone would be watching the one with the bomb by this point so are unlikely to see a second flying away.


Just an explanation to the inconsistency people pick up on about him being in A cockpit when the timer was around 5 seconds, and then try to claim he didn't survive and Alfred was hallucinating.


I might go see it a third time and look out for other flying vehicles at this point during the film



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Where is this dream stuff coming from?



That article said that it was a dream cause on Alfred seeing Bruce in the cafe it didn't show any flashback of how he escaped from the explosion?


Yeah I thought it was kinda silly how he could have gotten out and far enough away in the 5 seconds.... but I never considered it was Alfred dreaming.

While I would have liked to see how "exactly" he got away


The bit with Fox discovering that the Auto Pilot on the Bat was fixed is enough to know that the bit with Alfred is NOT a dream. Why else would they make that statement of "oh hey the Auto Pilot was fixed but Fox didn't know", if it was not to say... "oh hey Bruce didn't die afterall."


Batman even says to Catwoman when taking the Bomb "no auto pilot"

In hindsight we know he is lying when he says that.


He has no reason to lie unless he was thinking "I can use this chance to fake my death now"


It is bloody obvious that the scene with Alfred is not a dream and there is nothing in it to suggest that it was a dream.... which is a shame cause I would have prefered had Bruce actually died and not just quit... BATMAN would never just give up and hide, frak you Nolan :mad:


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Where is this dream stuff coming from?



That article said that it was a dream cause on Alfred seeing Bruce in the cafe it didn't show any flashback of how he escaped from the explosion?


Yeah I thought it was kinda silly how he could have gotten out and far enough away in the 5 seconds.... but I never considered it was Alfred dreaming.

While I would have liked to see how "exactly" he got away


The bit with Fox discovering that the Auto Pilot on the Bat was fixed is enough to know that the bit with Alfred is NOT a dream. Why else would they make that statement of "oh hey the Auto Pilot was fixed but Fox didn't know", if it was not to say... "oh hey Bruce didn't die afterall."


Batman even says to Catwoman when taking the Bomb "no auto pilot"

In hindsight we know he is lying when he says that.


He has no reason to lie unless he was thinking "I can use this chance to fake my death now"


It is bloody obvious that the scene with Alfred is not a dream and there is nothing in it to suggest that it was a dream.... which is a shame cause I would have prefered had Bruce actually died and not just quit... BATMAN would never just give up and hide, frak you Nolan :mad:


Alll valid points. I also think if anyone but Nolan had made this movie then it would never have happened.

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I saw it at the weekend. It was very meh for me. I of course enjoyed it but I didn't walk away feeling blown away like I did with the Dark Knight. Maybe that was all due to the Joker. I dunno, felt like the storyline took too long to get going and just wasn't overly great. Nice ending though I thought.


Bale's Batman voice still annoys me.

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