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Friend Attacked (Thrip)


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Wow. How about instead of giving reasons as to why he was attacked, how about just showing your sympathy for such a horrible thing, and leaving it at that? I hardly feel Chair is going to care whether you think it happened because the thug was provoked or not. Either way, it was completely wrong. Surely it should be left at that?


Hope you're friend's doing alright. :)

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Wow. How about instead of giving reasons as to why he was attacked, how about just showing your sympathy for such a horrible thing, and leaving it at that? I hardly feel Chair is going to care whether you think it happened because the thug was provoked or not. Either way, it was completely wrong. Surely it should be left at that?


Hope you're friend's doing alright. :)

Well taking that POV I highly doubt Chair's friend cares/wants sympathy from a bunch of people on the internet he doesn't know!
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Well taking that POV I highly doubt Chair's friend cares/wants sympathy from a bunch of people on the internet he doesn't know!


I'd say he would prefer a bunch of strangers sympathy than a bunch of strangers telling him "Well, that's bad...but you brought it on yourself". However rude he came across, it's no reason to be that violent towards someone, or use homophobic slurs for that matter.

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I'd say he would prefer a bunch of strangers sympathy than a bunch of strangers telling him "Well, that's bad...but you brought it on yourself". However rude he came across, it's no reason to be that violent towards someone, or use homophobic slurs for that matter.

What Retro said. NOBODY ever said that his actions were justified. But people gotta be careful what they do and say since other people can be violent dickheads.

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Wow. How about instead of giving reasons as to why he was attacked, how about just showing your sympathy for such a horrible thing, and leaving it at that? I hardly feel Chair is going to care whether you think it happened because the thug was provoked or not. Either way, it was completely wrong. Surely it should be left at that?


Hope you're friend's doing alright. :)


If he didn't want the matter discussed he shouldn't have posted it. End of.

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As much as the response, "how the fuck should I know, it's maxi-irrelevant" is deserving of a large fine and jail time, I do not support vigilante justice.


Joking aside, I hope your friend is (relatively) OK, and let us know if there's any developments with the police and catching the arsehole who did it.


Oh, and I must commend you for you actions in attempting to peacefully resolve the situation, and it is very sad you were unsuccessful.

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I agree with Retro and Dannyboy-the-Dane, he shouldn't have resorted to violence or homophobic behavior but Chair's friend needs to be more careful of how he answers people because there are absolute nutters out there.


Anyway, I hope your friend is okay Chair and, as nintendo-master has already said, keep us posted. :)

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Of course the guy that did this totally overreacted and shouldn't have resorted to violence' date=' but it sounds to me like your friend shouldn't have been such a dick to the guy in the first place. You don't know how psycho random people are going to be so why provoke them in such a stupid way?[/quote']


Agree to an extent.


That's completely fucking irrelevant. If you're going to start blaming the victims of violence as their own mistake, as if other people are some kind of mysterious unstoppable force of nature that you just have to put up with, then you may as well just lock yourself inside and chuck the key away. The fact that this guy clearly identified Chair's friend as a homosexual and then approached him "for directions" rather suggests to me things were going to go down the way he wanted no matter what Chair's friend had said, and what he did would not have been excused by anything Chair's friend could have said.


I hope the cops find him and put a boot up his arse, literally.


This reads to me as a post making far too many assumptions. Also, faggot/homoslurs is a common insult in alot of cases regardless and has been for a while.


Wow. How about instead of giving reasons as to why he was attacked, how about just showing your sympathy for such a horrible thing, and leaving it at that? I hardly feel Chair is going to care whether you think it happened because the thug was provoked or not. Either way, it was completely wrong. Surely it should be left at that?


Hope you're friend's doing alright. :)


This is a forum, and forums are places for discussion. Admittedly, it's a thread rip and I've no idea of original context and am merely reading this as it was last posted in topic as I browsed the forums for the mafias at work, but in addition to that, I think it's fair to say the discussion by the members here is more geared about the situation, and not aimed directly at the people involved personally.


Oh, and I must commend you for you actions in attempting to peacefully resolve the situation, and it is very sad you were unsuccessful.


Something which I think has been quite overlooked, commendable behaviour indeed.

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Also, faggot/homoslurs is a common insult in alot of cases regardless and has been for a while.


I think in a few cases, things that sound homophobic/racist etc are just someone being angry and wanting to say something to offend the person they're arguing with. I don't think it always reflects their views on things. No idea if that's the case in this particular story though.


The fact that he headbutted him instead of punching him does make him seem like a prick though, homophobic or not. Headbutts seem to be used almost exclusively by cunts. Maybe his knuckles were too sore from dragging them around all day.



Hope your friends OK Chair. Must be quite a knock to his confidence as well as the actual injury.

Edited by Goafer
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Can't be bothered reading what everyone else has said, so i'll just state my 2 cents.


Obviously there is no justification for what the guy did and he should be locked up. Nowadays, though you really have to watch what you say to people in town. Being drunk is not an excuse because you never know how someone is going to take something. Let's make it clear i'm not defending the thug, more trying to get across the point that you need to be sensible nowadays. We don't live in a perfect world where people always see the funny side. To you It might have seemed like your mate was being but funny, but to a stranger it comes across as being a dickhead. The guy should never have done what he did but why take the risk? If he had just told him that he didn't know in a civilised manner, you wouldn't have had blood stains on your jeans.

Edited by Jon
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there is no justification for headbutting someone unless you genuinely need to defend yourself (which he didn't, obviously).


I disagree, a buddy of mine like to headbutt people after he gets drunk and it's rather funny to see/do. Of course, he has no intent to be harmful.

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I disagree, a buddy of mine like to headbutt people after he gets drunk and it's rather funny to see/do. Of course, he has no intent to be harmful.


Haha you make it sound like a hobby.


So What do you do in your spare time?

- Well I watch tv, surf the internet, I like to headbutt people every now and then, play football...

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The guy who needed an ATM may've needed cash because his wife was giving birth and he accidentally dropped his phone down the loo!


Er, yeah. it was a supreme dick-move on the chav's part, and I really hope your mate is alright. My mate was jumped by a bunch of yoofs for no reason whatsoever, had his head stomped on/kicked in. Because some people are just scum. But he verbally provoked them. While the resulting blood/trauma was horrendous, he acknowledges his own part in the drama. It's pretty narrow-minded of your mate to have avoided the kudos-earning task of assisting an individual in need, but an overblown consequence of him losing blood in the aftermath.


Lesson learned, I hope? And I hope he's alright, too! This shit can shake you up for months afterwards.

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It's pretty obvious that him responding like that did no favours for him, but that in no way justifies the thug's violence nor alleviates the severity of the situation.


What do you want me to do? "Oh, really you shouldn't have talked back to him like that." *slap on the wrist*


It's not a case of me not wanting the matter discussed -- what on earth would be the point of not mentioning it? As though it were a dirty secret? -- the response of "He answered rudely/provocatively back, so..." shifts the focus from the issue at hand. Which in this case is not helpful nor has a point at all, further than "Next time a homophobe approaches us we all know to just close our mouths".


It's not a case of sympathy-garnering. It's been done. And I said what I felt. Perhaps its unwise to outpour so much on the internet, but I'm so fucking bored of bullshit conservation of emotion. I'm so bored of not saying what you want to say, and being what you want to be. I'm not looking for opinions to sway my thoughts on this -- it was an injustice. Johnny brought it upon himself. But that doesn't make it not a problem, or not an issue to discuss.



Really?...White? I'm with Raining.


I, really coincidentally, have a crotch-shot of them on Facebook:

61672_10150247793685427_894445426_14664728_6116991_n.jpg As you can see, they were stained with pink neon paint, which gives this strange pinky-glow to them, which adds.


But yeah, it's fine. The blood adds character.

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Which in this case is not helpful nor has a point at all, further than "Next time a homophobe approaches us we all know to just close our mouths".


Was he acting like a homophobe/prick before your friend spoke to him or was he just asking where the nearest cash point was in the normal way?

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