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HP Touchpad 32GB.


From Tesco.


For... £429...




After ringing them I found out that any price difference within 28 days is credited back; AND, if you don't open it you can return it after 28 days.


So I'll just wait a little while and see what happens...


EDIT: Also store collection, so literally no money lost if I return it.

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Hell, I'd buy one for that price. If you find any still at that price, link me up.


The places that have reduced the price have sold. Some (like Tesco) haven't changed the price yet, and I don't think they really want to at the moment due to the demand (i.e. plenty of sites have gone down completely because of it).

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My old earphones were falling apart. Normally I use my headphones, but I need some earphones for cycling. These will do, but they're not as comfortable as my old ones*.


Might look into some of these in the future.


*Edit: I just noticed that the earhooks are totally bendy and movable. This shit just got real. Although the actual bud part is still an odd shape.

Edited by Goafer
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Flights! Woo!


£482, though... Why does my perfect, lovely girlfriend have to live in Ohio? Fate, it seems, is kind to me but mean to my wallet.


Welcome to a long-distance relationship.


It's not easy on the wallet. In fact, I don't even own a wallet. I carry loose change in my pocket. You need notes and 2 pound coins to properly make use of a wallet...

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