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Seriously? Its one of the worst sitcoms I've seen in a long while (up there with Vicious and Big Bang Theory).


It's not too bad, each to their own taste on liking it or not. but i agree with you on the Big Bang Theory.


I expected it to be awful and borderline racist, but the episode I saw was actually quite funny.


If you are referring to Citizen Khan, i went in expecting it to be borderline as well. It must be doing good, the BBC have sanctioned a 3rd series. Twitter does have a small "discussion" as it were after each episode.

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Seriously? Its one of the worst sitcoms I've seen in a long while (up there with Vicious and Big Bang Theory).


I enjoy it. I think it's just a harmless bit of fun. A lot of people say that it's racist and it takes the piss out of Pakistanis but I see it as it's taking the piss out of the stereotypes people give to them and Adil Ray uses that and turns it into comedy. It's nothing new but there's not been an episode I've watched where I've not laughed. Normally, when it comes to sitcoms, I'm easily pleased. People on Twitter just piss me off in general when they actually tweet that he's racist and things like that. I think people just expect everybody to be PC to the extreme or something.


One comedy I find very overrated is Mrs. Brown's Boys. I saw four episodes of it and I just don't get why it's so popular. It's really bad. I watched the trailer for Mrs. Brown's Boys D'Movie when I went to see 22 Jump Street on my birthday and only found one line funny. If the trailer was the best bits of the film...I don't want to see everything else, haha.


Why do people hate on The Big Bang Theory? (Genuine question, by the way). I liked Vicious. I wasn't a massive fan of it but it was alright.


It's not too bad, each to their own taste on liking it or not. but i agree with you on the Big Bang Theory.


If you are referring to Citizen Khan, i went in expecting it to be borderline as well. It must be doing good, the BBC have sanctioned a 3rd series. Twitter does have a small "discussion" as it were after each episode.


I hope Citizen Khan continues! It needs to last just as long as My Family.


I traded in a load of shit and got...




One of @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane's favourites! It looks fantastic, by the way!




I'm so happy I have this. I'm just collecting the Lion King trilogy and Return to Neverland out of the Disneys but the rest will be classics.

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That jumper realllllllllly bugs me. The lines need to match damn it!


Agreed. I'd like to see it in the flesh as currently it looks like some screen tearing has occurred.


I enjoy it. I think it's just a harmless bit of fun. A lot of people say that it's racist and it takes the piss out of Pakistanis but I see it as it's taking the piss out of the stereotypes people give to them and Adil Ray uses that and turns it into comedy. It's nothing new but there's not been an episode I've watched where I've not laughed. Normally, when it comes to sitcoms, I'm easily pleased. People on Twitter just piss me off in general when they actually tweet that he's racist and things like that. I think people just expect everybody to be PC to the extreme or something.


Why do people hate on The Big Bang Theory? (Genuine question, by the way). I liked Vicious. I wasn't a massive fan of it but it was alright.


I don't find Citizen Khan racist, it's just terrible comedy. Cheap gags based on stereotypes, bad, over-the-top acting, and a tired old formula from the 70s.


As for BBT:

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I enjoy it. I think it's just a harmless bit of fun. A lot of people say that it's racist and it takes the piss out of Pakistanis but I see it as it's taking the piss out of the stereotypes people give to them and Adil Ray uses that and turns it into comedy. It's nothing new but there's not been an episode I've watched where I've not laughed. Normally, when it comes to sitcoms, I'm easily pleased. People on Twitter just piss me off in general when they actually tweet that he's racist and things like that. I think people just expect everybody to be PC to the extreme or something.


That's just it wrapped up, it's Adil Ray taking the piss at the sterotypes that are given to Pakistanis. Probably why it's enjoyable. It's been done before in the form of "Goodness Gracious Me" (people say that's more enjoyable and that Citizen Khan takes the piss out of Goodness Gracious Me). I've no idea whom runs the "Mr Khan" twitter feed, but that's quite humourous. Especially during the series where he refers to it as a "factual documentary"


But yeah, some people do need to take a "chill pill" on Twitter. PC stuff has been drilled into us, some have accepted it as the "norm" others havn't.


One comedy I find very overrated is Mrs. Brown's Boys. I saw four episodes of it and I just don't get why it's so popular. It's really bad. I watched the trailer for Mrs. Brown's Boys D'Movie when I went to see 22 Jump Street on my birthday and only found one line funny. If the trailer was the best bits of the film...I don't want to see everything else, haha.


There is one thing i like about Mrs Brown's Boys, it's the fact that even if they mess up they continue on (as best as they can on-screen). I do find it enjoyable to watch, i'm not too fussed about it and i'll watch it if someone else is watching it. But i guess not all comedies are for everyone, which brings me to the next part.


Why do people hate on The Big Bang Theory? (Genuine question, by the way). I liked Vicious. I wasn't a massive fan of it but it was alright.


Probably like yourself, i find BBT overrated and not particually funny. I'm not a fan of the characters, and i've tried a few times to get into it.


I hope Citizen Khan continues! It needs to last just as long as My Family.


I don't to be honest. My Family stopped being funny a long time ago when Kris Marshall left (in fact, it was getting a little stale then). If anything, i wouldn't mind Citizen Khan ending on a high, before it gets stale.

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As for BBT:


I think you could do that with loads of things that you're accustomed to people laughing at, it's just weird and awkward when people aren't laughing if you're used to there being laughter. Like Red Dwarf - that was just darn weird when they removed their laughter track for one of their recent things (can't remember which series or whether it was back to Earth). Never did the laughter track stop me enjoying the earlier series either. Also with Big Bang it's an audience of people laughing rather than a track, so it doesn't really feel forced/stupid.


I think as well, if you went to see a funny comedian but for whatever reason absolutely nobody laughed at any of their jokes, I think that'd create a weird mood and a perception that they weren't funny, since you sort of expect people to laugh at them. Even if what they were saying is funny to you, it feels a bit weird if you expect laughter but there isn't any.


Tl;dr: I think it's funny, and the background laughter is one of their tools that you can't easily cut out once you've rolled with it.

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I think you could do that with loads of things that you're accustomed to people laughing at, it's just weird and awkward when people aren't laughing if you're used to there being laughter. Like Red Dwarf - that was just darn weird when they removed their laughter track for one of their recent things (can't remember which series or whether it was back to Earth). Never did the laughter track stop me enjoying the earlier series either. Also with Big Bang it's an audience of people laughing rather than a track, so it doesn't really feel forced/stupid.


I think as well, if you went to see a funny comedian but for whatever reason absolutely nobody laughed at any of their jokes, I think that'd create a weird mood and a perception that they weren't funny, since you sort of expect people to laugh at them. Even if what they were saying is funny to you, it feels a bit weird if you expect laughter but there isn't any.


Tl;dr: I think it's funny, and the background laughter is one of their tools that you can't easily cut out once you've rolled with it.


Of course cutting out laughter tracks will make anything feel weird (there are versions where the gaps have been edited out so that there aren't a lot of awkward silences), but just watching that clip (or any other episode of the show that I've seen, which is quite a few as my housemate watches it) the jokes just aren't funny. There's no humour involved for most of it, especially around Sheldon, they just say things that are vaguely geeky and people laugh.


If they got rid of Sheldon, the show wouldn't be that bad (still not good, but far from deplorable). He's such a 2-dimensional character, and really badly performed.

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For me it's one of those things where as I watched the series in order, I got invested in the characters' quirks and appreciated the comedy (and the science/geek focus). I remember seeing random episodes here and there years back and not finding it funny (rather, I thought it was a bit OTT). When I sat down and watched through it I was hooked though. I now think Sheldon and Amy are two of the series' best characters; similar to Rimmer in Red Dwarf, the guy playing the sort of quirky antagonist/asshole ends up being the funniest for me.

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I've seen you and @Daft playing this game for quite a long time last night :)




Hm, I think it's just a matter of getting to the bosses without taking too much damage. If you know how to beat them, I reckon you could even do it without dying once.


I've only beaten two bosses so I don't really know how difficult this will be.


Update on this, I completed the game again on NG+ and got the gold for that yesterday. I may have slightly fucked myself over on doing that, since I wanted to get the remaining equipment, yet... NG++ is some sensational kind of rape that means you tend not to last more than 5 minutes if you're anything other than an assassin, barbarian or paladin, lol. I've already maxed armour and got the best actual armour, so it kind of feels like...what the fuck else. :p I'm getting there slowly though...


Regarding the trophy for completing it in 15 lives...sweet fucking Jesus. Now I know how truly hard that would be. To start at L1 and have 15 lives, while even taking on things like Ponce de Leon....eughh. That would be so incredible rage shout-inducing torture right there.


Major props for recommending this though, such a fantastic game to get for the Vita and cross play too. Really enjoyed it.

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I used to despise the Big Bang Theory, but my other half watches it and I've kind of started enjoying it. I don't find it particularly funny, and Sheldon is still the most annoying prick on TV, but I don't hate the rest of the show anymore. The show has gone from torture to reasonably tolerable.


I do have a theory though. There are 2 types of people who like it: Those who want to feel smarter than normal people because they get all the jokes/references and those who want to feel superiour because they think they're cooler than the dorks in the show.

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For some reason, I had a real hankering for some Left 4 Dead! And finally buckled and gave in to try Skyrim. As for the Krewella album, been listening to bits and pieces of it for the last couple of days so took the plunge so as to keep me going till the new Porter Robinson album is out on Monday.

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