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It's an iStubble. It's adjustable so that it still leaves some stubble behind. I'm not a fan of a clean shave (I look about 12). Equally, I can't grow a proper beard so this seemed the logical choice.
Potato, Potato... *ok that doesn't work over the internet!*


Yeah I have one of those, for I too like to keep a bit of stubble... though I'm normally a bit too lazy and just let it grow a bit anyway.

Yeah mine goes from 0.5 of a milimeter, 1, 1.5, 2 etc... up to 15.

My deluxe edition of Inception just arrived from Amazon! :D It wasn't scheduled to arrive until after new year's!


Now I'm so tempted to get an HD TV and a Blu-ray player ...


I recommend buying the Blu-ray first, then the TV. You can do it either way.


Good god i spent loads today :(


Went into John Lewis at 8am for their clearance sale, spent loads! Got myself an armani watch for £75, half price from £150.


Also got myself a pair of Yahama iPod speakers, which are wireless whuch is proper useful. Set me back £99.

Two pairs of boxers: A D&G pair for £17 and a Hugo Boss one for £15. Pretty pleased as they are the only proper brands I don't own (excluding Superdry, Hollister and that crap).

Got my mum an Armani watch which was also half price (technically we went halfsies on it, about £65 each.


And a bottle of Joop! Jump for my cousins 25th next month.


My wallet :'(


Went into HMV and bought a few CDs and Scott Pilgrim vs the World on dvd.


Then went into Waterstones to track down the Scott pilgrim books, managed to get 1,2,3,5 and 6, no 4 sadly :(


I got:




I almost got the recent "20th Anniversary" box set, but after a bit of research and finding that they're poor transfers and there's absolutely zilch in the way of special features, I opted for the proper DVDs.




Epic Mickey (£17.99 from Amazon):




Game Dev Story




And a load of Steam games in the sale: The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom, Monkey Island 1 & 2 Special Editions, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Toki Tori, Rush, Crysis, Complete DOOM Pack (£14.29 so far).




Loving it. Got with 3D bluray player, 2 sets of 3D specs and shrek 1-3 in 3D.


Also got PS3 3D content including:


Pain 3D

Wipeout 3D

super stardust 3D

Motorstorm 3D


I've decided I have no clothes and hate the ones I do (mostly).


I need to start spending money on clothes more often. So I started today in the sales. Ones that don't make me look like a child. Can't find images, but I bought a dark blue/greyish blue denim shirt with interesting button arrangement and one of those pirate/french stereotype black and white stripey shirts. £44 in total due to sale + student discount.


I'm gonna buy myself pants tomorrow. I realise I've only ever had Asda's finest boxers. It's time. It's time.

I got:




I have that set. It has a fantastic amount of special features. Though I only ever got round to watching cast commentaries. Twas grand.

People actually caring about the special features? I thought that was just a myth.


If the commentaries are good then it can be well worth it (the Futurama ones are brilliant). With the cast doing the Red Dwarf commentaries then I expect them to be entertaining at the worst.


Cast commentary for Scott Pilgrim was pretty entertaining. Brandon Routh showed up late and brought food. They also called a guy and left a voice message during the credits and pointed out that Micheal Cera has a old flip phone.

My uni has these, they are really good! Shame they are hard to nick.


Yeah, I hear a lot of people going on about Sennheisers. The cheaper ones of these had a few reviews saying about the bass not being great. Considering I'm getting them to use when I play bass, those ones wouldn't be any good! I basically need some that cut off outside noise (so that I can only hear the sound from the amp and not the actual strings) whilst having decent quality.


I think they come with a 3m chord too, which will help for when I use them to watch films on the TV.

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