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I had to find the line between appreciating a classic series that skipped me by and masochism :p

Pfft, fine. But you're going to regret it when you've played all of the modern games and only have the old ones left. ;)


For what it's worth, Shin Megami Tensei II is supposed to be one of the best games in the franchise, so maybe you're the foolish one for skipping the SNES games!

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Two of my favourite DS games right there! At one point I just couldn't help but constantly bang on about how great Ghost Trick is to ANYONE that had a DS and my head nearly exploded when every time everyone said "yeah, I might pick it up one day".


Seriously one of the best DS games of all time.


Rhythm heaven is also pretty awesome but that's a given. I never got into Picross, and for a second mistook it for Polarium, an early DS title that I completely adored. It's probably a good job you didn't get Polarium, you'd never get rid of me.




Anyway, I decided to get myself a new lamp! I was rocking this random blue lamp I had given to me by my nan one day (it was almost like an Animal Crossing 'here, have this' moment) until the light bulb burst a few weeks ago and scared the life out of me.


But the burst light bulb reminded me, I was meant to get a new non-temporary lamp. So I went and got myself one I'd been eyeing up for ages which is this Tetris one, the bottom one is the light and you can connect the other pieces however you like. It's really awesome, and was on offer on Amazon from £30 to £23.




I put it on my Sonic shelf because I don't match things up very well!

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The first half is fantastic, I learnt a bunch of interesting and weird things about the SEGA and Sonic franchise. Some unreleased games, interesting art work and its all very well put together. I also loved reading about the dodgy 1997 - 2001 days of SEGA, pretty sad in parts.


After about half way through though it just re-caps games and characters from the series spouting common knowledge and turns into a kind of boring Wikipedia type thing. It's definitely worth it though, and the thing itself is lovely! And apparently there are only 1000 copies of it too, so its worth the price. (Mines marked 203)

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Yeah they can, if you do it a certain way they all slot into each other! And don't be ridiculous Magnus! That's what id say if I hadn't played a 3D sonic game for the last 5 years!


But if you stack them the wrong way, you lose the entire thing.

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As a present from me to me (or me to my car), I have bought a car polisher kit thing!. Admittedly quite expensive for a clean car, but meh. I mainly bought it for my girlfriends car because the paint feels like gravel and my car looks pretty clean anyway. I did try it on mine however and I was pretty amazed at how well it got it shining!




Also got some golf tees. Not them most exciting purchase but I've not played golf for ages and the plan is to have a crack at the pitch and putt with my dad.



Also, also after not playing my PS3 for yonks I've caved and got the last of us. I couldn't ignore all the "best game ever" posts i kept seeing on my facebook wall.




Finally I have started my lego mini figure collection starting with:


If anyone else buys these please say im not the only one that stands in tesco for about 5 minutes trying to guess which ones inside.

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Yeah they can, if you do it a certain way they all slot into each other! And don't be ridiculous Magnus! That's what id say if I hadn't played a 3D sonic game for the last 5 years!

But if the light is in the bottom one as you says, does that mean you could stack them in such a way that the top/side ones won't light up?

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Just bought a used iPhone 4 from smartfonestore.com for my fiance who always wanted an iphone but couldn't afford one.


Personally i'd never heard of them, and it almost seems too good to be true, even for a used phone - it only cost £160.


I suppose if it all goes tits up, i can always re-sell it on ebay for a small loss.

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A quick Google reveals that they are pretty decent. Your phone may be blocked at some point, but they'll sort out a refund of replacement if that happens. The blocking thing is beyond their control - the phone may be later reported as stolen by the original owner or the carrier may do it if the original owner stops paying their contract.

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A quick Google reveals that they are pretty decent. Your phone may be blocked at some point, but they'll sort out a refund of replacement if that happens. The blocking thing is beyond their control - the phone may be later reported as stolen by the original owner or the carrier may do it if the original owner stops paying their contract.


Riiiiiiight....that sounds a bit dodgy, but my own googlings found roughly the same thing. Thanks!


I managed to get an 'a' level of phone quality too, which means no scratches or anything, so fingers crossed!

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Finally I have started my lego mini figure collection starting with:


If anyone else buys these please say im not the only one that stands in tesco for about 5 minutes trying to guess which ones inside.


I have spent many a times doing this.


Didn't prevent this though;



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I did the same with the Adventure Time equivalent. Spent ages groping the packaging hoping for Lumpy Space Princess but ended up with Ice King. Just like life :(


Aaaaand snap again!


LSP is easy Ashley! Gotta look for the totally smooth one, whereas Ice King has the spikey crown to feel out for.



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But if the light is in the bottom one as you says, does that mean you could stack them in such a way that the top/side ones won't light up?


Nah, the light doesn't just pass through, they light up individually when they're connected. As such, we managed to make a super tall tower of them today, and the top one is still as bright as it would usually be:




Edit: Uploaded from phone onto image hosting site! Can't (be arsed to) flip now, but you get the idea :p

Edited by Josh64
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A quick Google reveals that they are pretty decent. Your phone may be blocked at some point, but they'll sort out a refund of replacement if that happens. The blocking thing is beyond their control - the phone may be later reported as stolen by the original owner or the carrier may do it if the original owner stops paying their contract.


How can it be blocked? Can't you just custom firmware/jailbreak/unlock it to get around this?

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@Ashley @ReZourceman Whyyyyy LSP?! She's the epitome of terrible YOLO Swag culture. Hate her and her hi-jinks.....totally don't just want all those lumps to myself.



On that note...Picked up AT:HIKWYSOG. I enjoyed the demo so why not.


Also, Tales of the Abyss 3DS, gamestop has no physical copies of Animal Crossing sadly (and that's where my giftcard was too)

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@Ashley @ReZourceman Whyyyyy LSP?! She's the epitome of terrible YOLO Swag culture. Hate her and her hi-jinks.....totally don't just want all those lumps to myself.


She's a spoilt brat, but it predates that Yolo Swag stuff. Plus she's voiced by the show's creator so...whatever :heh:


Beside I wouldn't say she is "Yolo Swag", she's just self-assured and loves beans.

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