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  Cube said:
Personally, I don't like the style at all. However, I think the main appeal is because they do a massive amount of franchises, all in the same style.


I'm not a fan either. There's something about it that looks a bit too plain for me. They seem to have a massive range, though.


  Shorty said:
What other Bats' trades have you read? There's so much better out there than Knightfall.


I've read the other two in the Knightfall series and I enjoyed them. As well as them, I've bought The Dark Knight Returns and Batman: Year One.


I came thiiiiiis close to buying The Court of Owls, which I want to get at some point. Also keen on reading The New 52 Nightwing series.


The problem I have is that I've already got other things that I'm interested in, which just so happen to take up a lot of time. (lifting weights, gaming, music, etc) and I know that once I start to get into one series, it'll just spiral off from there and I'll want to get everything. :p


My plan is to look into The Court of Owls once I get through this, although I have been tempted to get into The Walking Dead for a long time. It all depends on time really.

  Fierce_LiNk said:

My plan is to look into The Court of Owls once I get through this, although I have been tempted to get into The Walking Dead for a long time. It all depends on time really.


Walking Dead comics are amazing. But, so so bleak. I couldn't read too much in one go as I'd just feel down about everything.

  Goafer said:
Will probably post photos once they arrive.


They arrived today, so as promised:










Also got a freebie from the person I ordered from:



  Fierce_LiNk said:
What's the deal with these Pop things? I've got a few friends back home who collect them. What's the appeal?

Because they look darn cool/cute.


It does depend on the model/range though, some of them you wouldn't know them yourselves unless told. I was considering getting the whole Breakfast Club, but the other guys look so plain I think I would forget who they were if I took them out the box.


Forbidden Planet in Nottingham has a fuckload, it seems every show has a range. I'm not sure why, but I keep seeing Big Trouble in Little China ones.


Although Lo Pan does look cute.



I also think it helps being able to show your appreciation/fan shit of anime, film, comic and game shizzle without having to either import expensive models or expensive detailed action figures which you won't even take out the box to play with (just as Jesus intended them to be used). Plus with every model in the same style it adds a nice element of symmetry.


Whilst I don't mind the style* and I find the sheer range of figures very impressive, they do annoy me a bit. I went to Collectormania recently with @Happenstance, hoping to find some interesting figures or something and all we could see were these fucking things. They've completely taken over, making it hard to just stumble across "normal" figures.


*They are pretty cool looking, but they're a bit too simple for my tastes. I like a bit more detail, as it seems to add a sense of craftmanship to them, even if they are all mass produced.

  Goafer said:
They are pretty cool looking, but they're a bit too simple for my tastes. I like a bit more detail, as it seems to add a sense of craftmanship to them, even if they are all mass produced.

I half agree with you here bro, I think the models look better if they're done of someone from a cartoon/comic/etc, because their style is more simple to begin with as opposed to a physical actor, unless that person has such a distinctive style it can be recognised when watered down, so to speak.


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  Goafer said:
I went to Collectormania recently with @Happenstance, hoping to find some interesting figures or something and all we could see were these fucking things. They've completely taken over, making it hard to just stumble across "normal" figures..


There were at least 20 stalls of these things at London Comic Con.

  Shorty said:
I wish I'd bought bumper plates... I think I'm going to have to re-paint my floor before I move out :p


What have you got?


I can't wait until we get our own house. One room is going to be a designated lifting room. Going to kit it out properly. Possibly trade in my standard weights for an olympic set.



  Shorty said:
I wish I'd bought bumper plates... I think I'm going to have to re-paint my floor before I move out :p


Yeah I can image they'd trash the floor pretty quickly... My landlord would go through me for a shortcut if I used metal plates on the laminate floor lol :shakehead


Definitely recommend an investment in them - not even for damage, but noise levels too. Bumpers protect your bar too (if its dropped) =) I will have a lifting room one day, when I get the money together to buy a place!


:yay: (this guy is totally doing invisible bar OHPs)


A couple of months ago I pledged for IAMX's new Album Metanoia




Pre-ordered a special edition for my girlfriend. It will be her birthday present. I wanted it to be a surprise but it was incredibly difficult to keep it secret as IAMX is one of her favourite bands. But I made it...until 4 days ago:


The European tour was announced so we bought tickets. There was an offer for "ticket + album" so she texted me: "Cool, I'll get the ticket and album".




Well, I had to tell her that she can't and then she knew about her birthday present.


So, I decided to get a couple of little things that might be surprises and would be easier to keep secret.


She needed a new FM transmitter (so she could listen to music in her car via her iPod) as it didn't work properly anymore. I ordered a new one. And behold, I kid you not, two days after the IAMX-album-birthday-surprise-ruin she picked me up and her FM transmitter stopped working completely...She said: "Well, I'll buy a new one tomorrow."




So another surprise ruined.


I got her two more small presents, though. A new sleep mask. Her current one is quite old and not that great (I swear to God, if she decides to buy a new one until her birthday next month...).


And a plush monkey.




She saw one at a festival. Someone let the monkey jump and spin around on a long stick and she found it incredibly funny and kept telling me that she wanted one.


:) I think she'll enjoy the presents.



Bought some more concert tickets, too:



The Editors



And a ticket for the Bundesliga game Borussia Mönchengladbach vs Schalke 04 in December :)

Posted (edited)

I wanted some games which rely much more on strategy than on luck. My girlfriend has a couple of games which are more or less based entirely on luck which I find a bit boring.


These two are supposed to be exactly what I want:






And I bought them :D




Found an offer for this one just now:



Edited by drahkon





I really should have someone take my wallet off me. More downloadable games for the PS4 and unlikely to stop over the next couple of weeks with Submerged, Everybody's Gone To Rapture and the expansion for Never Alone, Fox Tales, coming out.

  Happenstance said:
Was missing having a larger TV for my set up so got a new one this weekend.




It's your life mate and I can't tell you how to live it.


But inside I am deeply saddened that Elizabeth is relegated to the side whilst some rando (Fullmetal Alchemist??) takes some out of place spot on the top row. And Izanagi, interrupted by characters from the previous title, instead of chilling alongside MC? Whuuut.


Also if Yosuke is re-pose-able then making him look like less of a plonker is certainly in order.

  Shorty said:
It's your life mate and I can't tell you how to live it.


But inside I am deeply saddened that Elizabeth is relegated to the side whilst some rando (Fullmetal Alchemist??) takes some out of place spot on the top row. And Izanagi, interrupted by characters from the previous title, instead of chilling alongside MC? Whuuut.


Also if Yosuke is re-pose-able then making him look like less of a plonker is certainly in order.


Lol, I only moved them there the day before which is why their placement might not have been thought through brilliantly. To answer your points though:


Elizabeth is from a different set and is smaller than all the others so I thought it would look weird. My Fullmetal figure is one of my favourites so I wanted it from and centre. Izanagi maybe should be next to Yu, this is just how they were set up elsewhere when Izanagi wasnt with them and no, Yosuke isnt poseable.


Had a few issues with the Gameboy, namely a dodgy battery and charger. So i contacted the seller, whom sent me replacements for nothing. Works like a charm now


Also bought recently





Posted (edited)



Special Edition copy of Elfen Lied, the complete edition of Grid: Autosport and the Mass Effect trilogy. Fun times ahead.

Edited by martinist
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