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Holy mother..


Why did you not haggle with them?


Honest Answer: It never entered my mind that I could haggle on phone contracts... :/


It is indeed! Been here five years and I like it, even if it's a little far from family.


*Mind Blown*


Your not far from me! I always get excited when I realise I live close to another member (which has only happened once before...)

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That's the issue though (with this country), that it's not unusual. People are basically having things despite not being able to realistically afford them, and paying far more for them in the process. If people get credit for about 5-6 different things at once you can easily see why so many are in debt.


It's all about the interest free credit.


I got my bike on IFC. I could have put the £400 up front but preferred to spread it over 12 months. Wouldn't go for anything other than interest free though mind you.

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I bought a DualShock 3 controller off Amazon for £35 since I never actually had a DualShock (just the old Sixaxis, which are now a bit knackered). Used up Amazon vouchers I got for Christmas to get it.


I have no idea why, but every shop on the street has at some point in the last six months convened a moot to declare that these controllers are no longer to be sold under £45-55. Clearly the plastic mines of Azkaban have run low on precious resources used to make these things at sensible prices.

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Does 30 minutes away count as "far"?


(Strange, it takes the same time to get to Macclesfield, due to motorways, as it does to get into Stockport, due to the clogged up roads there).


Naa, when you live in certain parts of Cheshire you get used to having to drive a bit to get to places! :p

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Now I have record player/s, I need vinyl. I'm so bored of only having access to old stuff though, yet am finding it hard/annoying to find a good source of modern music on vinyl. Fopp seems to be best, but I wish all the LP's they had were like £3 less. I need to build up my collection - though thing is in a lot of cases from now on, albums I want by 'artists' I'll get on Vinyl instead of CD like I usually do.


Went to an independant record shop too and they had some joke things but I wasn't in the mood for old. I got:


Bjork - Crystalline 12" Remix thing



I love how it comes with two stickers, should you feel the need.


There's a record shop in Kingston too, that I think exclusively does new/current/recent things, so that's fine. I feel there's a stigma concerning things that aren't indie though...can't these shops just stock ALL vinyl? There can't be that many...I'm in the mood for the Lady Gaga vinyl, for instance.

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All my batteries went to crap at the same time



Replacement for my Samsung NC10 netbook (£18, given this is about 40 quid cheaper than the official I'm half expecting this to be Hong Kong crap)


Also 4 new Uniross 2700mAh AA and a new battery charger. Batteries suck!

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Rayman Origins

One Piece Gigantic Battle

One Piece Colo(u)r Walk 2


One Piece Gigantic Battle wasn't actually released in the UK (but it was in pretty much the rest the Europe) even though this version is the UK version.

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