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For a second I thought that was out!! £24 where my good man?


Oh, but it is out....here.


It may also be my B-Day present. I didn't even know it was out until someone told me to pick something since they didn't want me to get nothing.

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Most decent headphones leak like a bastard too. Apparently containing the noise effects sound quality.

Coming back to this, my Senn 438's don't leak that much sound even on full blast. Enough to where you can make out the song from a couple feet away but it gets incomprehensible fairly quickly.


I'd love to get my mits on some sennheisers too, I'm sure there were some I wanted a while back, but I'll have to go look for them again.


Take it from me, Goafer, and R_A Sennheisers are totally worth it. From the 202's and up.



I just bought a HTC Thunderbolt. Hello 4G whenever they finish setting it up here (it's in the works). Mainly though, 3G is close to my home internet, and I can get my laptop online when I'm not at home now. Huzzah.

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Take it from me, Goafer, and R_A Sennheisers are totally worth it. From the 202's and up.


IIRC, Miss Wolf and Daft were the ones that recommended them to me. If not, she mentioned how awesome Sennheisers are once I'd bought them. Can't quite remember.

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someone on the forum recommended them to me, think it was jordan lol XD


But yeah they're fab, great quality and smexy as fuck. And I can walk around the entire room while i'm plugged in because of the brilliant non tangle extra long telephone style wiring. Yesss <3


(and mine are like.... 4 years old and still functioning as good as the day i got them. oh and the cable on mine can be replaced as it has a maletomale connection into the audio and headphone)

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And I can walk around the entire room while i'm plugged in because of the brilliant non tangle extra long telephone style wiring. Yesss <3


Oh good God, I forgot about the cable. It's a Godsend! When I'm watching a film that requires good sound, I usually plug in the headphones. Great sound quality and I can have it as loud as I want.


The only thing I have noticed is that they are quieter than normal headphones on my iPod. Still go loud as my ears can handle though, I just have to go almost to maximum to get a decent volume.

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They gone bro... we were in there at 10AM. Went and got the stuff we actually bought and went straight to the checkout after it opened at 11. Went around again, just looking at stuff and by the time we got back to the counter again ALL of the lack tables were gone.


And there was a small mountain of them before.

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IIRC, Miss Wolf and Daft were the ones that recommended them to me. If not, she mentioned how awesome Sennheisers are once I'd bought them. Can't quite remember.


The ones I used at uni yes - but the big but is I don't know if I can justify them myself even though they are very good.


I listen to music a lot, but I seem to have a nasty habit with technology so I try not to fork out too much these days.

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Oh good God, I forgot about the cable. It's a Godsend! When I'm watching a film that requires good sound, I usually plug in the headphones. Great sound quality and I can have it as loud as I want.


The only thing I have noticed is that they are quieter than normal headphones on my iPod. Still go loud as my ears can handle though, I just have to go almost to maximum to get a decent volume.



hhmmm. I would say they probably are yeah. Maybe they require more power than normal headphones or something... and when you do that the battery on your mp3 player goes dead quicker... boo. :(

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Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep - £20 (Pre-owned)



Played 4 hours. I'm so stunned, when I was bracing myself for shite, after having played 358/2 days, and being so "..." about Ventus/Aqua/Terra/Wind/Water/Earth/Shit.


It's so dynamic, when you're fighting. You feel great at life. You feel like you have 16 different tricks up your sleeve. Which you do: Finishers, that great green Sharpshot / Sureshot thing, D-Linking (Yes, come on Cinderella/Maleficent), Various abilities etc etc. And I love how it's so easy to level things up. Every 3 minutes or so you get loads of updates saying you're great. And melding is my favourite thing. Getting rid of your maxed-out goods for betters.


I'm playing on Proud mode, so it's genuinely hard too. Too me about 6 times to escort Cinderella down the hall without her getting killed. And couldn't beat the boss in Aurora's palace either, it was too great for me. But I trained up, and got over it.


Just feels so worth my time.

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My friend told me about an accordion for sale in a local antiques shop at work today, but when I got there I couldn't find it. I guess it sold. So I figured I'd finally get round to learning to play my Grandad's harmonicas instead. Dad got a shitload of them when he died, which he has passed on to me, may as well put them to use. He was pretty good from what I gather. He played in the states and I have a pretty fancy looking certificate with his name on.


Bought to learn with:





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