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Yeah they can be a real con, I know what you mean. There was no way I was gonna pay 2 or 3 hundred pounds upfront for a lousy contract... was very happy to find the deal I got.


They also do a £35r, £29 for the phone, 500 minutes, 5000 messages, unlimited internet, which really is a fab deal :) (two year contract again)

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It's £70 less in total (assuming you didn't just focus on the initial cost, as that's what the major telecomms companies are hoping on). Also a better tariff for those whole 2 years and no 24 month contract. Sure it's more money up front, but provided you have savings it shouldn't be impossible.


It was more that you were suggesting pushing £500 upfront just to save yourself £70 overall, it baffled my brain yesterday, but I see your point. Somewhat, ah the days when I can push £500 and still have a healthy bank balance, that'll be sweeeet. :yay:

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So what's the appeal of Beats? Do they really sound that good over other established products?


The sound quality is great apparently. I remember one reviewer saying that wearing a pair was like being in nightclub.


I do wonder how much of the pricetag is due to the branding though.


I never really understood what all the fuss about a decent pair of headphones was until I got my Sennheisers. A good quality pair of headphones is a really good investment if you like music. I personally rate headphones over earphones, but they can look strange in public. I'd even rate them higher than surround sound systems for individual listening. Obviously they're crap for more than one person though.

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I'm aware the name/brand adds to the price for beats. One of the reason I got these was because I effectively got them for £50 off. £99 for a very decent pair of over ear headphones is fine by me. I spent more on worse quality ones before.


ReZ is right though, they really leak sound on the higher volumes. I'm over it though.

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Yeah, the branding thing is probably a big factor, but another thing they offer over other headphones is the fact that they look awesome. If that's your thing, I imagine they're good value at full price. Even better with £50 off.


I'd buy a pair if I actually listened to music whilst out and about (although I'd need the ones that go over the ear instead of on them due to my piercing). Until then, my ugly ones will suffice.


Most decent headphones leak like a bastard too. Apparently containing the noise effects sound quality.

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I really do need to get myself some decent headphones, the issue is I look pretty stupid with over the top headphones, I suppose its a case of sucking it up and buying some.


I'd love to get my mits on some sennheisers too, I'm sure there were some I wanted a while back, but I'll have to go look for them again.

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I have some Tritton heaphones for home (the quality is really good - especially explosions/gunfire, and it's built for voice chat).


For walking about my £5 HTC earphones are more than good enough.

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The sound quality is great apparently. I remember one reviewer saying that wearing a pair was like being in nightclub.


I do wonder how much of the pricetag is due to the branding though.


I never really understood what all the fuss about a decent pair of headphones was until I got my Sennheisers. A good quality pair of headphones is a really good investment if you like music. I personally rate headphones over earphones, but they can look strange in public. I'd even rate them higher than surround sound systems for individual listening. Obviously they're crap for more than one person though.


Same right down to the brand practically.


Though I do have some really nice ear buds that sound great and get pretty loud but.....they're earbuds and are uncomfortable and fall out.


As long as Beats sound good and it's not just a thing for people to buy to say they have something by Dr. Dre I can't really say anything against them. There are far worse things that are bought just for the branding. (HDMI cables have this problem...)

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