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I knew some people a few years back who were very into solving Rubik's Cubes, and they were also very careful about always buying the best Rubik's Cubes available, as well as keeping them greased for easy turning.


They really were a lot of fun to use, though. Much better than the sucky old Rubik's Cube I have at home.


Actually, the old ones from the '80s (the originals) are much sought after by enthusiasts since they're reportedly of a much better quality than even the official ones produced today. I'm not a speedcuber or "professional" in any way, but I've always been fascinated by the Cubes and have recently learned to solve them, so I wanted an original model of good quality. Bad quality Rubik's Cubes are an absolute horror to work with.


Rubik's Cubes terrify me. I know there's just a pattern of how to do them, but when I see my friend Jasper do it, I'm left so stunned. Barely even looks at the cube.


But then Maths kills me.


I wouldn't say it has anything to do with maths, more logic. But then again, those may equate to more or less the same thing in some regards. Or not, I don't know.


Bottom line is that there are some fairly easy steps to solving a Cube that don't require you to actually figure the Cube out by yourself.

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I wouldn't say it has anything to do with maths, more logic. But then again, those may equate to more or less the same thing in some regards. Or not, I don't know.


Bottom line is that there are some fairly easy steps to solving a Cube that don't require you to actually figure the Cube out by yourself.

Rubik's cubes are often used as an introduction to group theory, so they're sometimes analysed mathematically. And I think you generally have to look at the mathematics if you want to come up with a new solving algorithm.

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YAY :)


Traded in FIFA 11 PS3, FIFA 10 360 and New Super Mario Bro's Wii (as it comes with this)


got £49 for those 3 games, so the Red Wii cost me £130 :) Happy with that result, I now own 2 Wii's (white and new one above) Just need the black one for my Hat trick!


and i'll be getting my PS3 in 9 days :)

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Someone's in the money!


What PS3 deal/bundle are you getting?


Heh, not quite in the money unfortunately!


My girlfriends sister is getting a new phone contract on the 28th, and with the contract she gets a slim ps3, unsure of what size memory it is, but she's offering it to me for a price yet TBC, but it won't be over £100 (her words not mine)


As for the 2nd Wii, just have some left over christmas bonus money and enough to see me through till pay day. And that red Wii is pretty sexy :)

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Meal deal (not this one)



£2.50. I don't actually want it but I'll either gift it or sell it.


Magnet, lighter and 2 postcards. Otherwise known as airport tat but at least my uni desk will now have a picture of the red light district, its been missing one.

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Went to Bicester outlet village today, to look for an outfit for a "smart" even tomorrow night. I bought:


2 pairs of surprisingly well fitting, nice/cool[/i was stunned when I saw the price/I never knew Fred Perry sold nice clothes] pairs of trousers from Fred Perry. £25 and £22. Similar to the picture but not the same. Black cord-like pair, and a black and white pair (of that famous style, forget what its called).




[Was going to buy a shirt from Armani, but couldn't justify £50 when I have a similar but less-nice one at home.]



Diesel pants - £4.50





A book about Pedro Almodovar - £3.95


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