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Is it at all apparent you are wearing one? I can't say I'm not slightly tempted as my posture has got pretty bad lately, especially sat on this crappy chair!


It says it's discrete / you can wear in under clothes. I imagine its vaguely painful/tiring/annoying wearing it for long periods of time, so I'm probs just going to wear it when I'm in my flat.

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It says it's discrete / you can wear in under clothes. I imagine its vaguely painful/tiring/annoying wearing it for long periods of time, so I'm probs just going to wear it when I'm in my flat.
Where'd you order it from chair? I think I may await your impressions first... mind you it is only £6!
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What is that, exactly? Is it just read by Wil or is it about him during those episodes or what?


Its Wil writing humourous synopsis of part of season one eps and including memories from filming. He is planning more books to carry on the series. Ive only read a few so far but its pretty funny, he lays into the writing for Wesley a lot and mentions the hatred people had for the character.


I did want to buy the book properly but its sold through LuLu.com and seemed a bit pricey so I just bought the digital version for my iPod.

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I don't get this, you still have to lean against it in order to get good posture, so it doesn't really stop slouching, there is no support to it.

I don't get where she's sitting. Is it at a table? Is it at a desk? Why is it so low? Is she in Japan? If it is a desk, she should be more worried about her arms, wrists and neck if she's going to sit like that.

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There's a good chance Paul Greengrass and Matt Damon won't be back for the fourth Bourne, so I'm happy with this collection. It's a complete story arc, anyway. I got it from Play.com for the quidco wins, although I wouldn't expect fast delivery from either retailer.

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