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What do you have to look forward to?


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Not much really. I must be one of the most boring people ever :laughing:


Really, my eyes are focused on Uni starting again. Really looking forward to getting more indepth with psychology and there's some really interesting topics being covered this year that I'm genuinely interested in (Biopsychology, individual differences and abnormal psychology). The last year has been a rather big wake up call to the point where I'm comfortable in who I am and what I want to do which is why I'm really looking forward to Uni starting again. Workload will be hell with the commuting but I don't care.


Other than that, nothing else. I'll see how everything plays out and take each moment as it comes to me. Am looking forward to seeing whether I can step out of my shell a bit more this year for various reasons.

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Not much really. I must be one of the most boring people ever :laughing:


Really, my eyes are focused on Uni starting again. Really looking forward to getting more indepth with psychology and there's some really interesting topics being covered this year that I'm genuinely interested in (Biopsychology, individual differences and abnormal psychology). The last year has been a rather big wake up call to the point where I'm comfortable in who I am and what I want to do which is why I'm really looking forward to Uni starting again. Workload will be hell with the commuting but I don't care.


Other than that, nothing else. I'll see how everything plays out and take each moment as it comes to me. Am looking forward to seeing whether I can step out of my shell a bit more this year for various reasons.


I'm starting Psychology on the 20th, for the first year of college. :yay:

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Oh I remembered, I'll be seeing Mumford & Sons this month somewhere, forgot when. Looking forward to that.


And currently trying to arrange going to a theme park with friends... which we've been trying to arrange since last summer already. >.<;

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I have a bunch of stuff that I am supposed to do but I am unable to actually get on with it.


I am looking forward to;


- Pub quiz tomorrow

- FINALLY seeing one of my closest friends in brighton on wednesday

- Sister giving birth to my niece

- Fallout: New Vegas, Black Ops

- New season of house/smallville/supernatural/sons of anarchy

- EVENTUALLY getting to visit sheff again to see my mates


Tomorrow I need to do 'admin stuff' to get my life on track. job centre. CV. Got a job to apply for that will greatly affect all future endeavours; if I get an interview then I can't go to sheff for a couple of weeks, if I get the job then theoretically I can't go to sheffield 'til I book some time off, and I'm not likely to be able to do that 'til january. So I don't know.


I'm really, really not very good about the future.

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Uni starts in a month. Biology :bouncy: At the same time I'll try to get an apprenticeship training position to become an air controller (god, translate three German words into English and there you have it: a million words :D I hope it's not wrong and you get what I want to say...).


30 Seconds To Mars live. And Enter Shikari will be the special guest. I will die.


Falling in love again. Hopefully.


Being myself again. Maybe even finding myself again.

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Dissertation is due in on Friday so it means I will finally, after so goddamn long, be free of educational life! 5 years at uni is fun and all but there comes a point where the capitalist in you just wants to earn some moneh!


Of course, I need to find a new job which is evidently going to be the most fun part! Not.

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Ah yeah, thought it might be something like that. :)




1. University / Leaving home for first time / Life (by Des'ree)

2. Hopefully we're going to go to Florida again next summer...would be first time since 2007, and we need to continue the tradition of going every so often. I'm so happy there.

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If I was answering this question about six months ago, I could have written an enormous list of things I was looking forward to.. absolutely massive!


As it stands right now, I see nothing at all :hmm:


I believe it was Blue who told us "It's kinda funny how life can change.. can flip 180 in a matter of days.."


How right they were...


Ah man :(




I'm not sure exactly sure of what happened as I went through a phase of not using the boards but yeah :( Oh well, things can technically only get better from here (as cheesy as that sounds). You never know what the future holds.


Anyway, I'm currently looking forward to University starting again. Gonna be sharing a house with 4 of my close guy mates and I can't wait!

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