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Your favourite gamepad?

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I think you can buy cable extenders, not sure though.


Yeah the Dreamcast pad was a bit big/overly spaced, but i did quite like it, and of course the VMU (at the time) was so sexy!


You probably can, but what I mean is that the "reel design" or something similar would have been great. How long was the wire from the controller to the end you plug into the port? It's stupidly short. :(


I wanted four wavebirds. I only ever bought the one. 4 would have been absolute heaven. :geek:


The DC pad was just too big for my liking. It didn't have the wow factor for me like it did for others. Also, it seemed a bit odd to have a controller that was so large, yet a console that was absolutely tiny (and pretty heavy actually!). Just didn't seem right, to me.

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Definetely the N64 pad. I remember first holding it and just thinking WOW. I also loved the GC pad, but I have to admit it wasn't as good as the N64 due to a small D-Pad and odd button layout, but the squishy shoulder buttons feel soooo nice.


The only drawback of the N64 pad was the stick clogs up and they don't seem to be as indestructible as other Nintendo pads!

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Definetely the N64 pad. I remember first holding it and just thinking WOW. I also loved the GC pad, but I have to admit it wasn't as good as the N64 due to a small D-Pad and odd button layout, but the squishy shoulder buttons feel soooo nice.


The only drawback of the N64 pad was the stick clogs up and they don't seem to be as indestructible as other Nintendo pads!


It's very easy to open a 64 controller up and clean it, so removing the crud ain't the issue - it's the damn stick getting so lose after however long!

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depends on what you use it for. The 360 controller is my favourite modern controller but it is a disaster for beat em ups like street fighter iv.


ps3 pad is even worse for beat em ups.


I'm going to have to say the snes controller because at it's time it had all the buttons that was ever needed and fitted every purpose it needed to.


Nowadays controllers aren't suited to retro styled games anymore.

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I do find it awkward going back to previous controllers after playing on the Wii. I've recently dug out my Wavebird, and it's a bit disorientating "finding your way around the pad."


It's a beautiful controller, though. Like others have mentioned, the Gamecube controller wires were toooo damn small. Why didn't anyone ever make a wire that could "extend" if you need a few more inches?




Same principle as that. For that sole reason, that's why I have hardly touched my original Cube pads for donkey's years. The wavebird is just more convenient.


I have to say, I really disliked the Dreamcast controller. There's so much plastic that is wasted. The triggers/shoulder buttons are nice, but that's it. Not a fan of it.


With regards to GC pad cable length, although it's by no means the reel design you're after, an official white GC pad was released sometime after the Wii was released. I believe it's a Japan-only item but play-asia do them. I have one and I believe the cable is 3m in length which is really ideal for when I use it in my living room!

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I have been tempted by one of those white GC pads myself in the past.. and I'm even more tempted now that I know the cable is longer :hehe:


I had to put the Gamecube away today to make room for the return of an old friend so it looks like any GC games I play in the future will be on the Wii :heh: This controller would be perfect.. but I'm not sure if I can justify spending over £20 to have one :eek:

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Just move your console forward if the cables aren't long enough.


..for some people, that just isn't possible (like me :indeed:) and given that my room is about 3m x 3m, a 3m cable would be pretty much perfect :yay:


In fact, here is my current set up..


Ignore the walls.. I'm currently decorating

:heh: ..and yes, I know The Simpsons haven't been good for a very long time :hmm:










I cut (very neat :heh:) holes in the back of my chest of drawers last year for the SNES, N64, DC and PS2 wires to go through :grin:


You may also notice the red sticker on my PS2 Memory Card.. That's because I have different coloured stickers inside each game box so I know which game is saved on a particular Memory Card :red: It is a good system though :hehe:



I do have a Wavebird, mind :indeed:

Edited by nekunando
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Just move your console forward if the cables aren't long enough.


And if that doesn't give you enough room, move the TV forward away from the wall. ;)


That's because I have different coloured stickers inside each game box so I know which game is saved on a particular Memory Card.


That is a fantastic idea! Seems so obvious in hindsight and would have made my Gamecube life a lot easier.

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My Entertainment Heaven


Duuuuuude! That's my old copy of DKC2! YAY!!! Love your set up, especially with the clever placing of the Wii behind the TV - looks like it works very well.


I was wondering dude, what size is your TV? (I have a Samsung one in the living room but would love a smaller one for my bedroom). More importantly, what's the image quality of the N64 on it? I've found that on anything above 32in and LCD it tends to be pretty bad so was hoping that a smaller LCD screen might look better.


I've got three consoles and was thinking I might have one upstairs, one downstairs and the other just as a spare in its box. Thanks to N64 games saving to the game pak in most instances, I'd just have to take the game up/downstairs when appropriate!


Also, I measured the length of my GC pad and its definitely 3m! It also goes really well with the Wii!


Hori Pad


This arrived today and I had a very quick go during my "lunch break" from my dissertation. Impressions are mostly positive. It is a bit on the small side and I have quite long (but skinny) hands so it took a bit of adjusting to. If you've got fat fingers you might find the button placement less than ideal.


The stick is excellent. Works really well and I tested it with Battle for Naboo. Haven't played the game in yonks and was finding myself sniping the shit out of everything (unless it was a tank or somat). Felt very natural and GC-esque but the stick has a much bigger head (lulz). Good as it means more grip! Also, my controller appears to have been well-used (I look forward to cleaning it with my magic eraser and isopropyl alcohol in the coming weeks) but the stick is still responsive and "tight" (it's not as tight as a new official pad but along the lines of an ever so slightly looser GC stick).


The Z-button is now 2 Z-buttons and there's one on each shoulder of the pad (they're kinda like the L2 and R2 buttons on a PS controller). I like how they give you a choice but my biggest grip is the location of said Z-buttons. Playing something like Goldeneye is tricky, because using the left Z button feels awkward when used at the same time as the R button and games like Turok where R is jump means that using the right Z button is also awkward. Given that hardly any N64 games use the L button, I don't see why they could have put the left Z button where the L button is so that it's parallel to the R button. Kinda like how the Cube is done. Nevertheless, I imagine I will eventually get used to it.


The d-pad is obviously not very good for any d-pad centric games but I did find it particularly useful for crouching in Turok, as I didn't have to take one hand off the pad in order to do it. I can see a fair few other games benefiting from this.


A & B Buttons are more or less identical to the offical 64 pad. The start button is small and rubbery and funnily enough, the C-buttons seem a tiny bit bigger on the Hori pad. Shoulder buttons are also smaller but sufficient and have a good feel.


It's a very comfortable controller once you get used to it and as I said earlier, provided your hands aren't too big. It's still not quite as ergonomic as the official pad though. If Hori had remade the original pad with the new stick, it'd without doubt be the greatest controller to ever grace this planet.


Conclusion: If you play N64 on a regular basis and want a controller that is responsive and will last, this is worth the high price tag. Plus, it'll be worth a shit ton of money in years to come!

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Nintendo have definitely been consistently the best with controllers for me. Always comfortable with easy to reach buttons, always intuitive. The N64 controller is probably my favourite, closely followed by the wavebird. The xbox 360 controller comes in third for me too, the only issue is that unlike Nintendo controllers it doesn't have the hexagonal edge around the analogue sticks which made the N64 and Wavebird controllers the best for precise aiming.


I'm not including the wii-remote in this because it's not a conventional controller and deserves its own category really. Otherwise it would probably be first on my list.

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Duuuuuude! That's my old copy of DKC2! YAY!!!


Hell yeh it's your DKC 2 :yay:


I was wondering dude, what size is your TV? (I have a Samsung one in the living room but would love a smaller one for my bedroom). More importantly, what's the image quality of the N64 on it? I've found that on anything above 32in and LCD it tends to be pretty bad so was hoping that a smaller LCD screen might look better...


It is 21" and the N64 actually looks pretty decent on it :hehe: The fog in Silent Hill on the PS1 looked pretty bad but, to be honest, when you're engrossed you don't really notice so much :heh:

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I absolutely love the 360 controller. The only problem is the d-pad, but aside from that it feels perfect, has the right weight to it, the sticks are the best sticks on any controller I've used and the face buttons always feels like they respond. I love their clickiness.

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Gamecube controller. Nice design, very comfortable to hold and the C analog stick was great! Rotating the camera in Wind Waker with it felt so natural, then TP lost that ability which felt like a step backwards.


PS1 had a good controller and N64 is a bit of a classic design-wise

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Seeing that Hori digital GCN pad fills me with envy. I wish I got one of those when they could be had for cheep.


The only drawback of the N64 pad was the stick clogs up and they don't seem to be as indestructible as other Nintendo pads!


That dust that's clogging up your stick is the lubricant. Nintendo in their infinite wisdom decided to use some sort of powder lubricant that over time gets ground down into pixie dust. Unfortunately this pixie dust is not so magical and ceases to lubricate your stick. For official N64 control sticks I dump all of the original powder lubricant and replace it with some good thick silicone grease.

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