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I went to the Tate Britain gallery yesterday, not knowing anything about it. We went around casually, discussing the art, and as we walked around the classical (don't know the exact name for the genre) painting rooms, I said "I really love the technical brilliance of these paintings, but I hate how the majority of them depict a really uninteresting scene or event. I like paintings which evoke emotion, and are technically great at the same time. Like Ophelia."


Then my friend was like "What, this one?" pointing across into the next room, at Ophelia. I died. A massive coincidence, considering I had no knowledge it was even in the Tate Britain, let alone that room.


THEN, having got to an internet cafe today, I went on Paj's facebook, casually posting "I saw Ophelia in real life. Added somewhat to my life." Then I read downwards, and saw that Ashley had posted this comment earlier today: "I was watching some Ponyo making off stuff (how cool am I?) and at one point they were discussing how Miyazaki was so inspired by Ophelia that he flew to London to see it. Thought I'd share that with you."


Too massive of a coincident. But then, I have always had a rapport with Paj, and associated people, so its really not that surprising.




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I went to the Tate Britain gallery yesterday, not knowing anything about it. We went around casually, discussing the art, and as we walked around the classical (don't know the exact name for the genre) painting rooms, I said "I really love the technical brilliance of these paintings, but I hate how the majority of them depict a really uninteresting scene or event. I like paintings which evoke emotion, and are technically great at the same time. Like Ophelia."


Then my friend was like "What, this one?" pointing across into the next room, at Ophelia. I died. A massive coincidence, considering I had no knowledge it was even in the Tate Britain, let alone that room.


THEN, having got to an internet cafe today, I went on Paj's facebook, casually posting "I saw Ophelia in real life. Added somewhat to my life." Then I read downwards, and saw that Ashley had posted this comment earlier today: "I was watching some Ponyo making off stuff (how cool am I?) and at one point they were discussing how Miyazaki was so inspired by Ophelia that he flew to London to see it. Thought I'd share that with you."


Too massive of a coincident. But then, I have always had a rapport with Paj, and associated people, so its really not that surprising.





.....You see this is what happens when we get rid of the How Was Your Day thread!

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I was in the Game I used to work at the other day and saw a SNB (stock no box) product with a hand drawn cover...that was drawn by me! Weird to think after at least 2 years (probably closer to 3) it was still there. So I purchased it for a whole penny!

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Fucking hell... Inspiring. Truly inspiring. Talk about being in the right place at the right time.


The first like, twenty seconds of the call were just me going WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA down the line as some old woman tried to tell me her Blu-ray player was on fire.

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Shorty is the king of coincidences. At least once a week while I lived with him (three years) he'd have a freaky one. Of course I can't remember any specific ones but usually it'd be something along the lines of;


"Don't you think it's really weird how nobody in sheffield has a mohican?"


then the next day: "Dude I totally saw seven people with mohicans today. Here is pictoral evidence."


Then the film Last of the Mohicans would start on telly as he tells me this.


Seriously I wish I wrote some of them down because shit like that practically always happened.

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Shorty is the king of coincidences. At least once a week while I lived with him (three years) he'd have a freaky one. Of course I can't remember any specific ones but usually it'd be something along the lines of;


"Don't you think it's really weird how nobody in sheffield has a mohican?"


then the next day: "Dude I totally saw seven people with mohicans today. Here is pictoral evidence."


Then the film Last of the Mohicans would start on telly as he tells me this.


Seriously I wish I wrote some of them down because shit like that practically always happened.

Haha, yeah they do seem to happen to me several times in a week. Just little things. Like a couple of days ago I was sitting in traffic and randomly thought "I've never seen an unmarked police car with a siren stuck on top, ever in my life. Are they even real, or just something out of the movies?" I'd literally never seen one or ever thought about it or talked about it before. That evening my g/f says "an undercover police car went flying past me during my driving lesson today".


They are small things which sound incredibly ::shrug: to most people but I find them a bit weird.

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Oh there are a few forumites who found themselves to have some rather unlikely connections to one another. Jayseven and Ellmeister for example. Ellmeister knows someone who knows jayseven, and then she has a boyfriend who looks exactly like jayseven.

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I fucked my knee up doing a cat leap in parkour last Wednesday.


On Monday, The Gadget Show showed Dom parkouring where I hurt myself and finished with a cat leap on the exact spot I nailed myself.


Today Dom took my parkour lesson. (He's a legend, btw)


Coincidence? I guess.

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Pretty sure I walked past the fish at the train station in town today. By the time it clicked why I recognised him it was too late.. COINCIDENT.


YES! I thought I recognised you! I was carrying a red sleeping bag, right?


On coincidences, a million little things happen around you everyday - what's odd is when nothing similar happens, not when something does.

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Fish; I think Chairdriver's coincident-filled tale is far more interesting than if he had said three unrelated events had occured.


He only remembers them, and deems them significant, because, to his (nay, most people's) subconscious they seem like next-to-impossible events. And, yes, it's far more interesting. But they're unrelated - they're just coincidences.

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Ganepark went to Chair and I's secondary school.




I tend to have things where during a day, I'll hear or have a word come up (in various ways) that'll be unusual, or I'll learn the meaning of it or something like that, then the next day, or very soo afterwards, I'll see or hear that word used again. Despite never/rarely seeing and hearing it for like...ever before I heard it the first time.


Dunno if that makes sense. It's like I'd hear an interesting word like "preamble" or something (more unique than that usually), then next day suddenly see and hear it all over the place.


Though I assume it's just due to being more aware of the word, and picking it out more subconciously.

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