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The Best Moments Of Your Life


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Not for anyone else you wont get it, but with me, I used to go to alot of football with my dad watching Carlisle play, We were always in a relegation battle if you follow your football, i.e. shit.


Me and my dad went to Halifax to watch Carlisle play, an away day relegation dog fight if you like, we were in the shit, they were in the shit. A draw ensured we would stay up.


They scored to make it 1-0, it went 1-1, and again they scored 2-1, oh shit!! then in the last minute GOAAAAAL. Carlisle scored. making it 2-2, my dad usually reserved in everything he does, showed so much emotion, jumping around hugging me and swinging me in the air, i'll never forget that night, I never know why but I always remember that night, the first time I ever saw my dad let out emotion the way he did.

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Every time I get a ferry to a new place, particularly crossing the Solent in 1989 and an eight hour epic voyage down to Brittany in 2004. There's something greatly stimulating about getting on a huge boat that's going to take you somewhere new. Your mind is full of possibilities and it's really quite existential being out at sea with only vague images of lighthouses and such to guide you.

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Playing a computer game for the first time. Super Mario World on my cousin's SNES.


Sharing in jokes with my best friend during high school.


Various nice relationship moments. But those memories are tainted now, by the breakup(s).


It's a really broad question. There are so many little specific moments i remember.

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All of the best moments of my life are probably the things that will ruin what's left of it :hmm:


On New Years Eve, I felt the best and most overwhelming feeling I am ever likely to experience.. but little did I know that 2010 was gonna destroy me. I have so many amazing memories, particularly over the course of the last 5 years, that it hurts so much to think of what I've lost and where I am now.


I am so unhappy :sad:

Edited by nekunando
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All of the best moments of my life are probably the things that will ruin what's left of it :hmm:


On New Years Eve, I felt the best and most overwhelming feeling I am ever likely to experience.. but little did I know that 2010 was gonna destroy me. I have so many amazing memories, particularly over the course of the last 5 years, that it hurts so much to think of what I've lost and where I am now.


I am so unhappy :sad:


Did you split up with your fiancé?

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Getting my current job was a highlight. I actually punched the air and possibly yelled "Yesssss!". Little did I know it would be a bit "meh" in the end. It's still the best job I've had so far, so I shouldn't complain.


Also, driving to Germany was awesome. The week before I had been to Spain with some friends, which was my first proper holiday without the parents. Then on to Germany, which was spent with an internet friend and his Dad (car forum based road trip). I had been to unorganised to book a hotel so stayed at the Nurburgring camp site whilst they stayed in a hotel. My first taste of independence. It was interesting. 1000 mile round trip in a weekend. Win.


Themefest 1 was also a highlight. So many great (and not so great) memories.


NE meets are always good too. I think the 2010 one tops the 2009 one, but only slightly. They were both ace.


Generally anything in sixth form. I finally understand when people say school is the best days of your life. They really are.

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24 views. 24 views and only one good thing has happened to all of us.




Jesus, this was supposed to be uplifting.


I don't think the smiley icon for the thread helps :p


It genuinely makes it look like we have had nothing great happen to us.

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Passing my GCSE's was a good highlight, I remember how desperate I was to get a C in Maths as it was the highest grade you could get on my paper, I remember having to ring my parents who were in France at the time and hearing them cheer down the phone. :)


My 18th birthday, I was completely alone, no friends, family were away again, but my mum left me a box, a huge box, with a balloon and teddy in it, there was a fake newspaper in it, she put down all the things my parents loved about me, how proud they are of me, it was freaking awesome.


Getting into uni, I'd waited years to go (I decided when I was 12.)


Passing my cbt (moped test) I was thrilled to finally be able to get on my dna 50! I was also the same when I passed my driving test.


Finally moving out of halls and then later the shitehole I lived in last year, I'm so happy to be in the flat I'm in now.


Getting a 2:1 at uni, just one more year to go.


Download 2009.



Enough good stuff for you there rez?

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The last few times when I've been on stage in a play. Just everything about it, from the rehearsing to the actual performance to the close relationship you gain with the people you work with. It all culminates during the play, both the premiere and the final showing. The most ecstatic moment is when the play has just finished for the last time and you go out on stage, everyone hand in hand, to meet the applause of the audience.


The day I finished my final exam, the day we all graduated and the following days of celebration with the class. Damn, I'm getting teary-eyed just thinking about it. Those few days felt like the culmination of the three best, most significant years of my life. All the classes, the subjects, the hard work and the sweat; all the lunch breaks in the auditorium and the pauses in general; the fear of exams and the stress of all the huge assignments, and then the relief and satisfaction when we came out on the other side, still alive and perhaps just a bit wiser. I can't even begin to express with words what the past three years have meant to me, but they will forever remain in my mind as some of the best ever, and the few days of celebration with the class after graduation will always stand as the symbol of that part of my life.

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