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Drunken thread ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Just recently came home, night was a great success, can proudly say I won my first game of drunk chess, other guy had no chance against ma gentlemanly play and as a result he drank every un-drunk chess piece on the table and went of sulking.

Then I went off and lost at every other drinking game.

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It's a lot easier to type coherently when drunk than people let on. It's the manufacture of absolute nonsense you struggle to halt when under za infruence. I can maintain my writen composure, it's just nothing I write is worth composing.

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It's a lot easier to type coherently when drunk than people let on. It's the manufacture of absolute nonsense you struggle to halt when under za infruence. I can maintain my writen composure, it's just nothing I write is worth composing.


This is true. One just needs to take their time and apply a filter to what is being said.


That's just not as funny though.

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It wasn't fake I'm just genuinely crap at getting drunk... :heh: I started typing the post when I was just starting to feel drunk and then decided to add bits as the evening progressed, sadly though I kept sobering up and then only getting a little bit drunk so it didn't really work so well as you all witnessed. :indeed:


I don't drink that often hence I'm always out of practice, but being that it was New Years Eve and I seemed to be gradually getting drunk anyway I thought it'd be a laugh to have a go at posting while drunk being that not many other people seemed to be - apart from Paj his post was great - and in the absence of the forum 'greats' who are well seasoned at this kind of thing - Jay, Nolan, Dwarf, Martinist etc - I thought I'd attempt to fill the void but alas I failed. ::shrug:


There's a lesson somewhere in all this and I believe I've learned it... basically 'leave the drunk posts to the pros' or in my case just give up on drinking, it doesn't seem to do much for me anyway... :p in any case I look forward to reading all future drunken posts in this thread as they are entertaining but I've come to learn that it's just something that I'll never be 'good' at... not that it's really something that should really be boasted about but I guess there are just those that are born drinkers and then those that are not, I fall into the latter category and so I quietly salute those that know how to drink and do it properly. *raises glass* : peace:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mmmmm Skittles flavroed Vodka. Green is the best, though it wasn't fully skittle flavored, you coan still tasted the Vodka. I habven't actually had anything to drink, but just figure I'll let everyone see how mbad I type while sober. Also, this seems to be the best place to inform everyone of how tasty vodka is when flavored with sweet sweet delicious candy.


Seriously, it's not too gahard from what I understand. Just let the skittles disolve into the vodka, then distill it to get the little undissolved peices out. Though it does take time. You should also probably separate the skittles by flavor unless you want some weird conglomeration.

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Mmmmm Skittles flavroed Vodka. Green is the best, though it wasn't fully skittle flavored, you coan still tasted the Vodka. I habven't actually had anything to drink, but just figure I'll let everyone see how mbad I type while sober. Also, this seems to be the best place to inform everyone of how tasty vodka is when flavored with sweet sweet delicious candy.


Seriously, it's not too gahard from what I understand. Just let the skittles disolve into the vodka, then distill it to get the little undissolved peices out. Though it does take time. You should also probably separate the skittles by flavor unless you want some weird conglomeration.


Humm, homemade skittles vodka. I should try that sometime.


Shit is easy and AWESOME. Although I think the filtering step is vital. Also Werthers Original vodka is amazing too.










Didn't have enough shot glasses.






After consuming them....things get silly.








Very silly.



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Ok so foo,llowing the whole "cannot use the vabackspace button!!!" thing, here is my hnew post.


I htinkk I'd havre trouble doun t... doing this sober.


today I deciedd to pick up a bottle of knocok-off martini. £2. It#s very nice. Unfortunately I only have pepsi to mix with it, thus my inability to slepep is going to be fubard.


been watching star trewek all evening. The forum s have been brepretty dead. Sahme. But now it gets to pretty much 3am and the pepsi sdie of the drimk shas kicked in and OH NO i cannot sleep. Put... oput.... out of alcohol so I just have to sit here undrunk for a bit unltil it all catchjes up to me.


U I suppse being this drunk would be more intersrting ing if I was more drunk and if I had moreto say, and I have nothing extra to sa.y. . . dotdotdot.


One day. NUIN. wat?

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  • 3 weeks later...

151 is a helluxva drink.


Buuuut I'[m feeling mighty nice.s I had the hi8ccups earlier, but they went away [retty wuick;ly. What the fuck did I just type?

Anyways, I've been emplyoed for just oer a month now, it's nice. Unfortuanately, rumor is a layoff is coming at the wend of this week, I'm likely on that layoff list. Hopefully it won't bee too long before another job if I do get laidoff.


That right there is part of the reason why I'm not aparntment hunting right now, I'km too paranoid about being up the creek without any money so to speeka.It'd suck to be off for 3 mothns and trying to pay for fvarious living expensises and shit like that.


Aha I'm in a chat right now and just giving random peoplme names cause their cho0se names are fuck all hard to typer out sober let alone drunk.

Aha, one of them is arguing the name, but the other isn'[t.

That's what they get for having jducn names...dumb names. Yoiu're all just lucky I you have easy names...plus I don't have to directly refer to you often. Otherwise I've I'b I'd be calling you things like Jonh and Suzy and Kerry and Miss Muppet.


Wait the other one compalinged. I have renamed her Liz, which she accepts, the other dude just is juststs stuck with being cedric. I won't all ow him to appeal his name.


Anyways, jst figured this thread needs a good bump. Drukneds of the internet unite and make the sobersesse laugh !



Should I edit my sig to include something along the lines of "Drunk of 10 (scractch that) 1(dammit!) 2010"?


EDIT Holy crap I typed more than I thought, likel way more.

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Well at least I inspired one person to ost...I'll try again tonight.


You know, it's waaaay to convienet that the arty shop is literally right acroos from the bank. go cash the paychekc then hit the cbooze shop.


I've been on this pagge way to long, not even typing just on it.


anyways I managed to survive the esecond layoff at work today, they layfefdoff 8 people between today and last friday. I'm surprised I stayed wroking, but heelllll yes. It'll help me not be a porr fuck and fuel my drinking bproblem. THE BANK IS ACROOS THE ROAD FROM THE STORE FUKLKLL OFF BUOOZE!


I've had too much 151 toniught


Arrrrgh more wated time spent on here posting this. Stu[piod distracting chat.


Anyways., not enough drunks are on here posting it seems. Make money buy boozeze get druynk and post for my amuzement dammit!maaaan I'm so tiedtired.

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