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Drunken thread ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Red wine is the only alcohol that makes me sleepy rather than wired.


Plus it's the most conspicuous drink to have at lunch, which is a pain.


If you're sleepy then you should come to bed pud, it's getting cold in here without you. <3

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|Have you ebver carried a majnic depressive girl home in your arms? becayse i just did!


Why were you dancing with theat slut?!?! you think i'm some sort of whore?!? why wern't you dancing with me!!?? Answer me!!


All the best love stories start like this. Only the best.

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Red wine does get you drunk quickly but fuck, it stains your teeth and your lips. It looks like I'm wearing dark lipstick, it's annoying. But it's chea[er so what are you gona do?


Buckfast problems. Stains your teeth, lips and tongue. Need to make sure you brush your teeth before heading out!


Apart from that it's the greatest drink in the world. Just enough for you to be in the perfect level of drunkeness before heading out and plenty of caffeine to keep you going! Always have a great night on the 'wreck-the-hoose-juice'.



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Baaaaaack and drunk!!!


I haven't been on is so long. Half afraid just to try and rejoin a community. Half to lazy to do it.


CAPtain Morgan 100 proof yeaaah. Usually I get kraKen, but this is good stuff stoo.


Happy drunkenes though, so that's good at least. I guess. Forever alone awaaaaaay


Watching FLCL

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Oh look! i'm posting in here sober for a change!


So last night my brother decided to cover my arms in legs in hair removal cream telling me it was "moisturiser", about 15 minutes later it started to burn like hell and I had to wash it off. After I realised what it was I thought I might as well do the rest since I'd kinda look wierd with hairless arms and legs but everything else was normal...long story short, i'm now completely body hair free.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Cekebrating the symmer holidays! Basically I'm oretty darn drunk rigjt kow, and typunf on tje phone is certainlt not making things easir. Though I still think soelling errors wouldb be rife evebn when sober if you're not allowed to use backspace. Bur hell, it's fun! We hqd a Die Hard drinking game - that was reallyf fun. Now I'm goingto rtry staying long enouh ror me to ride out this drunkenness.

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Managed to stay awake for a couple of hours last night; I took a long walk around the area in order to sober up, but I knew it'd be pretty difficult. Finally collapsed at around 3:00-4:30, but woke up around 10 o'clock with only a very mild hangover, and already now, an hour later, it's pretty much gone.


I maintain that not being allowed to use backspace is a larger contributor to the spelling errors than the actual drunkenness. :heh: I normally make roughly the same amount of typing erros on my phone as in the post above.

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Sounds like you had a good night dude :)


I'm purchasing tickets for our town beer fest today, the fest takes place on 12th July, I am very excited, I fully expect to end up like -





Also payday today, and a friends band playing at a local pub tonight, so many beverages shall be consumed tonight :)

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Quite possibly evidence that I am in fact turning into an alcoholic.


Discussing how long the day will take when I've only been in work for over 30 minutes, right down to counting how long I've got left to work...(for the record 45 minutes when making this post)




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Does 'sobering up' before sleep really alter the hangover? I've never really done the science. I tend to just go to sleep and hate myself in the morning. Sometimes I do this when I've been drinking, too.


Well, I figure the less drunk I am when I go to bed, the less horrible I'll feel the next day; though I really don't know much about the chemistry behind it. I have no idea if it works, but I've never gone to sleep extremely drunk, and I've never had a bad hangover to speak of. Then again I don't get truly drunk all that often (the other day was one of the few times), so I'm not really any sort of measure.

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I hear that drinking some water (2, maybe 3 glasses) before going to sleep helps prevent hangovers. This, because hangovers stem from a dehydrated body, and alcohol tricks you into thinking you're fine when you do need water.


Not sure if it's true, but I abide by this suggestion and I never had a hangover, even after drinking until my head hurt.

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I hear that drinking some water (2, maybe 3 glasses) before going to sleep helps prevent hangovers. This, because hangovers stem from a dehydrated body, and alcohol tricks you into thinking you're fine when you do need water.


Not sure if it's true, but I abide by this suggestion and I never had a hangover, even after drinking until my head hurt.


This is almost certainly true. Drink as much water as you physically can before you go to sleep and you'll be fine come morning time. My sister (who is a doctor) swears by it.

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Actually it's bollocks. Alcohol, whilst does dehydrate you, requires 4 times the amount of water to rehydrate you. So if you drink anything lower that 20% volume (which most of us do), you're actually becoming hydrated.


There's no way to get rid of a hangover, other than waiting it out.



If you got a hangover from being dehydrated, then you'd also get hangovers in hot countries. You get drunk (and a hangover), because you've got sufficient ethanol in your blood stream, which has travelled to your brain. Adding more water won't help, unless you're pouring it directly into your brain.

Edited by MoogleViper
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Actual it's bollocks. Alcohol, whilst does dehydrate you, requires 4 times the amount of water to rehydrate you. So if you drink anything lower that 20% volume (which most of us do), you're actually becoming hydrated.


There's no way to get rid of a hangover, other than waiting it out.


If you got a hangover from being dehydrated, then you'd also get hangovers in hot countries. You get drunk (and a hangover), because you've got sufficient ethanol in your blood stream, which has travelled to your brain. Adding more water won't help, unless you're pouring it directly into your brain.


It's not just that the alcohol dehydrates you, it tricks your body into thinking it's fine when it should be thirsty. Water is not supposed to cure the hangover, it's supposed to prevent it.


All of that said, I'm still only speaking from personal experience and the words of a nutritionist. All I know is that it works for me.

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