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I really don't like people who think that science is 'just one side of the argument' - that's not how science works, y'fools! This is particularly common amongst Creationists (don't get me started) and homeopaths. I also don't like people who think you should 'just let homeopaths be'. If anything, they need serious education before they do something serious to damage their health or wealth. Why? Because they're idiots:


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I'm pretty useless on the phone too :hmm: I seem to have an inability to make any sort of conversation..


Also, I'm not sure how 'unlikely' these dislikes are, but I'm sure many of you use, or have used, the following at some point..


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On that note - First Person Shooters/Games.


I'm hopeless with them. Hate hate hate. I hate not being to control the character properly, like having to turn and move with different joysticks, and then not being to tell what's going on at all. I only ever enjoyed Halo multiplayer when it was set to the only weapon being swords.

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I was watching The Fresh Prince this morning, and I was thinking the opposite of what you thought, Mr i of Paul. I still love it. It's a bit dated now, but it's still good viewing.


One thing that really doesn't appeal to me is...Comic Book Films. I'm going to be in the minority with this, so I'm not expecting many to think the same as me. But I just can't stand them. Far too many. Also, far too many remakes or re-imagining of older franchises, like the Karate Kid film, the A-Team film. The cinema these days is filled with Comic Book films, lame comedies and remakes. That is why I appreciate it when I do go, because it's usually something I value seeing.

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One thing that really doesn't appeal to me is...Comic Book Films. I'm going to be in the minority with this, so I'm not expecting many to think the same as me. But I just can't stand them. Far too many.


Do you differentiate Comic from Graphic Novel? X-men/Spiderman vs Watchmen/Kick-Ass/Sin City.


If so, I agree, comic films are laaaaame. Films based on Graphic Novels though are usually pretty good.

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Do you differentiate Comic from Graphic Novel? X-men/Spiderman vs Watchmen/Kick-Ass/Sin City.


If so, I agree, comic films are laaaaame. Films based on Graphic Novels though are usually pretty good.


Graphic Novels are probably more "me." I love Sin City. If there's ever a film based on Maus, I'll be there.

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Yes there have been many a bad comic book film, but I can't see how you can class them all as lame, when you have such great ones as Batman Begins, TDK, Iron Man, IM2, which transend differnt genres... and will be remembered fondly for years to come.


Batman and Iron Man are ones I can live with. However, then you have Spiderman, with the horrible, horrible third film. (I'm also not a fan of the other films. They're really not that great) Then there's the Fantastic Four. Elektra. Catwoman. The Spirit. The Alien vs Predator films which may or may not have been based on the Darkhorse Comics. Hulk. Even then, there's been bad Batman films. Even Arnie couldn't save Batman and Robin. :heh: There's even Daredevil, and probably the third X-men film.


FUCK. How did I forget Ghost Rider?


As for the Sin City stories being comics, I always thought they were graphic novels? So, that's new information for me.


Also, I'm one of these people who doesn't like Christian Bale as Batman. So, add him to my list of unlikely dislikes. He's also a terrible John Connor...

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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Yes there have been many a bad comic book film, but I can't see how you can class them all as lame, when you have such great ones as Batman Begins, TDK, Iron Man, IM2, which transend differnt genres... and will be remembered fondly for years to come.

Yea...other than TDK they're pretty lame. Although BB would be better if it didn't have Katie Holmes.


As for the Sin City stories being comics, I always thought they were graphic novels? So, that's new information for me.


I'm pretty sure he's just being nitpicky. Graphic novel definitions seem to pretty much point towards short stories in the common comic format put together in a format more like a novel. A (superior) sub-genre of comics if you will.

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I'm pretty sure he's just being nitpicky. Graphic novel definitions seem to pretty much point towards short stories in the common comic format put together in a format more like a novel. A (superior) sub-genre of comics if you will.


I'm not being nitpicky. The general consensus is that a graphic novel is either a body of work that reprints a story that was printed in comic form, or an original graphic novel which is only available in the format. If you're going by that definition you posted then all the examples you previously gave are both comics and graphic novels.



But really it doesn't matter. :p

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I'm not being nitpicky. The general consensus is that a graphic novel is either a body of work that reprints a story that was printed in comic form, or an original graphic novel which is only available in the format. If you're going by that definition you posted then all the examples you previously gave are both comics and graphic novels.



But really it doesn't matter. :p


Then I'm going to go with once a comic becomes a Graphic Novel, it's no longer a Comic. That way it's easier for me to distinguish the crap movies from the good ones.

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I'm a pretty good judge of things for myself. If I'm unsure of something, I'll check around to see what other people think, and edumacate myself to help further make a decision.


That said, Dude where's my Car was much better than I ever thought it would be.

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Meh I own more graphic novels than comics, I find it easier - such as my watchmen, v for vendetta ones, I do have quite a few hellboy comics but I find I worry about losing them when they cost so much money. Can't wait to get my mits on the ultimate watchmen collection my friend has for me (technically for christmas - long story).

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I'm a pretty good judge of things for myself. If I'm unsure of something, I'll check around to see what other people think, and edumacate myself to help further make a decision.


That said, Dude where's my Car was much better than I ever thought it would be.

I just don't think people can say they don't like comic book movies at all because they disliked some of them. But that may not have been what you meant.

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