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Ultimate Cash-In?


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Just randomly saw this on Youtube and felt the need the discuss this a bit. Possibly, the most ridiculous sequel to a movie that I've ever heard of. At first, I just thought it was a joke, apparently not.


So, here it is.



What exactly is the point? Other than to probably make a quick buck. I mean, we know exactly what's going to happen!


Some people amaze me.

As someone on Youtube said, you might as well make "Passion of the Christ 2"

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HAHAHHAH! I think someone was thinking about this idea, then they had the line that that character says "Looks like history's repeating itself" and then he was like "Oh my goddddd thats sooo good! Oh I gotta make this movie now."




I prefer the re-imagining of the Titanic story.







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There's been loads of titanic films... but this really does take the cake. Urgh. They could've at least gone for "curse of the titanic" or some bullshit like that to at least avoid associations.


Yes. This is the worst cash-in I can think of, besides all those da vinci code knock-offs that have been flying around for 5 years.

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Oh jesus Christ, I can suspend my disbelief when it it comes to films, tv, games for so many things, I can let my imagination just accept things within the boundries of the medium. But that someone would rebuild the Titanic, and then have it's maiden voyage on the 100th anniversary of the original...AND for the same thing to happen...that's just fraking insane.


Onlt glimmer of hope there is I don't see an ice berg (unless it's mentioned... on lunch at work...no speakers where I am..so no sound) and the ship sinks for different reasons.


But even then what's the overall story? A love triangle thing again like the Di Caprio film? In order to make it a sequel will they have Kate Winslet in old lady make-up do a cameo?



Although I do remember back when the first film came out, afterwards there were talks of a sequel that would be the exact same film but where Jack survives at the end, because too many girls were crying in the cinema... Thank frak, they didn't go ahead with that idea.




Aparently this is just a direct to dvd release so at least it won't have a huge marketing push yuo'd get with a full on cinema release

Edited by Mokong
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Oh jesus Christ, I can suspend my disbelief when it it comes to films, tv, games for so many things, I can let my imagination just accept things within the boundries of the medium. But that someone would rebuild the Titanic, and then have it's maiden voyage on the 100th anniversary of the original...AND for the same thing to happen...that's just fraking insane.


Onlt glimmer of hope there is I don't see an ice berg (unless it's mentioned... on lunch at work...no speakers where I am..so no sound) and the ship sinks for different reasons.


But even then what's the overall story? A love triangle thing again like the Di Caprio film? In order to make it a sequel will they have Kate Winslet in old lady make-up do a cameo?


Although I do remember back when the first film came out, afterwards there were talks of a sequel that would be the exact same film but where Jack survives at the end, because too many girls were crying in the cinema... Thank frak, they didn't go ahead with that idea.




Aparently this is just a direct to dvd release so at least it won't have a huge marketing push yuo'd get with a full on cinema release

It is the 100 anniversary of the Titanic, she would have to be over 100 years old.


haha lets not forget


you never know though could actually be better :D

TRANSMORPHERS? really? That is amazing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This was on SyFy the other day, out of curiosity (and maybe I felt the need to punish myself for some reason) I decided to Sky Plus it.


Watched it last night, my god it was awful.


To make things "a little different" from the actual Titanic (the ship not the film) instead of just an ice berg, it is a iceberg being draged by a tsunami. Created when a giant chunk of ice comes off a glacier in greenland.


And yes there is a horrible scene with some coastgaurd/scientists standing on the glacier with saying:

Girl: "if this breaks off it's gonna make a giant wave"

Guy (who has daugher on Titanic 2): "When do you think that will happen"

Girl: "Could happen in teh near future"

*ground stats shaking and ice breaking*



Then when the Titanic 2 crew gets the warning call, there is an owner-CEO guy on the bridge goin "This is the Titanic 2, the most sophisticated, state of the art ship ever built"


Seriously WTF? Yeah the Titanic herself was the most state of art "unsinkable" ship of her time too. Even if a Titanic 2 was built, no matter how high tech it is, surely if any warning sign came up your first reaction would have to be "should have named her somthing else" :heh:


Then another larger chunk of ice comes off greenland, sending a larger wave out. This pretty much dooms anyone in a lifeboat and boils down to the father coastgaurd takin his helicopter to the crash site and diving into the capsized (from the 2nd wave) ship to find his daughter who survived by finding some diving equipment.


Seriously with 2 giant tsunamis sent out into the atlantic, the fate of one ship would be minor in comparison to how those waves effected all coastlines on the ocean :heh:


Oh there's also this horrible moment when Coastgaurds Daughter (names I forget) uses a creditcard and stickytape to cover a wound on her friend because they couldn't find any bandages....seriously a fraking credit card? Jesus ripping off a piece of clothing makes much more sense for you know, soaking up the blood :heh:


SyFy also showed Transmorphers, I Sky Plus'd that too...not watched yet... will cause that self inflicted pain later :heh:

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Just randomly saw this on Youtube and felt the need the discuss this a bit. Possibly, the most ridiculous sequel to a movie that I've ever heard of. At first, I just thought it was a joke, apparently not.


So, here it is.



What exactly is the point? Other than to probably make a quick buck. I mean, we know exactly what's going to happen!


Some people amaze me.

As someone on Youtube said, you might as well make "Passion of the Christ 2"


That was on Syfy the other day, I remember my mate telling me about it. I couldn't stop laughing! I thought he made it up at first until he showed me the trailer and I just couldn't believe it! As if someone sat there and made a sequel to Titanic, lmao.


Tell me thats a joke


Nope, that was also on SyFy. It was 'mockbusters week'...they weren't kidding, haha.

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I thought this was a joke, like the trailer that Dan Dare posted (of which something i saw years ago, and thought how can they have the decency to make it)


And now, i see this new trailer for a new movie. I thought once again this has to be a joke, but no. I too have checked out Syfy and it is on at 8pm.


I havn't really got anything to say, except this. Decency has been thrown out the window, and i can't believe they would make such a movie. I don't know whether to laugh or not really. It looks so so similar to the original, it's like a re-make/re-hash.

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