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Best Gaming Memories?


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The PGR series are still my favourite racing games. It's like the handling was aimed squarely at me. I could make those cars dance. Online I tend to suck, mainly because I don't deal well with people ramming me all the time (that's what she said etc).


Yeah, I got that vibe. I didn't have an issue with the online though because I felt so in control of the cars. Tapping the back of someone's car so they spin out was so damn awesome.


...Fancy some PGR3 Cat'n'Mouse sometime/tonight?


Open invitation to everyone!

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Since the title of this thread just says "Gaming" I'm going to have to throw down the 4 player 2.5 hour long drunk Settlers of Catan seshes had with jayseven, Dan, Nikki and myself. Epiiiic.



Duude, it was "Move Along" by All American Rejects. And we all sang (drunkenly) and I saw tears forming in your eyes too.

Pshaw! They weren't tears in my eyes. They were tears in YOUR eyes. Everywhere you looked you saw tears in peoples eyes.

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..Fancy some PGR3 Cat'n'Mouse sometime/tonight?


Open invitation to everyone!


Unfortunately I don't have Gold Live anymore. I just didn't use it. I will be playing PGR single player at some point in the immediate future though. Epic game.

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Unfortunately I don't have Gold Live anymore. I just didn't use it. I will be playing PGR single player at some point in the immediate future though. Epic game.


Well if you ever get it back tell me!


...stupid not free XBL...

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Long gaming sessions playing Tales of Symphonia [Gamecube]


I'd get in from work around 23:30 - 00:00 and relax for a bit. After I've settled down I sometimes had a smoke, then I would play TOS for about six hours straight, go to bed at 6am and then wake up at about four in the afternoon!


I was really addicted to the game, I really liked the music and the characters.


Unfortunately, I can't get into the big epic games any more. I've tried to get into Fallout 3, but it just doesn't interest me. Hopefully Zelda Wii or something can get me back into these sort of games.

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For me it would be wandering around Clock Town in Majora's Mask back during a carefree Christmas period in 2000. No one bothered with online guides or message boards back then so I had no idea what happened during the day, and that was the beauty. Discovering people's schedules in the game and knowing they'd repeat those patterns when you went back to the first day. Watching people move around over the course of the day and observe how they react to the impending doom. It was magical, and it still is.

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I have so many favourite moments, but I'm going to try and select a few from different eras.


Cyberdyne Warrior - Commodore64


One of the first games I played (although I'm sure it was called Commando, rather than Warrior, but google seems to disagree). It was quite simple, but the soundtrack seemed ace at the time. Including the booming intro music. Woo.


Super Mario Bros 3


To date, my favourite ever Mario. 2D Mario is still where its at for me. Excellent music, lovely map and level design...awesome powerups. Raccooooon Mario! I have memories of playing this with my brothers, seeing who could get the higher scores and stuff. My youngest was a pro at this. When he was younger, he used to get all these stupidly high scores with all these games...dunno why he stopped gaming. He was so good at platformers.


Streets of Rage


Fuck Yeah! one of my favourite games. I remember being in awe of the soundtrack and the fact that you were working your way through the streets into different regions of the city. The game looked beautiful and it played like a dream. The first time that my Uncle brought this game around to my house to show me, I knew it was going to be something special around 10 seconds in. Superb fun.


Ocarina of Time


I actually thought I had reached the end of the game once I had collected the three stones. I was barely even halfway through! I seemed to play this game at just the right time. Any younger, I would probably not be mature enough to appreciate it. Any older, I'd probably not appreciate just how emotional it could be, or how impressive the world looked or how things just seemed to work. My favourite moment has to be seeing Adult Link for the first time and seeing Hyrule covered in darkness. Seeing it go from such a vibrant place to that, it was shocking. Such a brilliant game.


Eternal Darkness


My favourite Gamecube game by a country mile. Played this, and then repeated it on different alignments just to get the extra ending. Loved it. My favourite moment was probably when you played as Alex's grandfather and you see "The City" for the first time, and you get to destroy it. Such a beautiful moment. Plus, the ending felt really satisfying. The cutscenes before, during and after were breathtaking. You knew it was going to be such a defining moment and it truely was. This is probably the best game of last generation that nobody played. In my top 3 of all time.


Soul Caliber


Hahaha, such a fun game. I have great memories of my best mate coming over to my place and we played a best out of 100 match, and the game finished on 51-49. It was actually locked at 49 a piece until the last two games, which he took. Absolutely fantastic memory, and what a beautiful game. It played like an absolute babe. If this game were a woman, it would Scarlett Johansson. Shapely but in all the right places.


Dead Space Extraction


Ine got me this for Christmas, and I actually loved it a whole lot more than I thought I would. I loved the look of the game, the atmosphere and the "feel" of it. It seemed like a cross between Eternal Darkness, Ghosts of Mars (which is a guilty pleasure of mine) and something like Event Horizon. The on-railness seemed to add to it. There's no aimless walking about, you're moving through the game and you know that danger can hit at any time. It keeps you on your toes. Its great for tension. I wouldn't play this game until it was around 1 or 2 oclock in the morning, then I'd play for hours. All the lights off. I played it with this cheapy Wii zapper that my Mum bought as she saw it in town. Something like this:




Which actually works a treat for the game. For some reason, haha.


I love it about a billion times more than I expected. Great game. Again, one that nobody really played either.

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Silent Hill 1

First time I openly screamed (a proper scream, not a squeal) while playing a game.

Bit of a story:

This happens while your in the school

I think the room name is the locker room and when you walk in that you hear one of the lockers rattling.

Opening it shows that there is a cat in there, no biggie but just going to the locker made me a bit nervous.


Fast forward to when your going back trough the school when everything has turned rusted and you have go into the same locker room as before.

Inside I saw the same locker as before rattling.

Expecting something ungodly, I go over there and open the locker.

The locker is very bloody but empty.


So I thought it was a false alarm and the game was screwing with me so I take a step backwards and BAM! A corpse falls out of the locker behind me and onto me.


I screamed like an eleven year old girl stepping on something icky.


Silent Hill 2: Also has a mention because of how incredible that game is.

Especially the ending...


Call Of Cthulhu: The escape from the inn is probably one of the most intense moments in gaming I have experienced.


Bioshock: Because of that one moment everyone knows about

I use every moment I can to quote it.


I have no mouth and I must scream: The part with Ellen in the elevator was horrifying.


Conkers Bad Fur Day: Playing deathmatch with a friend, one on one and this map has the strange feature that when you are in the bathroom, you can piss on your opponent.

Being young individuals, this was hilarious too us.


Shenmue: Finally finding those damn sailors...


Might add more later....

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Dragon Quest VIII - Absolutely loved this game. The music, graphics and gameplay were top notch....put at least 40 hours into this game and is the main reason I had to retake my AS levels!


Super Smash Bros Melee - Multiplayer on this was epic. Played 3 player most of the time with my bro and sis, and the amount of fun we had was crazy. My bro always had the faulty controller which he moaned about, my sister annoyed both of us by playing as Peach and just using her best moves over and over! Ahhh good times indeed.


WWF No Mercy - Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant multiplayer which resulted in probably the most epic multiplayer session in my life. You would probably have to be there to appreciate it so I won't bore you with the details.


Pro Evolution Soccer 3/4/5 - Again, multiplayer on this bad boy was IMMENSE. Played it continuously with my best mate who would always come over every day, over the summer holidays and we were both evenly matched, which resulted in ALOT of pro evo sessions and memories.


Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time - Absolutely loved this. The way you could run along walls, jump from place to place and solve puzzles was too good. Definitely remember this, as my mum used to help solve puzzles in this for me! haha

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For me it would be wandering around Clock Town in Majora's Mask back during a carefree Christmas period in 2000. No one bothered with online guides or message boards back then so I had no idea what happened during the day, and that was the beauty.

The N64 Europe Forums (that's us, btw) and GameFAQs both existed back then :heh:

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And the first message board I joined consisted out of two parts: an OoT board and a MM board. =P

Though I don't remember using a guide or anything for MM. I did use a paper guide to find some stuff in OoT though I think.


But yeah MM has given me lots of great memories. I would play it in my room at night. Following the lifes of Anju and Kafei was one of the best parts for me. =)

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But yeah MM has given me lots of great memories. I would play it in my room at night. Following the lifes of Anju and Kafei was one of the best parts for me. =)


QFTW baby! That was certainly one of the most awesome moments in gaming - the bit when they meet at the end, but they're gonna die, but they love each other, and you can't do anything but go back in time and leave them to die! Heart-wrenching - one of the few moments in gaming where I had chills running down my spine.


That and the cutscene where you put the Goron's soul to sleep (can't remember his darn name!) - and he's being cheered as a hero. It's so sad but so goddamn epic!


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I think the entire game is filled with moments like that though. Like the Deku standing near the "body" of his dead son (the tree at the beginning of the game). Or Mikau dying trying to save Lulu's eggs...

Even just the story from the Skull Kid is sad.


I think it's these little things that make this game so awesome though. You actually feel for the characters.

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That video is a great example of why Majora's Mask is my favourite of all the Zelda games. And yet... I didn't even remember that scene, it's been so long since I played through the game. I have it on VC but I've never played it. I think I will have to now.

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Yeah I think it's easily the best of the series in terms of maturity and depth. It's hauntingly melancholic in places and genuinely creepy too. I can't really remember much about the dungeons though. The time travel is easily one of the best game design ideas ever too.

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The N64 Europe Forums (that's us, btw) and GameFAQs both existed back then :heh:

Yeah I meant more along the lines of "None of my friends of the same age at the time bothered to go looking to chat about it online." Back then we seemed to just get games and play them.

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That video is a great example of why Majora's Mask is my favourite of all the Zelda games. And yet... I didn't even remember that scene, it's been so long since I played through the game. I have it on VC but I've never played it. I think I will have to now.


I got it on that Collectors disk, and all this talk of Majoras Mask makes me want to play it as well.


I have so many gaming moments


Ocarina of Time


Anyone who has played this will know. The feeling you had when you first glanced upon Hyrule Field. It gave you the sence to how vast the world really was, how much you had to do and all that. It was a very magical and moving moment (for the good i must say)

Prince of Persia - Sands of Time


It was great being able to run along walls, perform acrobatic movements and utilizing the environment to the advantage in battles. Something not seen before in PoP titles, and something which has been used since.


Super Mario 64


Mario in 3D, something not done before. It was epic to be fair. All that environment to play around in, new moves and being able to be shot from a cannon. It was all good to be fair, all good.


WWE No Mercy


Royal Rumble's, Tag Matches etc with mates. I can't describe a better experience than this. Late night matches against mates, it was awesome. Won several of them to be fair.


Majora's Mask


What can be said about this that hasn't been said already. This game could be the pinnical of the Zelda series, with the dark, moving and yet brilliant story. Even though the land wasn't as huge as Ocarina's was, there was a sheer amount to do side-quest wise as well. And the game in it's own subtile way made you do these side-quests to progress through the main game, it was something about it though that was just great.


The healing of the cursed was one of the most moving moments in Zelda history. Healing Darmania, Mikau, that dude in Ikana etc. All had moments where you could have shed a tear in sadness and joy.




4 player split screen, Temple, Pistols only. Need i say more. Not really, this was the cause of my several detentions and the lack of homework i did for years.


Perfect Dark


Again, a similar situation with the multi-player. 8 bots, all armed with the face of Nintendo coming at you.

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Heading down after school, oooh about 9 years ago now, to the local internet cafe. £1 an hour LAN gaming on Counterstrike and Battlefield 1942. Awesome times, 12 of us in the room at the back screaming advice and instructions to the remaining players as they attempted to diffuse the bomb or rescue some hostages knowing that a sniper was waiting somewhere outside to pick them off. Cafe owner would call out for pizza as well sometimes. Damn I feel old now remembering it.

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The music, getting turned into a termite (and all the other creatures), the rhyming, making it up to the top of the snowman in Freezeezy Peak, the ever-increasing moveset, getting turned into a washing machine by mistake, the changing seasons in Click Clock Wood and the quiz at the end.


Then years later finding out about the sandcastle codes to unlock the eggs and ice key.

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I had forgotten just how emotional and deep Majora's Mask is.


Indeed, it may not have as grand a scale as OoT but it most certainly wins on this aspect. I find it's the most underrated title in the Zelda game - sure it got good scores but it's virtually forgotten given its release coincided with the decline of the N64.

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Being late for a few of my GCSE exams due to 4 player Mario Kart 64 and Perfect Dark sessions.


Links Awakening, incredibly underrated. I remember trying to do a glitch that supposedly teleported you to a secret room in the first dungeon. Was clearly a lie.


Playing Super Mario Bros in the arcade and not managing it past the first level. Mario with a joystick? No.


Trying but failing to complete Blue Shadow (Ninja Gaiden) on the NES, same with Snake, Rattle, N' Roll.


More recently, spending way too much of my life invested in Fallout 3. I find the whole post-apocalyptic world weirdly interesting.


Countless hours playing multiplayer Super Smash Bros/Melee.

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