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Starfox 64 3D


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the fact that even now they are better than some games that have recently been released who have age and hindsight on their side, just shows how developers have lost sight of what is needed to make a great game.

You could literally say that about any game, though. "Superman 64 is better than some games that have recently been released." You could argue that games these days aren't as good as the games of yore until your face turns red, but it's a very one-sided argument if you're just going to bring up one obviously bad game (Max Payne 3). Try making the same point using Portal 2 as an example.


I don't think people are looking forward to the re-releases of Ocarina of Time and Starfox 64 because there aren't any good games being released these days, period. I think the issue is that there's currently nothing else exciting on the horizon for the 3DS. Especially if you're just looking at Nintendo games, where we'll likely have to wait until at least the end of the year to get an actual new game. Hence why people are excited about thirteen-year-old games.


Of course, it doesn't hurt that they're good games.

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You could literally say that about any game, though. "Superman 64 is better than some games that have recently been released." You could argue that games these days aren't as good as the games of yore until your face turns red, but it's a very one-sided argument if you're just going to bring up one obviously bad game (Max Payne 3). Try making the same point using Portal 2 as an example.


I don't think people are looking forward to the re-releases of Ocarina of Time and Starfox 64 because there aren't any good games being released these days, period. I think the issue is that there's currently nothing else exciting on the horizon for the 3DS. Especially if you're just looking at Nintendo games, where we'll likely have to wait until at least the end of the year to get an actual new game. Hence why people are excited about thirteen-year-old games.


Of course, it doesn't hurt that they're good games.


Oh don't get me wrong there are some stellar games out there, Portal, Mass Effect, Halo, Mario Galaxy, Fallout etc etc


The thing is this is always the case, if there is a lack of decent new content people will always look to where they found good content in the past, i was only making the counter point playing devils advocate


I think your second point hit the nail on the head though, there is a lack of 3DS titles and its the best of the soon to be released stuff

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I think your second point hit the nail on the head though, there is a lack of 3DS titles and its the best of the soon to be released stuff


If only there was a conference held in which companies showcased the games they intend to release in the up and coming months.


Ah well, a guy can dream

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If only there was a conference held in which companies showcased the games they intend to release in the up and coming months.


Ah well, a guy can dream


LOL oh you cheeky bugger you know what we mean :laughing:, currently not a lot are known, once E3 reveals a November release of SuperMario 3DS, Metroid Dread 3DS, Monster Hunter 3DS and other supposed Must haves then we'll have some more to talk about

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  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, can't wait for this, and it says 'ALL NEW" battle modes.


I like the face thing, but what's the fucking point if it aint online? I can look to my left and see what gormless expression my friends are pulling thanks, and their heads don't have to get in the way of anything in the game!!

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Okay, can't wait for this, and it says 'ALL NEW" battle modes.


I like the face thing, but what's the fucking point if it aint online? I can look to my left and see what gormless expression my friends are pulling thanks, and their heads don't have to get in the way of anything in the game!!


Forgive me if I'm wrong... but is the 3DS without online? If it isn't without online, how have you reached this conclusion that this multiplayer and the Kid Icarus multiplayer (since you mentioned it there) aren't online?


To my knowledge, nobody said they weren't online except you.

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I think it's been confirmed that Starfox 64 is local multiplayer only. Kid Icarus is unknown at this point, although if it was going to be online one would think they'd mention that fact when they revealed the multiplayer mode...

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Okay, can't wait for this, and it says 'ALL NEW" battle modes.


I like the face thing, but what's the fucking point if it aint online? I can look to my left and see what gormless expression my friends are pulling thanks, and their heads don't have to get in the way of anything in the game!!


I agree - it's quite possibly the most pointless feature in a game ever. Plus, the camera shots are awful and it updates at 2 frames per second... hardly worth it. Next thing you know, they'll announce voice chat :p



I was watching a video of this and it sounds to me like all the voice work has been redone - same lines but different actors. Has it been announced as such and I'm late to the game or do I need to go get my ears checked or boot up the original to refresh my memory.

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That Video stuff is the stupidest idea I have ever come across from NINTENDO since Pictochat.....


I mean, WHAT IS THE POINT!?!?!


Chances are slim that you have a neighbourhood friend who ownes one and you can get him to join the local play (for he is in your vicinity, ideally, your neighbour) at a specific time. THEN it would make sense, because you're not quite sitting next too eachother (a wall seperates you).


SO, :wtf:


It's just so stupid I can't even accept it.


How can there be Japanese game developers saying:

"Hey, you know how NINTENDO is all about having fun with the family on the couch?"

"Yeah, the great thing is that you're all in the same room; so you can spout comments at eachother while playing, and make faces"

"Indeed, but I think sitting next to eachother isn't enough."

"*laughs* what more can you ask for, tsunobu-san?"

"Well, instead of talking to eachother or making faces, why not make faces towards your 3DS, so that people can see it live on screen?"

"but, .....they're right there....next to----"


"I'll phone Sakurai, I hope we can implement this in that new battle mode."


WHY NINTENDO, WHY!!?!!?!?!??!!?!

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I liked Pictochat! It was a lot of fun to make games and turn based battles. You just have to use your imagination :grin:


I too liked Pictochat. Used it quite a lot in high school, during classes and such for sending messages, mostly obscenities. Must say I was saddened to see that it wasn't returning with the 3DS. I can always hope can't I.

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I too liked Pictochat. Used it quite a lot in high school, during classes and such for sending messages, mostly obscenities. Must say I was saddened to see that it wasn't returning with the 3DS. I can always hope can't I.


Weren't we promised some kind of online-enabled pictochat?

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Anyone remember the:






Nintendo 64


bit with the lens flare across the screen and the eerie and dramatic music?


My fanboy heart is pleased it's making a return, just with 3DS at the end :) Actually I say that but it's only in the trailer for now, hopefully in the finished game as well.

Edited by Ronnie
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Got my N64 right next to me and I could play Lylat Wars any time I want... but I'll be waiting for this to arrive in July lol.


It'll be nice to play through it and have to unlock everything again.


Erm... It's only down for a July release in Japan. It's out in the US in September, by the looks of things, and it seems that it'll be the same for Europe. Might as well play it on the N64 to pass the time.

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Erm... It's only down for a July release in Japan. It's out in the US in September, by the looks of things, and it seems that it'll be the same for Europe. Might as well play it on the N64 to pass the time.


hate nintendo BS like this. 3 months between Japanese and western release dates is a joke!

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