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Mario Kart 7


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If you use a mushroom JUST before the blue shell dives down on you, you can dodge it. The timing is very strict though and you have to do it as late as possible.


Yeah, i have dodged one purely out of luck! I used a mushroom right before it hit, it probably helped that i boosted off a ramp at the exact moment as well. It was an amazing moment! Avoiding a blue shell feels godly! I dont think i could do it again though.

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Been playing the single player and not really noticed/had any rubber banding. :D


Some races I get no blue shells and other times they don't come when I'm about to jump or just finish. :)I have stayed first on a lot of the tracks for most of the race bar some faults of my own like falling off the stage!


I am playing 150cc and Mirror Mode.

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I am trying to get 3 stars in all of the cups at the moment. Just 2 cups to go on 150CC. Took me ages to do some of them because one track would always drag me down, like Daisy Cruiser, i hate that track! I dont know why, but it messes me up big time in this game, i never had any problem with it before. It really annoys me when i win every race and still only get 2 stars as well. The only thing i can think is that i wasn't in the lead enough, or i fell off the track or got hit too many times, i dont know. It is pretty harsh though.


I havn't tackled Mirror Mode yet, i am saving that for next! I'm sure it will take me a while to 3-star all of those too.

Edited by Jav_NE
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I wonder why Blue Shells still hit you even if you drop back to 2nd or 3rd place before it gets to you.


Because you have dirty thoughts when you close your eyes. Don't try to deny it. Miyamoto-San knows, and he is very disappointed with you.


But the rubber banding...no, not again. Why? Why did it happen o the Wii and not the GC, DS, GBA, and SNES but suddenly now it's apparently the only trick in the book?


Oh, out in front by a mile and driving a perfect race? Oh, that's nice, let's just see here, now, where did I put it? Oh, yes....




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Trying my hardest to three star all the GP's... Wtf is up with the AI bullying me? Seriously, i couldnt do much more.


Dodged my first Blueshell today thanks to a little Tutorial from @RedShell so thanks alot for that, it was MAJESTIC! And i did it whilst there was Black Goo all over my screen, oh yeah. But then next lap another one came my way, and i had no mushrooms to bail my ass out!

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Dodged my first Blueshell today thanks to a little Tutorial from RedShell so thanks alot for that, it was MAJESTIC!
Nice! icon14.gif

And you're welcome, glad I could help. :)


And i did it whilst there was Black Goo all over my screen, oh yeah.
Now that's killing two birds with one stone. :hehe:


Trying my hardest to three star all the GP's... Wtf is up with the AI bullying me? Seriously, i couldnt do much more.
Hehehe. Just keep at it, you'll get there in the end. And now that you can dodge the Spiny, that should help out a lot too. ;)

The AI might seem OTT, but in my opinion it's actually perfectly designed to ensure that the single player mode is entertaining.



It seems that a lot of people want Nintendo to change the AI in Mario Kart (there have been quite a few posts in this thread suggesting that), but the way I see it, anyone who wants rubber-banding removed and the CPU item usage toned down, clearly hasn't thought about what that would do to the single player experience.


Seriously, the game would be so boring if it were like that. :zzz:

If you got a boost start at the beginning of a race, you'd literally not see any of the CPU karts until the start of the next race! :shakehead

It'd basically be like playing time trials. ::shrug:


It may seem unfair at times, but I'd much rather have it how it is (and has always been) than feel completely unchallenged and be winning every race without even seeing an item or another kart. :blank:

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Nice! icon14.gif

And you're welcome, glad I could help. :)


Now that's killing two birds with one stone. :hehe:


Hehehe. Just keep at it, you'll get there in the end. And now that you can dodge the Spiny, that should help out a lot too. ;)

The AI might seem OTT, but in my opinion it's actually perfectly designed to ensure that the single player mode is entertaining.



It seems that a lot of people want Nintendo to change the AI in Mario Kart (there have been quite a few posts in this thread suggesting that), but the way I see it, anyone who wants rubber-banding removed and the CPU item usage toned down, clearly hasn't thought about what that would do to the single player experience.


Seriously, the game would be so boring if it were like that. :zzz:

If you got a boost start at the beginning of a race, you'd literally not see any of the CPU karts until the start of the next race! :shakehead

It'd basically be like playing time trials. ::shrug:


It may seem unfair at times, but I'd much rather have it how it is (and has always been) than feel completely unchallenged and be winning every race without even seeing an item or another kart. :blank:


Agreed. This guy gets it. That was the reason why rubber banding and the items were invented with the original Mario Kart in the first place (even Miyamoto himself admitted as much in an old interview). They're equalisers that are designed to keep races interesting. For those that don't want that in place, that's what time trials are for.

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Not really knocking the way Nintendo are doing things, i'm loving that its a massive challenge, it tests your resourcefulness and makes you better. And angrier...

I can attest to the latter part. I've now spent about 17 hours on this game and still find it difficult to get into - it's just frustrating with all the shells and damn lightning. I really want to like this game and I guess what I've read so far is that people who say it's more frustrating than fun are just not good enough at the game or know how to avoid things. So I better try harder, much harder. Hopefully before the end of the year I have finaly obtained 3 stars in all categories. :santa:

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Three star rated on everything! The trick is to always be aware what items are on the playing field.


Its a bit like football, you can be an amazing player but if you never look up to see whats around you, you will never make it. Utilize the map!!


Do you need to get 10 coins onb every race for 3-stars too? I have done perfect GPs and still got shafted with a 2-star, and coins are the only thing i can think of as to why.

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I've gotten 3 stars and not collected 10 coins in every race. Then again, I have collected 10 coins in every race and only got 2 stars.

Hmm, doesn't sound consistent does it. Maybe it's more about avoiding being hit by items and crashing, and only to a lesser extent obtaining coins in order to get 3 stars I'm thinking.

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Do you need to get 10 coins onb every race for 3-stars too? I have done perfect GPs and still got shafted with a 2-star, and coins are the only thing i can think of as to why.


I believe its all about staying on the track and not getting hit. I set myself a target of getting hit only twice a race. And i think the longer you stay in the lead for makes a difference too.


Like Ike, i have three stared events with around seven or eight coins per race, but its good to just cover your bases.

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I was playing MK7 again (unlocked mirror mode now!) and had done two grand prix before I noticed that 3D was off. Thats what happens after playing DS games on the 3DS... you forget what 3D is. :woops:


The DK track that Retro Studios worked on, its a pretty good I'd have to admit. It fits the power sliding really well - like Mario Circuit in MK 64 did before. Might not be a bad thing if Nintendo consulted with Retro for MK Wii U after all.

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I have to fundamentally oppose rubber banding: I don't mind getting my ass handed to me because I suck or someone is much better than me. But if I'm racing a perfect line and then right before the finish I get slammed by a blue shell, a red shell and then a lightning bolt... That doesn't encourage me to continue at all. In fact, that just happened to me and I put the system down. I don't want to play any more. I'm not bad at the game, and the AI isn't better than me, shitting on my race at the last second does nothing except piss me off.

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