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Kid Icarus Uprising


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On a related note, I'm still baffled that people actually want this game to require an add-on


Even those who can't play the game with the current control methods?


Adding cursor controls to one of the sticks should be a relatively simple process. It may be harder than stylus pointer controls, but it should still work.

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Even those who can't play the game with the current control methods?


Adding cursor controls to one of the sticks should be a relatively simple process. It may be harder than stylus pointer controls, but it should still work.


Except that the game isn't designed for the slower and less accurate controls of a dual analog setup. The whole point of the game is that it offers an experience that can't be done with a traditional controller. Enabling dual analog controls would require that the game be redesigned to accommodate said inaccurate controls, defeating its entire purpose.


Try playing Sin & Punishment 2 with a Classic Controller and you'll see why Kid Icarus just wouldn't work with dual analog controls (and that game even had its difficulty slowed down to allow for those controls!)

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Even those who can't play the game with the current control methods?


Point taken. I spoke a bit too generally, but I was actually talking about those who say "They announced CPP, but it's only for the lefties, so it's disappointing". Those who said that don't sound like they need it to play.


Anyway, I'll drop the subject, now.

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Try playing Sin & Punishment 2 with a Classic Controller and you'll see why Kid Icarus just wouldn't work with dual analog controls (and that game even had its difficulty slowed down to allow for those controls!)


I think you have that backwards. The Iwata Asks interview said that the Nintendo reps went in and tested the game with the pointer and found it too easy and told them to make it harder. The guys at Treasure hadn't noticed because they had been doing all their testing/debugging with a GC pad and thought the difficult was fine.


In that respect, it was designed with Dual Analog from the beginning... though its quite possible there was a shift in focus to the pointer controls after that point.

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I'm pretty surprised about all this stand bollocks. There's no better way of confirming that your control method is badly designed when you feel the need to release a stand to reduce cramp. It makes it about as portable as the bloody Virtual Boy you buffoons!

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Unlike Kirby, Pit can actually pull off the angry look so it's no big deal. I've played the game at multiple events and the camera controls felt really slippy and awkward, they better release a demo for players to practice on or else I feel many people will buy the game and not enjoy it because the aiming controls are so bad. It's not because of the stylus - I played Metroid Prime Hunters just fine - it's just the way the camera slides about doesn't feel right. Maybe it just needs a sensitivity/speed option although I somehow doubt that'll happen.

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Another trailer which makes it look like it's getting progressively worse, WTF is going on?!


That grind rail section looked all clunky, the gameplay in general looks to be getting more awkward, all these weapons Pit has look stupid, and theese enemies and levels/worlds don't look good either.

Plus yeah Dark Pit. Even the font in the title is bad.


Not exactly sure what happened, but I've no interest whatsoever in this now.

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Everytime I see something new on this, my heart sinks that little bit further. I've still a fleeting interest in the game and will probably pick it up when it gets released in March (NoE said February in their last release schedule but doubt we'll get it before both Japan and the US) but it's just not turning out how I'd wanted. Or probably safer to say that it's not turning out like the game I envisaged that Sakurai and Co. would create after the first trailer.


Of the Nintendo characters that could be revived, this is the one that had the most potential and it's a little deflating after asking/waiting years for the character to come back to see it in some mundane shmup/hack and slash gameplay. Perhaps Sakurai/Project Sora weren't the right team to hand this to afterall.

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Another trailer which makes it look like it's getting progressively worse, WTF is going on?!


That grind rail section looked all clunky, the gameplay in general looks to be getting more awkward, all these weapons Pit has look stupid, and theese enemies and levels/worlds don't look good either.

Plus yeah Dark Pit. Even the font in the title is bad.


You're nitpicking, that's what's going on. You're saying the rails look clunky after watching 2 seconds of footage, and complain about things such as the title font.


Also, the gameplay and enemy design you're seeing is generally the same as it always was (though Pit's weapons in this trailer are probably slower than his default ones), it's just that, after the bad news (like the stand, or Dark Pit, which you don't like), you're now looking at this with pessimist glasses.


My advice, stop seeing stuff about this game until it's actually released. If you play it with this mindset, you're going to dislike it no matter what, so the only thing you should be seeing next are reviews, which actually contain solid information on the final product.


(Either that, or the gameplay videos featuring the witty banter between Pit and Palutena :heh:)

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Is it really just the voice acting? I'd say it's first and foremost the cheesiness of the dialogue thanks to the writing. :heh: With the exception of that black haired guy. He sounds like the voice actor is trying to talk with an unnaturally deep voice, but fails badly.


Xenoblade has outstanding English voice acting, so I don't see how finally having voice acting would damage Zelda. I can only see actual voice acting mending the damage that watching elaborate cutscenes with animated lip movements for the characters, while listening to them stupidly grunting, does:




That's perfectly fine with some decent voice acting. Throw in some: "A space kraken? That came out of nowhere!", delivered by deliberately young sounding voice actors though, and anything will sound bad. ;)

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Viewing the trailers on a bigger screen than the 3DS' screen doesn't do the game any good. It looks horrible graphicswise, though I know that it looks great on the 3DS.


Furthermore, those weapons? What is that at the end of the trailer, a laser-bazooka?


To me, it just seems the wrong route to choose for such a character. It should be an action-adventure, not a semi-onrail shooter.


I don't think I'll buy this game. Tried the demo of it back when 3DS was about to be released and it didn't really appeal to me back then.

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