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Kid Icarus Uprising


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(The game also supports the Circle Pad Pro add-on for twin-stick control, which is probably the only way for left-handed players to get to grips with it.)


Wait...what? When did that happen?


Edit: It has southpaw controls with no stylus, left stick to aim and ABXY to aim (I want normal controls with no stylus use).



So there's now no reason for it to not have dual analogue...I just need to work out if it does have it.


Edit 2: The GoNintendo review says differently:


There are so many ways for you to tweak the controls in Kid Icarus: Uprising, and it's quite obvious why they were thrown in there. You can change just about anything you want to, and I'm hopeful that all of these options allow players to find something that feels close to right for them. You might have to go through multiple trial-and-error sessions, but the game itself is so damn amazing that you'll find this trial period well worth the investigation.


The thing that absolutely kills me is that there's a peripheral out there that would eliminate absolutely all of these control issues. The Circle Pad Pro is crying out to be used in this game. It would work ridiculously well for aiming and walking. How Nintendo pushed this game back multiple times and didn't add in fully-functioning support for the Circle Pad Pro is beyond me. All you get from the CPP is a left-handed option. While that is no doubt important, I feel that a huge opportunity was missed here. I say ditch the stand included with each copy. Nintendo should have made this game as the showpiece for the Circle Pad Pro. Throw in that baby with each game and you'd find the experience to be a very pleasing one. At least, I would imagine so.


So all the work that they needed to to for dual analogue is actually there, Nintendo just seem to have purposely avoided making the option available.


Now I know how people who use southpaw feel when a dual-analogue game simply ignores the option. The required control method would require a few lines of incredibly easy code implement...but it's completely ignored.

Edited by Cube
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Wait...what? When did that happen?


Edit: It has southpaw controls with no stylus, left stick to aim and ABXY to aim (I want normal controls with no stylus use).



So there's now no reason for it to not have dual analogue...I just need to work out if it does have it.


Edit 2: The GoNintendo review says differently:




So all the work that they needed to to for dual analogue is actually there, Nintendo just seem to have purposely avoided making the option available.


Now I know how people who use southpaw feel when a dual-analogue game simply ignores the option. The required control method would require a few lines of incredibly easy code implement...but it's completely ignored.


When you play it, you'll understand why they didn't include a dual analog control option. The face button controls are a joke option, like the D-pad controls in Meteos.

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But I won't be. Not unless I can try the game (with the left-handed Circle Pad Pro controls) first.


The dual analogue controls would have been a "safe option" for me in the (fairly likely) event that I can't get used to the standard controls.

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I've got to say I agree with @Cube here, unless there's a very good reason that only becomes apparent when playing the game for there not being dual analogue controls available as an option then this will definitely be mentioned in our review... it won't necessarilly bring down the score but it will be mentioned. :heh:


Will have to see what the game is like when it arrives though but at the moment I get the feeling that it's something that could have been added which would have been of benefit to left-handed gamers but Nintendo have opted to omit it. :hmm:


The actual game still looks amazing though, I just hope that the stand/CPP will actually afford a decent level of comfort during prolonged play sessions. :smile:

Edited by S.C.G
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Exactly, why have so many control options that don't make any sense only forcing you to use the default while omitting the only logical alternate scheme - dual analogue - which could have actually offered a viable alternative for many.

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I had heard that Sakurai heard about the CPP too late, and all the dev team had the time to do was implement it for lefties. To be honest, though, what people are saying about the game being designed around fast-paced stylus control is true. There's so much going on on the screen at once - even at lower intensities - that I don't think dual analogue would cut it. I guess you'll be able to see for yourselves later in the week. Personally, I think the best control scheme would have been pointer controls on Wii or Wii U (it could have made an excellent Wii U launch title...)

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Just beat the game with this many hours on the clock:




Bear in mind, that's the amount of time just in solo mode, not including multiplayer or menu browsing time (both of which have added a considerable amount on top!). An absolutely amazing game, with a totally epic final boss battle. Now to get back to replaying levels to try and make a bit more of a dent in the game's huge achievement wall.


Looking forward to seeing some of you online tomorrow evening!

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Just preordered via Play.com


Anyone know if they are any good at posting games to arrive for release date?


They used to be but lately they are pretty bad unless you've ordered say a special edition game in a big box which will ship differently and so will get to you quicker.


Quite honestly if you want it for the release date, cancel your order with Play and re-order with Shopto as they already posted my copy today so I know I'll most likely have it tomorrow :) but if you ordered tonight it would get processed straight away, shipped early tomorrow morning and would be almost guaranteed to reach you by release... as a general rule they will pledge to get the game to you on release date so long as you pre-order by the Wednesday before 5PM - assuming a game you want releases on a Friday - and if it doesn't reach you in time then they credit your account with £3.00 compensation.


I've been ordering with the for a while now and they have never had to compensate me :D you get money back on every purchase too as part of their rewards scheme. [/shopto praise]




I can't wait to play this tomorrow! :hehe:

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How was the condition of the outer box? I'm a little worried mine will be squashed seeing as Shopto don't use boxes.
Mine arrived in perfect condition, it was inside a massive padded envelope.

So as long as your postie doesn't try to cram it through the letter box, you'll be OK. :)

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