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Whilst I generally like a lot of the changes Treyarch have made to multiplayer, the way everyone moves around almost silently is ruining my game. I've always made extensive use of sound to get an early warning of when people are approaching, and from which direction, but in Black Ops it's like everyone has Ninja equipped even when they don't.


I don't have the twitchiest aim, I don't find it fun to sprint around the map stabbing people like a loon, but the skill set I have been nurturing — keeping an eye on the radar, listening for any incongruous sounds so that I can be in a good position to get the jump on someone — has been more or less neutered. And I'm not sure why.

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Sometimes when I buy a game and play it, I have this sinking feeling like: Oh damn, I wish I hadn't removed the seal on this game.


This game just feels inferior to MW2. It's the same system, but with nothing new. If anything, it feels like it came out a year or two before MW2. Visually it's less impressive, audibly less impressive, story and characters are less compelling, the action is more straightforward. I'm only a couple of levels so I may change my mind but I'm really not feeling this yet.


Also I'm hating how they've somehow managed to make an already linear system even more linear. I try and take cover by a rock, I die instantly and get the message "hide behind the coal cart". I try and explore a room, I fade to black: "you're not following the escape plan". Why don't they just save my thumbs some effort and make it on-rails?


The multiplayer/zombies may redeem it for me, we'll see :)


It's just part of the slow decline of CoD in my opinion. I'm in Nam in the single player and I'm really not loving it at all. At the moment definitely CoD4 > CoD2 > WaW > CoD > MW2 > CoD3 > BO. Still, trade in value should be high.


I completed this the other day and for the record, the campaign is brilliant - better than Modern Warfare in my opinion. Loved it.


Online multiplayer is the usual okay, i never really get into it much. The zombies i played one round with some foreigners who all died on the first dog round and then i got ganked :( But the zombie mode seems addictive as ever and i look forward to playing it with some mates later on.


What really surprised me though was Dead Ops, what a great little game that is!


Overall, i like it a lot. Didn't disappoint me like Modern Warfare 2 did.


Played another half hour tonight, the first time since yesterday afternoon, and I'm getting into it (multiplayer, haven't and will not, touch the single player) much more than before. Very similar to MW2 but not as good. I've only played a lot of the levels once so can't comment too much but from a first impression a lot of the level design is a lot better than MW2. Need to play a bit more though.


Shorty; what do you think about the online side of things? That's pretty much the only potential reason why I'd get Blops (props to whoever came up with that name!)... but the mixed reviews make me think I will just wait 6-9 months and get it for half the price.


People trading in New Vegas... madness. Essentially you bought that AND Blops for, what, £60? £30 a game... just so you could play it asap. I'll probably end up getting both for £30. So nyer.

The zombies i played one round with some foreigners who all died on the first dog round and then i got ganked :( But the zombie mode seems addictive as ever and i look forward to playing it with some mates later on.


Yeah, the zombie mode is great. The highest round me and my mates have got to is 11. We still haven't found a decent place to camp in the later rounds though.


I jumped online for a bit of multiplayer action earlier and im quite enjoying it. There seems to be a massive decline in the amount of people camping on this, which is always a good thing IMO. Most of the time people seem to be just running and gunning, which totally suits my style of play. :D


I kind of understand the 'mehs' being thrown around in relation to the single player campaign and I'll admit, I've yet to come across a level or moment so poignant as to make me want to replay it. Granted, I'm probably half way through at most and still have quite a lot left to play so there could be something to come which grabs me but I think while employing a unique story telling device, Treyarch have perhaps gone a little overboard with it as rather than coming together to feel all part of the same story, it just feels like confined events that share some of the characters.


As I say, something could grab me later on. Having play the other 3 big FPSs this year (Battlefield Bad Company 2, Halo: Reach and Medal of Honor), I'd say the single player probably isn't the worst of the games (if I had to rank them, it'd be Halo: Reach > Blops > B:BC2 > MoH) but I'd definitely say I've not had a moment as daunting or eye opening as two particular moments in Medal of Honor, which contrary to what some people are saying (mainly people who haven't actually played the game) is actually pretty decent, or anything as particularly standout as anything in Reach.


As for online, while I thought the RC was a nice inclusion when announced, it's now one of the most annoying things in an online shooter yet.

People trading in New Vegas... madness. Essentially you bought that AND Blops for, what, £60? £30 a game... just so you could play it asap. I'll probably end up getting both for £30. So nyer.


For me it isn't about getting Black Ops ASAP, since I've never been much of a fan of COD, it's about playing something that won't freeze/glitch up every hour and break up the gameplay, plus without save points I'm never good at saving so having to re-tread the same ground and find the same locations over and over gets tedious and begins to not be fun, when the game drops in price and there are more patches out I'll re-buy, since I did enjoy New Vegas.

Whilst I generally like a lot of the changes Treyarch have made to multiplayer, the way everyone moves around almost silently is ruining my game. I've always made extensive use of sound to get an early warning of when people are approaching, and from which direction, but in Black Ops it's like everyone has Ninja equipped even when they don't.


I don't have the twitchiest aim, I don't find it fun to sprint around the map stabbing people like a loon, but the skill set I have been nurturing — keeping an eye on the radar, listening for any incongruous sounds so that I can be in a good position to get the jump on someone — has been more or less neutered. And I'm not sure why.


I know what you mean about the 'inbuilt ninja' as I play with headphones, and listening for footsteps was a real part of my run and gun gameplay. Anyways, some reckon that Treyarch will listen to complaints about the sound and address it in a future patch so heres hoping. For now, I wont be using ninja in any of my setups.


On the , online multiplayer is still a bit of a joke. Stuttering throughout, with some servers possessing what I call UBER lag where the game runs in slow motion. Everyone experiences it so its fair, but it's bloody ridiculous.


And then there are some signs that show that this game is lacking some real polish. Bugs like the game somehow forgetting that I already bought 7 layers to edit my playcard (w/e it's called) and now if I want to edit it, I need to buy them again along with anything else that I used. The game still refuses to record my matches. Annoying. And then little things like the images for perks being horribly stretched at times as if the image was originally way too small, and the exp bar overfilling to the point where its telling me i need -6400 points to level.


All that said, I still plan on playing as much of it as I can these coming few days. The maps are class. Much better than MW2. I think it has really changed the way some people are playing. And some of the killstreaks are genius like that dogs. Really want to get that in a care package drop soon.


And haven't touched single player. Not sure I will as I never did in MW2, and haven't played a COD before that. These days, FPS games are all about the online multiplayer for me.

Posted (edited)

The campaign in this game is ass. Boring, frustrating, confusing, badly designed levels with a heapful of bad AI on top just for good measure. The game also forces you t run and gun way too often, with some sections being impossible to get past without a kamikaze run at the enemy. CBA to play any more tonight. Might go back to it in the morning, might just trade it in for New Vegas. Can't decide.


I'd give it maybe a 6/10 so far. It's a decent looking game and I'm intrigued to see how this story is going to end. Still the worst FPS I've played all year though. Roll on Bad Company 2: Vietnam!


I wonder how much all of those 90% plus reviews cost Activision? Or did reviewers get sent a different game?

Edited by McPhee
Posted (edited)
story and characters are less compelling, the action is more straightforward. I'm only a couple of levels so I may change my mind but I'm really not feeling this yet.


Then it must be terrible, 'coz the singleplayer portion of MW2 was pretty mediocre.


Why are people giving a shit about the campaign? Every Cod campaign has been tremendously average slash boring.


4 is one of the best singleplayer action FPS games ever made. And the russian campaign on WaW is also quite brilliant, to say the least (although I really hated the US campaign on that one). 3 and MW2 campaigns do indeed fall short.




Holy fucking shit... I just unlocked the AK47 (38). You know how it's always been a great gun, both in MW and MW2? Well, it just got even better. Dear lord, I do believe I'm in love.

Only 12 more levels to go and I can stop playing on Headquarters and shit for exp and focus on playing right. Hells yeah!

Edited by Oxigen_Waste
Because it's good.

I started the campaign, it's alright, I'm going in on hardened, died 3 times during the first part of the campaign, online I struggle to even out on my K/D spread, so I decided I'd aim for that rather then score as high as possible.

Shorty; what do you think about the online side of things? That's pretty much the only potential reason why I'd get Blops (props to whoever came up with that name!)... but the mixed reviews make me think I will just wait 6-9 months and get it for half the price.

Aesthetically it's worse than MW2. There are some nice tweaks, but also some unbalanced weapons (flamethrower? wtf.) and the spawning is fucking terrible. Also the maps aren't very interesting and all seem to have the same "dark grey" base palette.


After playing CoD:BO, I feel like putting MW2 back in to remind myself how much more polished the series can be.

the spawning is fucking terrible.


The map Nuketown is a perfect example of this. Because there's only two real spawn areas that can be used due to the size and nature of the map forcing confrontation, many times you'll spawn on one side and have enemy character either right on you or virtually spawning a couple of metres away.


Saying that though, I do think Nuketown is the best of what's available map-wise so far. But then, the rest of the map selection that I've managed to see hasn't been particularly great. As bored as I got with MW2, it definitely has better maps so far for online.


Sounds like I'll give this a miss! I'll probably nip back to MW2 if I'm up late tonight and get my ass handed to me as I iron out some creases.


I was really looking forward to the whole currency/contracts system, but it sounds like that's being overshadowed by a game that was clearly rushed to meet its release date. Major patch to hit before xmas, if there's justice in teh world!


What's the difficulty like then on veteran?


MW2 Veteran was significantly easier then MW and W@W Veteran so just wondering where this stands.


It occurred to me a while back that if you go for 100% achievements/platinum trophy, there's rarely any point in playing the medium-hard difficulty (hardened, heroic etc). The game is typically more frustrating than it would be on Normal, and if you're going to play on Veteran/Legendary/Insanity/God Mode etc. later you'll usually get all the achievements for the difficulty below anyway.

Black Ops Opening Day Crushes Avatar, Halo And Everything Else


About 5.6 million people bought copies of Call of Duty: Black Ops in North America and the United Kingdom on Tuesday, when the game went on sale.


That makes it the largest entertainment launch in history. And Black Ops is not just a popular game. It's a very popular game. More popular than Modern Warfare 2 was one year ago, its creators said today.


Activision executive Thomas Tippl told an audience of investors in New York that Black Ops has sold $360 million worth of copies in its first 24 hours of release in North America and the U.K. this week, compared to $310 million in the first day of release for Modern Warfare 2 a year ago. Modern Warfare 2 sold a mere 4.7 million copies.




Good for them!


Incorrect. I heard they actually only sold 13 copies.

It says so on a forum I frequent, one you also visit a lot too.


So check your statements before posting them as fact.


Surprised to see so much negativity for this game, I for one am really enjoying it. It feels like a lot more care and attention has gone in to this game than Modern Warfare 2 and Treyarch have tried and succeeded at showing how good FPS games can be. I loved the story for the campaign and thought it was fresh enough throughout to stop me getting bored and the online system is as good as it ever was. Really, if you enjoyed MW2, you're going to enjoy Blops.


Or so I reckon, anyway!

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